How Dare You! - Part 7

Apr 15, 2020 22:04

“She is someone that I used to like but she used me,”

Oh… that was their relationship.

It wasn’t a surprise to know they were not ex-lovers. His reason was simple. Ohno kept calling her Serina nee-chan. If there's something romantic between them, he would call her something else. Something cuter. Maybe Rina.

But, that wasn't his concern right now. He wanted to know how the bitch had used Ohno. But, before he could ask, Ohno's phone started to ring.

"Should I answer the call?" Ohno asked, glancing at his phone on the table. "No caller ID,"

"Just reject the call, then," He suggested. Ohno did as he was told.

But, the phone rang again mere minutes after that. And once again, Ohno rejected the call.

"If the same number calls again, just answer it," Nino said. "It could be something important if the caller is persistent,"

And, as soon as Nino said that, the same person called again. With a sigh, Ohno answered the call and put it on loudspeaker so Nino could hear the conversation as well.

"Hello, Satoshi!" The cheerful voice of Serina greeted them, causing Nino to scowl. No wonder the phone didn't stop ringing. Urgh, she always knew how to bother them. How did she know Ohno was with him? "Why did you reject my call, Satoshi?"

Ohno glanced at him, seeming uncertain to continue the conversation. But, Nino only gave him a smile to let him know he's okay. In fact, he wanted to know what she's up to this time.

"Sorry, nee-chan. I didn't know it was you. I thought it was a scammer,"

Nino almost laughed. A scammer? Somehow, it sounded like Ohno was mocking her by calling her that.

"You didn't have my number?" She said, sounding dejected. "How could you?"

Did she think it was cute of her to act like this? No, it's not cute at all.

"Why do you call, nee-chan?" Ohno asked. He didn't even try to hide how unhappy he was. "I'm kinda busy right now,"

"Oh…" She didn't sound flirty this time. It must be frustrating for her as Ohno was once again neglecting her. "Can you come to my house? I need help to set up my furniture,"

She sounded hopeful. Hearing her request, Nino instantly felt worried. Maybe she really needed Ohno's help. But, maybe she also had another reason for asking him. Alone with her in the house… who knows what she might do to Ohno? Hopefully, Ohno won't agree.

"Sorry, nee-chan," Ohno apologized, looking straight at Nino this time. "I have something to do. So, I cannot go to your house,"

Serina stayed silent. She didn't say anything. It was too quiet which made Nino think that she had already ended the call. But, she was still there as they could still hear her breathing.

"Satoshi…" She suddenly started to whine. "You have changed!”

“Serina nee-chan…” Ohno looked guilty. Nino felt sorry at Ohno for having someone like Serina in his life. She was so unreasonable. “I’m still the same person,”

“No…” She continued grumbling. Truthfully, Nino wanted to interfere but… Hmmm… He should probably let Ohno settle this. He believed Ohno knew how to handle Serina. “Before this, if I need anything, you will come straight away. But, now…”

“It’s because the situation is different now. I have…”

“See… That’s why I say you’ve changed. You put him before me,”

“Serina nee-chan…” Ohno took a deep breath, trying to control his anger. Nino was amused that Ohno could remain calm in this situation. If it was him, he didn’t think Serina would dare to throw a tantrum like this. “As I said, the situation is different. I have Kazunari now. I cannot go to you when you need help if Kazunari also needs me,”


“I’m sorry but I cannot help you. Kazunari is not feeling well so I have to take care of him. If you need to do it today, just get someone else to help you. Bye,”

Nino almost gasped when Ohno suddenly ended the call when Serina hadn’t finished talking yet. In fact, he even switched off his phone. Wow, that was unbelievable! He certainly didn’t expect Ohno would treat her like this.

Ohno looked pissed off when he put the phone away and it made Nino feel anxious to talk to him. But, when he cast a look at Nino’s direction, he smiled softly.

“Sorry for that,” Ohno apologized. Nino returned the smile and started to caress Ohno’s back softly, hoping to ease the tension that he felt right now. Ohno gave him another fond smile before putting his head on Nino’s shoulder, whispering words of love. Thank God Aiba wasn’t here. He didn’t want Aiba to see how his face turned red because of Ohno.

“It’s not good to lie, Satoshi…” Nino said, trying to stop Ohno from being sappy.

“What did you say?” Ohno raised himself and turned sharply to look at Nino with eyes opened widely.

“I say… it’s not good to lie,”

“No… not that. I mean what did you call me?”


Nino could feel himself flushing remembering what he had called Ohno just now. He had called Ohno by his first name for the first time. Urgh, it’s embarrassing!

