The Boss & The Secretary - The Reunion, Save Me

Aug 10, 2019 21:22

Summary: Aiba posted a job vacancy to work as Ohno's secretary under Sho's order. It was only for woman. But, Nino applied for the job. Ohno hired him as the secretary because of their past.

1-The Reunion

"You should get yourself your own secretary!"

Ohno lifted his face from the computer. Sho, his friend and business partner, looked at him in dissatisfaction. He smiled in return, knowing perfectly well the reason for his friend to storm into his office. He had been using Sho's handsome secretary as his own. He had his secretary before but he fired her. She was incapable to do her work  and spent most of the time trying to get him on her bed.

"Okay, I will." An empty promise, as always.

This had been going on for a while. He had too many works, he asked for Aiba's help, Sho complained, he promised to find a new secretary. But, he didn't have any intention to find one. So, it will repeat once again.

"I've helped you with that." Sho said. It piqued his interest. What did Sho mean by helping him?

"I've asked Aiba chan to post a vacancy advertisement for your secretary. He will give you a list of candidates. If you don't select anyone from the list, I will choose one for you." Sho said. Ohno was taken aback by this. Sho was serious this time.

He cannot think properly. Worrying for the kind of candidates that Aiba will find for him, he ran out of the room to find the tall secretary at his place, which was just outside his office.

"Aiba chan." Ohno asked the secretary. "Have you post the ad?"

Aiba nodded enthusiastically.

"These are the lists." Aiba handed him a stack of papers. He sighed, looking at how thick the stack was. However, his eyes noticed another stack of papers on Aiba's table. It was another stack of resumes. The person on the top resume looked familiar.

"What's that?" He pointed at the stack. Aiba glanced at them before he answered.

"Sho chan said that I should sort them first. He doesn't want someone like Maeda san to apply again. So, don't worry. Everyone in that stack is reliable." Aiba explained. He took the resume on the top of the rejected stack. "I rejected him. Sho wants a woman for the job. I already mentioned that in the ad, but I wondered why he still applied for the job. His resume was not even good. He doesn't have any experience. I feel bad for rejecting him."

Aiba almost threw the resume away. But, Ohno stopped him. He snatched the resume from Aiba and looked at the picture properly. He wasn't wrong. He knew the guy in the resume.

"Ask him to come for an interview." He ordered Aiba. "Tomorrow morning."


"It's for me, not Sho." He defended his choice. Aiba let out a soft ah before he called the number on the resume. He talked for a while with the person at the end of the line.

"He will come tomorrow at 9." Aiba informed him. Ohno took the resume from him. He left the stack Aiba gave him earlier on the table. He was excited. He cannot wait to meet the guy again.


Nino stared at the building in front of him. He was anxious. He was worried. But, he already agreed for an interview so he had no choice.

He didn't know why he applied for the job. It clearly said that it was only for women. But, he's too desperate for a job. So, he had no choice but to apply. He was beyond excited when he received a call from the company yesterday. It was a miracle they didn't mind about his gender or experience.

"I'm Ninomiya Kazunari. I'm here for an interview." He informed the receptionist. The receptionist who was a young woman looked at him skeptically before she dialled a number. He knew why she looked at him like that. He wore an old shirt and pants. For someone who wants to get a job, he didn't give a good impression. But, it was the best clothes he had. He didn’t think he looked bad. He still looked neat and presentable.

"You may go to the fifth floor. Aiba san will instruct you further once you're there." The receptionist said as she handed him the visitor pass. He nodded and walked to the direction of the elevator. He sighed. He was nervous again. Hopefully, he will get this job. If not, he didn't know what else to do.


"Come in." Ohno instructed when his door was knocked. He turned his chair around so that the newcomer will not see his face yet.

"Boss." Aiba called him softly. He had instructed Aiba earlier not to call him by his name. He didn't want the guy who came for the interview to know who he was. Not yet. "Ninomiya san is here."

"Sit first." He informed. There was a sound behind him. Then, he heard Aiba left the room. He tried to remain calm, preparing himself for the meeting. They never had an interview in his office. Usually. It will be in the meeting room. But, he wanted this to be different. He had decided to hire Nino since he saw the resume. He didn't care whether Nino had experience or not. He knew Nino can do the job well. The only reason he wanted to do this interview was because he wanted to see how Nino will react to see him again.

