Cupid - Part 5

Nov 13, 2020 13:07

In case you didn't notice, there's also part 4.5 which is from Ohno's POV

Nino lost the ability to think properly as he watched Ohno getting closer and closer to him. Did Ohno notice Aiba? Obviously! He would be blind if he didn’t see Aiba.

Without thinking, Nino walked closer to the businessman. Was it because of the smile on Ohno's face that made him look extra dazzling today? Or perhaps the way he dressed? Ohno didn't dress sloppily in jeans and t-shirt like yesterday. He wasn't even in his usual boring suits. Instead, Ohno wore a pair of jeans with a red check-patterned shirt. He didn't put on the button for the first three so Nino could see a black t-shirt he's wearing. To make him look even more charming, Ohno also put on a black vest. Wow, he did his best to dress up for the date.

His mind went blank as he stood in front of Ohno. Nino couldn't remember how he ended up kissing Ohno on the lips. It was simply a chaste kiss at first. Once he realized what he was doing, he wanted to pull away. But, Ohno pulled him closer, kissing him deeper. And Nino couldn't stop himself from responding to the kiss. Wow, Ohno was a great kisser. That's the only thing he could think about.

"Satoshi, you forget… oops!"

Both Nino and Ohno pulled away when they heard Sho's voice. The assistant was standing a few feet from them with his eyes wide open.

"Damn! Why do you interrupt them?"

A very familiar voice said from behind Nino, reminding him of the person who had come to his apartment early in the morning. Aiba Masaki. His ex-boyfriend was here to ask him out for breakfast. After leaving him for years, Aiba was now back in Japan. For what, Nino had no idea. Perhaps he was here to be together with Nino again.

Nino shook the idea away when he looked at Aiba. No sign of jealousy to see him kissing another guy. Instead, Aiba seemed happy. So, his ex-boyfriend was not here to get him back, Nino assumed. Hmm… he felt sad to know that.

"Little Cupid, are you okay?" Ohno asked softly. Nino turned around to look at the businessman and he regretted the action almost immediately. They were too close to each other and it reminded Nino of the kiss they shared earlier. Oh my, why was he so stupid? Why did he kiss Ohno?

"Little Cupid?" Aiba repeated, making Nino wish he could dig the ground and hide. "You call Kazu-chan Little Cupid? That's cute,"

Ohno only responded with a shy smile. But, Nino could notice Ohno was uncomfortable to see Aiba here. Did he know what kind of relationship Nino had with Aiba? Perhaps the blabbermouth Jun had told him about Nino's previous relationship.

"Masaki…" Nino cleared his throat. To be honest, he wanted to chase Aiba away. He wasn't ready to face his ex-boyfriend yet. But Ohno was here. He would ask questions if he did so. "Why are you here?"

"To meet you, Kazu-chan," answered Aiba cheerfully. Aiba was always bright. He was brimming with positivity and that’s how Nino was attracted to him. They were childhood friends before Nino realized he liked Aiba more than a friend. As Aiba also shared the same feeling, they started dating. If only Aiba didn’t leave him for volunteer work…

“I should probably call you before I come. But, I lose your number. You know how clumsy I am, right?” Aiba continued, oblivious to the mixed emotions Nino was having right now. “Anyway, who is this person with you? Don’t you want to introduce us? He must be your boyfriend, right?”

Nino gulped, not knowing what to do about this. He had just kissed Ohno in front of Aiba. So, it’s natural for Aiba to assume they were a couple. But, if he lied about his relationship with Ohno, how would the businessman feel? He knew Ohno had feelings for him. So, if he gave him hope by pretending to be his boyfriend, wouldn’t it be cruel? More than anything, Nino didn’t want to hurt Ohno because he had started to care about him.

Then, he felt Ohno squeezing his hand. Nino turned to look at Ohno, trying to decipher what the gesture meant. Ohno nodded his head and Nino frowned in return. What did he mean by that?

“Ohchan, this is Masaki. Masaki, this is Ohchan,” Nino introduced the two of them. That part was easy to do. He still hesitated to lie to Aiba about Ohno.

