The Boss & The Secretary - Let's Live Together, When Aiba Met Nino

Aug 10, 2019 21:24

3-Let's Live Together

Ohno was surprised with the action he took earlier. He never expected he will use his money to get Nino. But, he cannot control himself. If he didn't do that, he will lose Nino again and he didn't want that to happen.

"Is that everything?" He asked when Nino came out from the house, carrying a small bag. Nino nodded his head. He still seemed shocked with everything that happened.

"Let's go." He pulled Nino's hand to lead him. One of the guys he beat earlier tried to stop them. The guy who had bought Nino from his father. But, Nino's father stopped him from doing anything. However,  it wasn't enough to convince Ohno they were safe to leave the apartment. So, he walked with caution as he put his arms around Nino's waist. The action seemed to have an effect on Nino's buyer. He heard hurried footsteps from behind them. The guy stormed towards them and automatically, Ohno lifted his leg and kicked the guy. It wasn't as strong as he hoped but it was enough to send the guy a good distance away from him.

"If you try to do something again, I will not restrained myself. I will make sure you suffer." He said. The guy was clearly dissatisfied but he didn't do anything. He only scowled at Ohno. Ohno suspected it was more because of the injury he suffered, rather than his fear for Ohno's capabilities.

Nino stayed silent as they walked towards the exit of the building. It was obvious everything was too much for Nino to believe. But, Ohno will never regret the action he took today. Nino didn't deserve to live like that. He had made his decision, he will pamper and treasure Nino, just like what the guy deserved.

It wouldn't be easy, though. Nino won't let himself be pampered for free. But, he had a plan.


Nino looked around the apartment he was brought to. Just like what he expected from Ohno, the guy didn't live in a big house. It was a small apartment with two bedrooms, as informed by Ohno earlier. But, that didn't mean the house was cheap. The apartment complex was one of the most expensive places in Tokyo. The security was top-notch and the view was wonderful. This must be a dream.

However, before he could punch himself to make sure it wasn't a dream, Ohno pulled him into a hug. It was comforting to be held tightly by the person he loves the most in the world. Ohno started to nuzzle Nino's neck with his lips while his hands roamed his body. It reminded Nino so much of their past and he couldn't help but wishing they could do it again. However, much to his disappointment, Ohno slowly let him go.

"You're so cute." Ohno said. Nino blushed in return. It wasn't the first time he heard that. In fact, Ohno always said that after their intense activity.

"I will pay you back." He said, remembering the debt he owed Ohno. He didn't know how he's going to pay for the money but he will figure out something.

"Well, if you want... You could pay me the same way as before." Ohno said. Nino shook his head. Even though he craved for Ohno, he didn't want to do that if Ohno didn't love him.

"Just kidding, cutie." Ohno said. He blushed once again, remembering that as his pet name. "I've think of something."

He stayed silent, waiting for Ohno to explain his plan.

"10% of your salary will be used to pay the money you owe me. You will work as my secretary until you pay me back. But, if you want to resign, you will have to pay me the same amount every month."

Nino mentally calculated the amount. The amount left from his salary was still big. He could rent a room and save the remaining money.

"You will stay here." Ohno said. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order.

"But, I don't think I can pay.."

"You can pay me with other methods." Ohno said teasingly as he started to caress Nino's body again. Nino immediately pushed him away, realizing what Ohno meant. Ohno laughed at him in return.

"I'm just teasing you. You don't have to pay me like that if you don't want. But, once in a while, why don't we do it?" Ohno hugged him from behind. Once again, he nuzzled Nino's neck. Nino loved the way he touched him. He was tempted to agree with the offer.

"Su.." He stopped himself as he realized what he was about to say. Ohno chuckled fondly before he let him go again.

"The house is too big to live alone. Furthermore, I have a car but I don't have a license. I'm too lazy to do the housework. So, why don't you do all of that for me and I let you live here without paying the rent? If you think it's too much, you can chip in for groceries."

That was a good idea, he thought to himself. So, he nodded his head, agreeing with Ohno's suggestion. Ohno smiled brightly in return.

"Good, let me show you our room." Ohno said as he pulled him to the hallway.

Our room? Did he hear correctly? But when Ohno opened one of the rooms, it's proven that Nino didn't mishear him. The room clearly belonged to Ohno.

"So, we will sleep here." Ohno said matter-of-factly.

"But, you said there's another room."

"It's for the guest."

"Then, I'll just sleep outside." He decided. It's absurd to sleep in the same room with Ohno. There's only one bed. It was large but he didn't trust himself to stay still if they shared the bed.

He was about to leave the room when Ohno pulled him closer.

"Please.." Ohno used his puppy eyes on him. "I promised, I will not touch you. I'm just too afraid to sleep alone. The bed is big. It's enough for us. If you don't want, does that mean you're afraid you cannot control yourself? Do you like me?"

Ohno said, clearly teasing him again. Nino knew he didn't have to prove anything to Ohno. But, against his better judgement, he agreed with their sleeping arrangements. He's doing it to prove that he didn't have any feelings for Ohno, even though it was the opposite.

"Yeah." Ohno grinned stupidly at him. "You can put your stuff there." Ohno pointed to one of the cupboards. Then he looked at his watch. "You can rest. I have to get back to the office."

"Can I go with you?" He asked. He didn't want to be alone. He didn't know why but he was afraid that Mitsui will come to get him if he was alone. Ohno seemed to understand his fear, as he stroked his back soothingly.

"Don't worry. I will make sure he will not be anywhere near you." Ohno said. "You can come with me if you want. I will ask Aiba chan to teach you how to be my secretary."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing. To be honest, it’s better if you come with me. Hmm.. Why don't you start your job by driving me to the office?"