"So, Ninomiya san..." He turned his chair around. Nino, who was looking at the table, immediately lifted his face to look at him. Ohno loved the way his eyes opened wide in recognition.

He smiled at Nino, who was still shocked to see him. Ohno took the chance to look at the person sitting in front of him properly. It had been more than ten years but Nino still looked the same. He still looked like the 16 years old boy Ohno had a relationship with.

Nino was his friend with benefits. They were classmates. It began because he wanted to help Nino. They were clumsy at first but it was fun. So, they continued for more than three months. Ohno wanted the fun while Nino wanted the money he offered each time they did it. They did for three months before Nino dropped out from school. He never knew the reason for that and they never see each other anymore. But, he never forgets Nino. Nino probably will not believe him but for Ohno, he was more than just a friend with benefits. He's the only person he had been with. Even though it was impossible, he hoped he was the only one for Nino too.

"You're still cute."


2-Save Me

"You're hired."

The words kept echoing in his head as he walked home. He couldn't believe who he had met today. He cannot believe who he's going to work for. Ohno Satoshi. The love of his life.

Ohno was more handsome than he remembered. He looked dashing with his suit and long black hair. When they were younger, Ohno was described as cute, rather than handsome. His chubby cheeks and short brown hair made him looked cute. But, now, his cheeks wasn't as chubby as before and he had let his hair grew longer. So, the most appropriate way to describe his new appearance is handsome.

He sighed suddenly. Meeting with Ohno was a miracle. But, he knew the real reason he was hired. It wasn't because he was good enough for the job. Ohno didn't even interview him. Instead Ohno hired him because of sympathy. It's the same as when they were younger. Ohno was kind enough to help him. He paid him for the service he provided. Now, it will be repeated. Was it a good idea to accept the job? But, he was desperate for money so he had no choice.

He loves Ohno. Ohno was the only person nice to him back then. Everyone else discriminated against him because of his background. He came from a poor family. His father died when he was barely one year old. His mother married a gambler to give him the chance to have a father. His step father didn't have a job, leaving his mother as the only person providing money for the family. He knew the kind of job she did to raise him and send him to school. It was one of the reasons he was hated in the school. But, he tried to ignore the insults. All he knew, he had to study hard to save his family, to save his mother from continuing the job.

But, he was no different than his mother. He did the same thing with Ohno. He provided Ohno with the same service his mother offered to other men. Ohno was too kind to him, always giving him food during lunch break and talked nicely to him. But, he didn't want the food or other necessities Ohno gave him for free. So, he proposed the idea. Ohno didn't object. And that's how their relationship began.

The time they spent together was the best time in his life. What they shared wasn't love but he was happy. The guy treated him as if he was Ohno's boyfriend. But, he knew better than to let himself dreaming. It was impossible that Ohno felt the same way as he does. He was a lowly human, not someone from a respected family like Ohno. They're not equal, he kept reminding himself that as he lay next to Ohno.

But, the happy time didn't last forever. His mother died in an accident. There's no way he can continue his schooling. So, he quit school, just like what his step father ordered him to do. He became the new slave for the family, working to provide money for his step father. His step father had no shame, asking him to do the same thing as his mother. He taunted Nino everyday, saying that it will be easier for Nino to get money that way because he is more beautiful than his mother. But, he wouldn't do that. He would rather work two or three part time jobs than let other people touched him.

Part of him wanted to run away. He wanted to go to Ohno, to ask him for help. But, he was afraid of his step father. So, he continued working to provide money for his step father. But, it wasn't enough. His step father accumulated too many debts. He threatened Nino. If Nino didn't give him enough money by the end of the month, he will sell Nino to one of the prostitute club. It wasn't a joke, he knew that. His step father had enough connections to make the threat real.

As he thought of the kind of job he should do, he came across the job advertisement as a secretary. He was blinded by the salary. Even though he knew he would be rejected, he still applied for the job and hoped for a miracle. Because of that, he was once again, at the mercy of Ohno Satoshi.