But, they’re going to go on a date. He wouldn’t deny that he might fall in love with Ohno. And Ohno already liked him. And, Jun also called Ohno his boyfriend. So, maybe, it wasn’t wrong to admit that Ohno was indeed his boyfriend, right?

Taking a deep breath, he continued, trying to sound confident. “You’re right. Ohchan is my boyfriend,”

Upon hearing the confirmation, Aiba clapped his hands excitedly. And to his relief, Ohno didn’t deny the news. Instead, he acted as if it was long established that the two of them were a couple by wrapping his arm around Nino’s waist.

“I’m so happy for you, Kazu-chan!” exclaimed his ex-boyfriend. No sign of resentment whatsoever because of the news, proving once again that he wasn’t here to get back together with Nino. “That’s why you’re hesitating when I ask you to go out with me, right? Sorry for bothering you two. You must have somewhere to go, right? Is it a date?” Aiba continued to blabber.

“Yes, we’re going out on a date,” Ohno answered for him. “But, we’re going to eat breakfast first. Would you like to join us?”

“Of course not,” Aiba rolled his eyes. “I shouldn’t bother the two of you. I will just go and have breakfast with your friend,”

Aiba pointed at Sho behind them. Nino had forgotten the assistant was there because he was too quiet. Sho must be watching them with amusement.

“Eh?” Sho was surprised when he realized Aiba was pointing at him.

“Let’s go, handsome,” Aiba said, walking towards the assistant. “Don’t bother the lovebirds,”


Sho couldn’t say anything because Aiba already dragged him to the elevator. Nino and Ohno watched Aiba and Sho disappear with a frown. Neither of them understood what had just happened.

"Do you think he likes Sho-chan?”Ohno asked, breaking the silence between them. “Or, did he do that to make you jealous?”


"You kiss me because you want to make him jealous, right?"

Did he? Nino didn't know the answer but it made sense. Why else would he be kissing Ohno, then?

Nino raised his face to look at Ohno apologetically. He felt guilty for dragging Ohno into this mess. He stood still, waiting for Ohno to yell at him because of what he did. However, the businessman simply stared at him with his signature soft smile. He didn't seem to be angry and it made Nino confused.

"It's okay, Little Cupid," Ohno said before he leaned forward and kissed Nino's forehead. Nino's eyes widened, surprised by what he did. "I saw the way you look at Masaki. He must be someone special to you, right? One day, I hope I could take his place in your heart," Even though Ohno seemed to be sad, there's also determination in his eyes. "Thanks to the kiss, I realize how much I love you. I'm not going to give up. Today, you kissed me to make him jealous but I'm sure one fine day, you will kiss me because you love me,"


Nino didn't know how to react. He wasn't sure how he felt right now. As Ohno said, Aiba was indeed special. And maybe Ohno was right. Maybe he did kiss Ohno because he wanted to make Aiba jealous. And it was painful to think that his action did not affect Aiba.

"Are we still going to the aquarium?" Ohno asked softly. "Or do you need to rest? I'm sure you have…"

"Let's go," Nino cut him off. What he did earlier was stupid and he had accidentally hurt Ohno's feeling. The least he could do was honouring a promise. He had agreed to go on a date with Ohno and that's what he would do.

"Are you sure? If you want to…"

"Un!" Nino nodded his head. It touched his heart to see the way Ohno still prioritized his well-being despite what he did earlier. "But, I'm not in the mood to make breakfast so…"

"I can make it for us while you go and get ready,"

That wasn't what he initially thought of doing. Going to a cafe might be better. But, if Ohno wanted to cook for him, he would gladly receive the offer.

"What is that?" Nino said, pointing at Ohno's pocket. Something that resembled a heart peeking out of the pocket and it made Nino curious to know what it was.

The two of them were eating French toast that Ohno made for breakfast. It was a simple meal but Nino appreciated it.

“This?” Ohno asked for confirmation, taking out the thing in his pocket. Expected to see a heart-shaped accessory, Nino blinked his eyes when he saw something completely different.