“What…” Nino tried to hide how he truly felt. “If she can call you Satoshi, I should call you Satoshi too,”

“Of course you can!” Ohno leaned forward and put a kiss at the corner of his lips. “But, I love the nickname you gave me before,”

“Oh… Do you mean stupid idiot dumb Maou? It’s too long to say, you know,” Nino retorted. “Anyway, why do you lie to her?”

“Hmm…” Ohno tilted his head and tapped his chin. “I didn’t lie to her,”

“You said I’m not feeling well. As you can see, I’m perfectly healthy,”

“Well… physically. Emotionally, you’re in a bad mood because of her,” Ohno countered, which made Nino speechless as he remembered what had happened. “So, I’m here to… you know… to assure you of how much I love you,”

“Shut up!” Nino said, feeling embarrassed once again. “You better cut the vegetables or we will not have anything to eat for lunch,”

Ohno simply chuckled as he continued to cut the vegetables while Nino prepared the meat. They were surrounded by a comfortable silence before Nino realized that Ohno hadn’t told him yet what happened between him and Serina in the past. But, he decided to wait until they eat before resuming the conversation.

“Say…” He initiated the conversation as both of them were relaxing together in the living room after eating. He lied on the couch, using Ohno’s lap as a pillow. “How did she use you?”

Hopefully, Ohno would answer him. But, if he didn’t want to do so, Nino was okay with it. He could guess it was something similar to what happened today.

“Hmm…” Ohno looked ready this time to answer. Maybe it’s because Nino had seen a glimpse of his relationship with Serina. “Do you think she is pretty?”

Nino rolled his eyes at Ohno, totally didn’t expect that would be how Ohno would answer his question. He chose not to answer. Serina might be pretty but the way she behaved ticked him off.

“She was always in our house, hanging out with my sister. Talking. Gossiping,” Ohno resumed when Nino didn’t answer him. “I was a bit weird at school so I don’t really have a friend. Some people bullied me but Serina nee-chan… hmmm… she’s always nice to me and it makes me like her,”

Nino simply listened. He wondered how the story would go and if it was the same as what he imagined.

“She was in a bad relationship and she had started to change since then. But, she was still nice to me,”

“What kind of relationship?” Nino asked curiously.

“Hmm… I don’t really know the details. But, after she broke up with her boyfriend, as I said, she was different. Hmm... how to explain?” Ohno scratched his head. It was cute to see Ohno being clueless like that. “She constantly changed her boyfriend,”

“But… she was never in a relationship with you?”

Nino asked for confirmation and Ohno shook his head.

“She knows I like her but she didn’t want to be with me. She didn’t like me in the same way, that’s what she said. I was… hmmm… you know… like…"

Seeing Ohno struggle to find the right words to explain was totally enjoyable for Nino. So he laughed.

"I don't want to tell you anymore," Ohno pouted

"Awww… please don't be like this. I will not laugh again," Nino raised his right hand as a promise. Ohno was still pouting so Nino pulled him closer and kissed him. After the short kiss, Ohno had a smile on his face again.

"You're really good at seducing, Kazunari," Ohno pinched his cheek.

"Stop pinching my cheek and continue,"

"Hmmm… don't laugh again, okay?"

"Yes, I promise,"

Ohno narrowed his eyes, clearly doubting Nino's promise. But, he continued the story despite his doubt.

"Serina nee-chan… after her first breakup, she always wants people to treasure her. And she kept me around her because she knows my feelings. She knows that no matter what, I will always put her first. Even if she broke up with her boyfriend, she had me to cheer her up. It made her feel good to know that at least one person, which is me, loves her,"

"And you're okay with that?" Nino asked. He didn't really understand but he thought it was twisted to treat people like that. Maybe she had become like that because of her first boyfriend and he ought to feel sorry for her. But, with the way she tried to bother them, urgh, Nah…

"I was young and naive. I just thought it's okay to be treated like that as long as she keeps me with her even if it's not in the way that I want. I didn't realize I was just her toy to make her feel loved and wanted. My naive self simply hoped that one day she will realize that she actually loves me,"

"Maybe she loves you. Look at the way she…"

"Nah…" Ohno stopped him with a finger on his lips. "She is just unhappy to know that I have moved on from her,"

"When did you get out of that unhealthy relationship?"

"When she left for New York without telling me," Ohno said. There was a distant look in his eyes. "When I was with her… my confidence level was really low. I kept thinking about why she rejected me. She made me think that I'm not good enough for her. And then she left me. Without saying goodbye. I was depressed. After everything that had happened, she just left me. Can you imagine how I feel?"

Nino felt like Ohno wasn't really asking him. It was just his way of expressing his feelings. So, he didn't answer him.