He stared at the building in front of him. The cheapest, dirtiest place in Tokyo. It was the only place someone as poor as him can afford. He hated this place so much. He hated it even more if his step father was home.

"This place is a mess."

Someone tapped his shoulder and stood next to him, staring at the same building he was looking at. The voice... It was eerily familiar. He didn't need to look at the person to know who he was.

"Ohchan.... Did you follow me?" He asked Ohno. Ohno frowned before shaking his head.

"Nope. We're just heading to the same place. It's totally a coincidence." Ohno tried to convince him with his stupid grin. It was an obvious lie but he didn't want to argue. So, he stepped towards the building. Ohno followed him and he had no intention to stop the other guy. He felt safer to have Ohno with him.

As he got closer to his apartment, he became more anxious. The sound from his house indicated that the person he hated the most was home. He wanted to turn around so that he didn't have to face the person. But, his feet wouldn't cooperate as he kept walking towards his destination.

"Why don't you go home?" He told Ohno. They were in front of the door. To be honest, he didn't want to send Ohno away. But, he was too embarrassed with the life he had. He didn't want Ohno to see it.

"Nah.." Ohno refused. He looked at him with kindness. Nino hated the look. Ohno shouldn't be kind to someone like him.

The door was opened from the inside before he could chase Ohno again. His step father was at the door. He wasn't alone. One of his friends were with him. He hated the guy the most, among his step father's friend. He kept giving Nino lewd look. Sometimes, he tried to touch Nino inappropriately. It was obvious that he wanted Nino on his bed.

"Boy, you're finally home." Said his step-father. "I have good news for you. Kenta had agreed to buy you. You will be his slave from now on."

Nino's eyes opened wide in surprise. He had always expected this to happen. But, he didn't want it to happen this soon. He didn't want Ohno to hear it. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Ohno.

"But..." He began. He cannot think properly. "You cannot sell me. I'm not yours."

"Of course I can sell you. I gave you a place to live when your mother died. So, don't be ungrateful and follow Kenta home. I need money but you cannot give me that. Kenta will give me money if you go with him."

"No, I will not go with him." Once again he protested. Kenta tried to reach for him. But, before he could touch him, Ohno pushed him back and stood between them. His step father and Kenta frowned to see him as if they just realized he was there.

"You cannot take him." Ohno told Kenta.

"Of course I can. I already paid Mitsui." Kenta said in a loud voice.

All around them, the other neighbours started to gather. Ohno ignored them. Instead, he looked at Nino's step father, Mitsui.

"How much he gives you? I'll give you double." Ohno said. Nino was surprised. He didn't expect Ohno would say that.

Mitsui laughed in return.

"Just because you come here wearing this fancy suit, it doesn't mean you have enough money to pay me."

Mitsui tried to push Ohno away to get to Nino. However, he was thrown to the floor by Ohno, causing the people watching to gasp. Ohno was small, no one expected he would be able to throw Mitsui who was twice his size.

"Bastard." Mitsui stood up, ready to strike Ohno. However, he was once again thrown to the floor. Kenta tried to attack Ohno this time but he received the same blow.

"Just because you're big, it doesn't mean you're strong." Ohno mocked them. "Let's be civilized here. You let Nino go with me and I'll pay you double the amount he gave you."

"Triple." Mitsui bargained. Kenta wanted to protest but Mitsui shut him up.

"Okay." Ohno agreed easily. "But, don't come anywhere near him anymore. If you come, I will report you to the police. Or... Well, you don't know what kind of people I have behind my back."

Mitsui stared at Ohno, showing no fear. However, Nino knew better. He was afraid of Ohno, especially after he had underestimated Ohno earlier. He agreed to the bargain, though. So, Ohno took out his cheque book, asking for the amount. The amount was too big. Ohno was crazy for agreeing.

"Nino, go and get your stuff. I'll wait for you here." Nino nodded his head and got into his house immediately. He knew this was wrong. He shouldn't let Ohno do this for him. But, it was better to leave the house. Ohno had given him the chance. He was a fool if he didn't take it.



ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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