Message from You - Part 3

Nov 24, 2019 22:24

Ohno was too exhausted when he returned home that day. Too exhausted and too happy.

After they ate, both of them visited the arcade and played together. He was happy to see Nino smiling all day. There's still something off about the smile but he cannot bring himself to ask. Once they decided that they had played enough, both decided to part away. He could see Nino was reluctant to go, just like him. Today had been fun, he wished that he could do this again.

Once he was home, he quickly took his shower and then went to bed. He didn’t even check his phone for any messages from Jun. To be honest, he didn’t even remember how disappointed he was that Jun wasn’t there with him for his birthday. He was having too much fun with Nino.

The next day, he woke up and checked his phone. There was a message from Jun.

Happy birthday.

Jun sent the message before the day ended yesterday. But, he was sleeping at that time so he didn’t notice the message.

Thank you.

Are you still in Osaka?

The reply came soon after that.

No, I’m in Tokyo.

Jun was still typing so Ohno waited for a while. But, after a while, he didn’t receive anything. He was confused to see that. His instinct told him that there was something wrong with Jun.

Do you want to tell me something?

The message was read. But, no reply came from Jun. Once again, it showed that Jun was typing, but nothing was sent even after a few minutes.

Are you okay, Jun?

A reply came shortly after that.

I’m okay.

Ohchan, can we meet today?

Ohno blinked his eyes a few times. Did he read it correctly? Or did his eyes play a trick on him? Jun wanted to see him! After all these years, Jun finally wanted to see him! Wow, his birthday brought him luck this year.


Just name the place and time.

Jun responded to the message with the details for the meeting. He wanted to meet Ohno for lunch. When Ohno saw the name of the cafe, he felt strange. It was the same cafe he went with Nino for lunch yesterday. Well, maybe he was overthinking. It didn’t mean anything. Nino had mentioned that Jun had visited the cafe before. He liked the cafe too and that's why he chose to meet Ohno there.

He dismissed the thought and decided to get ready for the meeting. He’s finally going to meet Jun. Yes!

Every minute felt like hours as he waited for afternoon to come. He tried to calm himself but he was too excited. He kept looking at the clock, willing time to move faster. But, of course it’s impossible.

After a long wait, it’s finally the time for their meeting. He took a long time to prepare himself for Jun. He didn’t know what to wear. From what he saw on Jun’s facebook, he seemed to be a fashionable person. But, he didn’t give that kind of vibe when Ohno texted him. From the text, he seemed to wear whatever people bought for him. He mentioned that his friends always bought him clothes for his birthday every year. That’s why he didn’t really have to buy clothes.

Ohno finally decided to wear something casual. So, he wore a pair of jeans with a t-shirt. Well, he knew he should make a good first impression but as Jun chose a cafe for their meeting place, there will be no need to wear something fancy. Furthermore, he thought it’s better to be himself.

After waiting for several hours, it’s finally the time for the meeting. Ohno went to the cafe. His heartbeat was faster than usual. He was too nervous and excited to see Jun. He entered the cafe, scanning the surroundings for Jun. But, he didn’t see Jun. Instead, he saw Nino.

Their eyes found each other. He knew he was supposed to meet Jun in the cafe. But, he didn’t know why he walked towards Nino, who was watching him with guilt. He didn’t want to think bad of Jun, but did he stood him up? That would explain why Nino was here and looked guilty.

“Where is Jun?” He asked, trying to sound calm despite his true feelings.

“He’s not here. He’s in Osaka.”

Ohno frowned as he stared at Nino. His eyes were enough to tell Nino that he needed an explanation. Nino only gestured for him to sit. So, he sat, still giving Nino one of his deadly glares.

“So, he asked me to come here even though he’s not here? Why?”


“What is he trying to do? Making a fool out of me? He knows how long I’ve been waiting to meet him. Do you know how happy I was this morning when he texted me, telling me that he wants to meet me? But, why are you here instead of him?”

He knew it was wrong of him to vent his anger at Nino for something that Jun did. But, Jun wasn't here.

“It wasn’t him. He didn’t send that message to you. In fact, he never sent any messages to you. Call that number now. You will understand why he never wants to meet you and why he never picks up your call.”

Call the number… the sentences kept replaying in his head as he stared at Nino.

Then, the realization struck him. He looked at Nino’s phone on the table. He didn’t have to call the number he often texted to know who it belonged to. Suddenly, everything made sense. Just like Nino said, he will understand why Jun refused to meet him and why Jun never picks up his call. All these times, it wasn’t Jun he texted with. That’s why Jun that he remembered was different than Jun that he texted. And that's why Nino was similar to Jun that he texted.

“It’s you.” He said. “Why?”

Nino avoided his gaze, looking guilty again.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why?” He asked once again. "Why did Jun do this to me?"

“It’s not Jun’s fault. So, please don’t blame him.”

“Both of you want to make a fool out of me, right?”