“A fish?” Nino couldn’t believe what he saw.

“It’s cute, isn’t it?” The businessman grinned and then put it back in his pocket.

“Okay, it’s cute,” Nino agreed even though it was ridiculous to put it on. But, on the second thought, maybe it wasn’t a bad idea. “You look great today. Because of that, I have to dress properly too,”

Nino looked down at the outfit that he was wearing. He didn’t know how to dress up. He simply wore a plain grey long sleeve t-shirt with a pair of jeans. When they go out later, he would put on a fancy black jacket that Jun bought for him.

“You look great in everything you wear, Little Cupid,” said Ohno. He reached out to stroke Nino’s hand softly. “This is the first time I go out for a date and I don’t know what to wear. So, I went shopping. I saw a mannequin wearing this coordination. It’s cute so I bought it,”


“Un,” Ohno nodded his head. “The person in the store said it looks good on me,”

“Of course he would say so. He wants you to buy it,”

“Eh?” Ohno pouted as he glanced at the outfit he was wearing. “It doesn’t look good on me?”

Nino gulped. He had to admit, Ohno indeed looked extra handsome today because of the outfit. But, he didn’t want to say it out loud. It’s too embarrassing.

“Let’s eat quickly,” Nino said, changing the subject. Ohno was startled at first because of the sudden change. But, when he realized why Nino did that, he smirked at Nino.

“I look cute, right?” Gloated Ohno. Nino simply stuck his tongue out at Ohno.

The two of them continued eating by making small talks from time to time. They talked about why Sho suddenly appeared earlier. Apparently, Ohno left his phone in the car and Sho came to return the phone. However, because Aiba unexpectedly dragged him away, he would keep the phone first. And the silly Ohno didn’t even realize the phone was gone. Not until Nino received the text from Sho informing him that Ohno’s phone was with him. When the businessman heard it, he simply scratched his head. But, he didn’t seem to mind not having it with him.

After they were done eating, both Ohno and Nino walked together to the train station. At first, Sho was supposed to send them to the aquarium. But, as Aiba kidnapped him, the two of them had to make do by using public transportation. As expected, the rich man never took public transport before. So, Ohno had a hard time understanding the map, which Nino found entertaining to watch. Ohno was so cute scrutinizing his eyes to look at the name of the stop. The businessman was too preoccupied with checking the name of the stop so he didn’t notice Nino took a few pictures of him. And Ohno was adorable in every picture that he took.

After 30 minutes of commuting, they finally arrived at the aquarium. Because they chose to come on the weekend, the place was swarming with people. Luckily, they already bought the ticket so they don’t have to queue.

“Why do you want to come here?” Nino asked as Ohno scanned the pamphlet to see which section to visit first.

“Hmm… I don’t know what else to do…” Answered Ohno, scratching his head. “This is my first time going on a date, remember? And you agree… so, I think it’s normal to go here for a date,”

Well, Nino agreed to go to the aquarium because he thought it would be relaxing. At least, if they ran out of things to talk about, they could talk about the strange creatures lurking in the aquarium.

“What do you want to see first, Little Cupid?”

“Hmm…” Nino looked over the pamphlet that Ohno was holding. He didn’t have anything in particular that he wanted to see. “How about we just go with the flow?”

Ohno nodded in agreement. He extended his hand and Nino took it without hesitation.


A/N: I hope this is okay.
Aiba may seem to be happy with Ohmiya going out but there's still a possibility he was just pretending. We will see how it goes.
And Nino was still confused why he kissed Ohno. But, later, he will realize why he did so, which may have nothing to do with making Aiba jealous.
I guess you must have realized that I refer to an episode of Mannequin Five SP for what Ohno was wearing during the date. I love to see him in that outfit. It was my fav coordination out of what he wore for the SP. But, the one I love the most was the one with leather jacket. Too bad he didn't go for that look and choose another jacket.
I will close this poll on Wed Nov 18th. All your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated 😊😊

ohmiya, cupid, fanfic

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