Nino nodded his head as Ohno put the car key in his hand. They walked together happily. It made him feel like he was Ohno's boyfriend instead of his secretary as they hold each other's hand.


4-When Aiba met Nino

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Why didn't you answer your phone?" Sho greeted Ohno when he arrived at the office. He noticed the way Sho looked at Nino, perhaps wondering who he was. He had warned Aiba not to tell Sho about Nino's interview.

"What's wrong?" He asked Sho. There was no important appointment today so he had no idea why Sho was looking for him.

"Well, I just want to know when are you going to do the interview to find your new secretary." Sho casually told him. Nino tensed beside him, clearly confused because of what Sho had said.

"There's no need for that." He informed Sho, who looked at him with dissatisfaction when he said that.

"If you ask Aiba chan to..."

"Don't worry. I will not bother him anymore." He interrupted before Sho could finish. "This is Ninomiya san, my new secretary."

"What? But I ask Aiba chan to..."

"He is my choice, okay? If you can have a handsome secretary for yourself, I can hire a cute one for me." Once again, he stopped Sho mid-sentences. He knew Sho will not be happy with his choice, knowing Sho’s real reason for requesting only woman to apply for the job But, he didn’t care. What matters, Nino is with him again.

He signalled at Aiba, who was watching them from his place, to come closer. Aiba quickly dashed towards them.

"Aiba chan, please help to set up Nino's place. He will sit in front of you. Then, brief him with his task. I have something to discuss with Sho chan."

He walked ahead, beckoning Sho to follow.


"Who is that?" Nino asked Aiba once Ohno and the guy named Sho entered the same room he was interviewed earlier.

"Sho chan." Aiba simply answered. He rolled his eyes, expecting Aiba to elaborate.

"Who is Sho chan?" He asked when Aiba didn't get the hint.

"He is the boss here. This company belongs to Ohchan and Sho chan." Nino let out a soft oh with the explanation. Sho seemed uptight, he noted. He let out a sigh. If Sho didn't approve of him working here, will Ohno fire him?

"Don't worry." Aiba said, as if he knew what was bothering him. "Ohchan is stubborn. Once he decides something, it will be impossible to make him reconsider."

He smiled, silently thanking Aiba for his support. He hoped Aiba was right. He hoped Ohno will not let Sho fire him.

He was surprised when Aiba suddenly squeezed his cheeks. The action caused him to shout loudly. He pushed the guy away, wondering why Aiba did that to him when the door of Ohno's office was opened from inside. Ohno and Sho went out from the office with worry evident in their expression.

"What's wrong?" Ohno asked him.

"Aiba san." He pointed at Aiba. "He..."

"Aiba chan, what did you do to my Cutie?" Nino didn't have the chance to explain. He didn't even know what to explain as he was distracted with the way Ohno called him. Ohno had called his pet name in public. He couldn't hide his blush when Aiba and Sho looked at them curiously.

"I just squeezed his cheeks. They look so soft." Aiba explained under Ohno's intense stare. He seemed afraid at Ohno's sudden outburst at first but when he continued to talk, the fear disappeared almost instantly. "He is so cute. I understand why you want him as your secretary. Ne, Ohchan, have you touched his cheeks?"

"I've touched mo..."

"Ohchan!" He said loudly when he noticed what Ohno was about to say. It's too embarrassing. Ohno almost revealed their privacy. He gave Nino one of his idiotic grins.

"What have you touched?" Aiba asked curiously.

"None of your concern." Ohno dismissed him. Aiba pouted. "Get back to work."

He went into his office with Sho trailing behind. Nino noticed the way Sho looked at him. It was obvious that Sho didn't like him.

"Don't worry, ne?" Aiba said. "He is just surprised that Ohchan chose you. He actually wants a woman as the secretary because he wants to find a partner for Ohchan. But, I don't think he has to worry about that anymore. Ohchan has found a perfect partner for himself."

Nino's eyes opened wide in surprise. Ohno had found a partner? He shouldn't be surprised. But, it saddened him to think that Ohno will be with someone else.

However, he was distracted as he once again yelped in surprise when Aiba squeezed his cheeks again. It wasn't as loud as before so both Ohno and Sho didn't hear him. He looked at the guy in front of him. Smiling wickedly, he hit the guy's head.

"Ouch!" Aiba complained. "That hurts, Nino chan!"

"Don't squeeze my cheeks again." He warned Aiba playfully. He had a feeling that Aiba will be his best friend.

A/N: This is going to be a long rambling. I don't mind if you don't read this.
So, I'm working on the fic that you've chose. But, I cannot get this out of my head. It had been in my head for a while, long before I thought of the fics I had posted before. I always love fic where Ohno is the boss & Neen is his secretary.
It will be a collection of short stories as I would love to write more in this universe. I want to make it as fluffy as possible. It seemed boring this time because I want to establish the setting. Anyway, Jun hadn't made his appearance yet. I'm not sure what role he's going to play yet. Any ideas? And of course, Nino's step father will appear again but not in the near future. I want OhMiya's relationship to develop first.
The idea for this came after I read a Sakuraiba fic with OhMiya as the side pairing. I don't remember the title. It was a long time ago, probably around 2012. In the story, Ohno likes Sho but Sho likes Aiba. Nino came from a broken family and he loves Ohno. When Ohno knew this, he used Nino to forget Sho. They broke up when Ohno clearly care for Sho more than Nino. If I remember correctly, Ohno confessed to Nino that he loves Nino at the end but they didn't end up together. I'm not trying to copy the story because this was totally different from the fic. I just want let you know where I get the inspiration from. If anyone had read the fic before, could you tell me what's the title?
To anyone who read my rambling, thank you. I hope you enjoy the story and comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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