“No…” Nino quickly denied. He tried to reach for Ohno’s hands on the table. But, Ohno pushed him away. “Jun was just trying to help me. The number that he gave you on facebook wasn’t his. It was mine. He was just helping me.”

“Helping you with what?”

“Ohchan, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

“Even if you’re sorry, you’re still lying to me. I feel like a fool right now. Please, don’t ever contact me again. Don’t send any messages to me. And don’t show your face in front of me anymore.”

Was he in denial, he asked himself. It had been a month since that incident. So, it means a month without any messages from Ju… no… from Nino.

Did he wait for the message? Hmmm…

Did he want Nino to text him? Hmmm…

Did he want to text Nino? Hmmm…

Did he want to see Nino? Hmmm…

Did he miss Nino? Hmmm...

If he said yes to all the questions, will anything change?

No, he still hated Nino for lying to him. For deceiving him. For betraying him.

So, no matter how much he wanted to contact Nino, he will just endure it.

He saw Nino a couple of days later. It was on Saturday. He was too bored staying at home so he decided to take a walk. His legs carried him to the cafe where he last met Nino. He didn’t enter the cafe but he saw him from the window.

Nino wasn't alone. He was with Aiba. Was he miserable? He didn't think so. Both of them were laughing happily. Perhaps they were laughing at Ohno. For his stupidity.

He left the cafe with anger.

"What's wrong with you?" Sho asked one day. It was two months after the last time he saw Nino. "You look miserable."

Was he? He didn't think so. He was more focused with his work, earning him compliments from his boss and colleagues. So, what did Sho mean by him being miserable?

"I know you're not okay. You're trying to keep yourself busy to avoid something. To avoid looking at your phone. To avoid texting someone. Did you have a fight with Jun?"

He glared at Sho. His friend is too nosy.

"Mind your own business, Sho." He told Sho.

"Okay, whatever. I will not bother you anymore." Sho said in defeat, clearly annoyed with him.

Sho ignored him for the rest of the day. He only talked to Ohno for work related stuff.

But, when he wanted to go home later that day, he was cornered by someone else.

"Ohchan, it's been a while. How are you?" Aiba happily greeted him as he left the building. He wanted to ignore Aiba too but looking at how energetic Aiba was, he found it difficult to do so.

"I'm fine. Are you here to see Sho?"

"Yes." Aiba nodded his head. "We want to have dinner together. Why don't you join us?"

"There's no need to invite him, Masaki." Another familiar voice said from behind. It was Sho. "He's in a bad mood."

"Eh, if he's in a bad mood, we should cheer him up."

"He didn't want anyone to help him. He wants to be alone."

Sho glared at him and Ohno gave him an equally deadly glare. He knew it was his fault Sho was angry at him but he didn't want to apologize. He's stubborn like that.

Before he could move away from the couple, Aiba had pulled him first. He was too surprised with Aiba's action and he didn't know how to react.

"What are you doing, Aiba chan?" He asked Aiba in the middle of the confusion. When he looked behind them, Sho followed them with a pout.

"I apologize on behalf of Sho chan. He shouldn't treat you like this."

"Ah, but it's my fault. I was rude to him earlier."

"It's because you have a problem. Sho chan should be more understanding." Aiba said. Ohno felt embarrassed with himself. He didn't know how to react. He had been horrible to Sho earlier but Aiba had taken his side, instead of Sho.

"I'm sorry, Sho." He quickly apologized when Sho walked next to him. Sho seemed a little taken aback, perhaps not expecting him to apologize.

"It's okay." Sho said awkwardly. "I was at fault too."

"Yeah! Now both of you are talking again. Let's go. I want to bring you to this place. The food is fantastic." Aiba said excitedly.

Ohno followed Aiba. But, as he walked, he noticed the familiar surrounding. He knew where they were going to.

"Kimura senpai's cafe?" He asked Aiba. Aiba was surprised but he quickly nodded his head.

"You've been there?" Aiba asked.

"Yes. Nino brought me there for my birthday." Ohno answered. It had been a while since he said the name aloud. As he said the name, he was tempted to ask about Nino to Aiba. Was he okay? Of course he was. He was smiling happily when Ohno saw him with Aiba before. But, maybe his anger for what Nino did had clouded his judgement. Maybe, once again, Nino had pretended to be happy even though he was actually miserable because of what Ohno said to him.

Did Aiba know about what happened between both he and Nino? He didn’t think so. Aiba acted normally around him. If he knew, would he still treat Ohno nicely for hurting his friend? But, well, he wasn’t at fault. Nino was the one who lied to him.

"Ah, he loves to go there. He doesn't have to spend too much money because Kimura senpai always gives him a discount. Sometimes, he doesn't have to pay."

Ohno smiled to himself as he heard that. He remembered the interaction between Nino and Kimura on that day. A sudden thought crossed his mind. Would Nino be there tonight?


ohmiya, message from you, fanfic

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