"And then I saw my angel two years ago," A weird smile was on Ohno's face. "We haven't known each other yet, right, at that time. But, I saw you during a break, trying to comfort a girl who was just rejected by the guy she likes,"

What Ohno said was just too familiar for him. He remembered that day as if it had happened yesterday. It was around the time he started working here. And he recalled what he had said to the girl when he saw her crying.

"It's his loss, right? Not yours. Just because he doesn't think you're good enough for him, it doesn't mean everyone will think of you like that. One day, you will find someone who knows how to appreciate you and you will think it was really silly of you to cry for him today,"

Ohno said the exact words that he had told the girl on that day. He was surprised, totally didn't expect he had an audience on that day.

"It changed me. I've started to see things in a different way. I realized that my life doesn't revolve around her and I started to feel confident with myself,"

Nino didn't know what to say. He thought this would be a story of Ohno and Serina. He didn't expect to be involved in the story like this.

Ah… he widened his eyes, recalling what Ohno had told Serina during lunch. About how Ohno had become more confident because of him. He thought it was just something he said to annoy Serina. But… Ohno had really meant it.

"And you like me since that day?" He asked. Ohno laughed in response.

"Of course not. I didn't know you," Ohno answered. "And I didn't see you anymore after that. But, when we met again, I think it was destiny. And when I see you with your friends… it made me like you. You look like a bully… with how you often make fun of others especially Aiba chan. But, I can see how much you care for them despite your harsh words. It was totally different from Serina chan. She treated me nicely but she was actually using me,"

"Sweet talker," Nino retorted. To be honest, he didn't know how to react. Ohno knew him well.

"And about our lunch date… sorry for ruining it…"

"Why do you bring her?" Nino asked. The lunch date was a disaster, thanks to her. But, there's a silver lining after all.

"Because I know she will keep pestering me. I don't want to be alone with her anymore. And I think it will be a perfect way to let her know that I have moved on. But, I don't think it works because she is still bothering us,"

Ah… the phone call this afternoon. Did she understand that Ohno didn't want her anymore? Nah… Nino was sure she would bother them again. And he had to be ready for it.

But… let's not think about her right now. It's time to focus on Ohno. He sat on Ohno's lap, ready to kiss him when the door was opened.

"Eh?" Aiba asked innocently when Nino glared at him. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Aren't you too early to return from your date with Sho chan?" Nino asked, didn't bother to hide his annoyance because he had been interrupted by Aiba again.

"It's not a date," Aiba quickly denied even though his face was red. Nino immediately stood up from Ohno and approached Aiba, deciding to tease his friend instead.

"Then what is it?"

"Just going out with a friend," Another denial. "I don't want to bother you and Ohchan. So, I asked Sho chan and Matsujun to go out. But, Matsujun has something else to do. That's why I was alone with Sho chan,"

"Ah…" Made sense. But, of course, Nino still wanted to tease him because he knew Aiba and Sho like each other. "It's not good to be in denial, Aiba chan,"

He used Aiba's own advice against him.

"Not in denial," Aiba clarified. "Just enjoy your time with Ohchan. I want to take something and don't worry, I will not come home tonight. I'll sleep in Sho chan's house,"

"Wow!" Nino whistled. "You guys are fast,"

"Not to do what you think." Aiba smacked his head.

"Okay, whatever," He stuck his tongue out at Aiba. "Satoshi, let's go to my bedroom. Less distraction,"

When he arrived at work on Monday with Aiba, Sho and Jun were already there. And, someone else was with them. It was Serina. Urgh, it's early in the morning and she already spoiled his mood to see her face.

"If you want to see Satoshi…" he said without looking at her. "... he will come late. He has a meeting outside,"

It's not true. But, he wanted her gone before Ohno arrived.

"It's not him I want to see," Serina said. She didn't speak in her usual acting cute kind of way. Her tone was cold. "I want to see you,"

Poll A/N: Hope that this isn't weird. This is what I have in mind when I first introduced Serina in the story. The way she bothered OhMiya seems to suggest she is bad but maybe there's a reason for that? Let's wait for what happened in the next part, which might be the last part if it goes according to my plan. Ah, I feel sad to be parted with this story.
I really hope I didn't disappoint anyone with the way this part is written. And if you don't mind, I would like to do self promoting for things that I've written. You may check my masterpost for the story. And right now, I already started a new story entitled Little Fox. At the same time, I'm also continuing some stories that I have neglected for the past months. They are The Boss & The Secretary and Once Again... I'm in Love with You. Hope you will read those stories too if you enjoyed my writings.
As always, thank you so much for reading. And stay healthy wherever you are.

ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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