Message from You - Part 4

Nov 24, 2019 22:32

When they arrived in the cafe, Kimura nodded slightly at him. His expression was a little tense, unlike the first time Ohno saw him. Well, it's understandable. He must have heard what Ohno told Nino on that day. Kimura seemed to care a lot about Nino so he must be angry at Ohno for the way he treated Nino on that day. But, he respected Kimura for being professional and didn't chase him out of the cafe.

They took a seat. Ohno ordered the same food as he had the last time. While waiting for the food to arrive, he turned his attention towards the entrance. Like a miracle, Nino appeared with another familiar face. Jun. The real Jun.

Aiba and Sho were busy talking so they didn't notice Nino. As Ohno tried to avert his gaze from watching Nino, the other guy noticed him. They stared at each other. Even though Ohno wanted to look away, he found it hard to do so.

Nino was the first to break the stare. It's because he had been greeted by Kimura, who pointed at the table he was sitting with Aiba and Sho. When Jun noticed Aiba, he waved at the guy and quickly walked towards him. Nino trailing behind him but he was pulled away by Kimura who whispered at him. Nino only nodded his head before heading towards them. Ohno wondered if both of them were talking about him.

"Aiba chan, which one is your nerd boyfriend?" Jun said as a way of greeting them.

"You know which one. You've seen his picture before." Aiba said. Jun only laughed at him.

It took Ohno a while but he realized this was the first time he had seen Jun after years of separating. All these times, he had only seen Jun in the pictures from facebook. Was the facebook belonged to Jun? If it was, why did Jun give him Nino’s number? He shook his head, tried to avoid thinking about it.

He took the chance to look properly at Jun. Wow, the picture didn’t do him justice. He was a very handsome guy, indeed. Too handsome. To be honest, he could remember Jun’s face because it’s very prominent. The most prominent would be his bushy eyebrows. They weren’t as bushy as before but they’re still thick.

As he looked at Jun, his thoughts once again strayed towards Nino. Yes, Jun is very handsome. But, he preferred looking at Nino’s childish face more. Without thinking, he changed his attention from Jun to look at Nino. He blinked in surprise when he caught Nino staring at him. Nino’s face turned red when he was caught red-handed.

Time seemed to stop as both of them looked at each other. He focused his attention on Nino’s eyes. There’re guilt and… what was it? Hope?

Why did Nino lie to him, he suddenly asked himself. Yes, Nino seemed to be playful with Aiba. But, he didn’t think Nino would play with someone’s heart just like that. There must be a reason for Nino to do that. Why didn’t he let Nino explain?

“But, you should know Ohno san right? You’ve been texting him regularly for the past three years.”

Ohno was surprised when Sho suddenly hit his back. He looked at Sho with a frown, wondering why Sho did that to him. But, all he got from Sho was a gesture to look at Jun.

“Eh?” Jun looked at the two of them with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well… You should know that I’m Aiba’s boyfriend because you and Ohno san are friends.”

“I am his friend?” Jun asked, pointing at Ohno.

“Yes.” Sho nodded his head. Oh, God, Ohno wished that he could stop Sho from talking. His friend didn’t know the truth.
“Like I said, both you and Ohno san have been texting each other for three years. But, I notice that you didn’t text him for three months and he’s become moody because of that. Did you guys fight?”

“Ha?” Jun still looked confused. However, Nino slowly nudged him. Jun ignored him at first but after a while, he gave his attention towards Nino. Both of them looked at each other. No words were exchanged, it’s like they were communicating with their eyes. After a while, Jun finally turned towards Ohno.

“Hi, Ohchan.” Jun said with a smile. “It’s been a while, ne?”

Even though Jun was smiling, Ohno was shivering, thinking of what the smile actually meant.

Young Ohno walked towards Jun’s house. It’s been a while since the last time he saw his friend. Jun had been absent from school for a week. According to the teacher, it’s because his aunt was involved in an accident and then died. One of his friends at school told him that he saw Jun’s car this morning so it meant Jun is back.

When he was at the playground, he heard someone sobbing. He looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. Then, he saw a little boy, around the same age as him was hiding in one of the pipes. Hmmm… what should he do? Should he let the boy cry or should he continue his journey to Jun’s house? But, his mother would be disappointed with him if he didn’t help the boy. So, with a sigh, he walked towards the little boy.

“Hi, are you okay?” He asked. The boy ignored him. Not only he ignored Ohno, he also turned away from Ohno, causing Ohno to be angry. He wanted to help the boy but if the boy acted like this, it will be a waste of time. So, he stood up, ready to leave him.

However, before he could take another step, he looked once again at the boy. No, he shouldn’t be angry at the boy. He looked upset. Something terrible must have happened to him.

“Are you okay?” He asked once again. He tried to make his voice softer this time. Once again, the boy ignored him. But, at least, he didn’t turn away from Ohno. So, Ohno decided to sit next to the boy, waiting for the boy to talk to him.

“Go away.” The boy said angrily as he sat next to him.

“My mama will be angry if I didn’t help you.”

“I don’t need your help. I need my mama.”

“Then, you should go home. Your mama will be there.”

“No…” the boy said in a very soft voice. “She will not be there. Uncle said she will not come back again. Mama and papa left me. Now, I have to stay with Uncle.”

Ohno didn’t understand what the little boy meant by that. But, his mother had told him that some of his friends didn’t have mama and papa like him. Their parents had left them. But, it wasn’t because their parents hated them. It’s because they have limited time in this world. If Ohno met anyone like that, he had to be extra kind and compassionate to them.

“Your mama didn’t leave you. She is here, but you cannot see her. She will always look after you.”

“Really?” The little boy looked at Ohno. He tilted his head. “Why can’t I see her?”

“Hmmm.. I don’t know.” Ohno answered. He didn’t remember what his mother said about this. The boy looked at him. Slowly, a smile started to form on his tear-staining face.

“You’re funny.” The boy said. Good, at least he had stopped crying. Well, now it’s time to go to Jun’s house.

“You should go to your uncle’s house. He must be worried.” Ohno said. “I will go first. I have to see my friend.”

When he turned around, he saw Jun walking towards him.

“Hi, Jun.” He greeted his friend. Jun only smiled at him before he gave his attention to the other boy.

“Nino, papa is looking everywhere for you. He’s very worried.”

The boy only pouted before he walked towards Jun.

“Thank you.” The little boy told him before he walked away with Jun. Ohno only stared at them, wondering if he should go to Jun’s house. Maybe he will go there tomorrow. He didn’t think Jun will play with him today.

"I want to talk with you in private." Jun informed him. To be honest, he was scared with the way Jun talked to him. Yes, he sounded pleasant but Jun looked intimidating. What's he going to do to him once they're alone? Will they be anyone to save him?

"J, you don't have to…" Nino tried to protest. But, a glare from Jun was enough to make him stopped talking.

"As Sakurai san pointed out, we're having an argument. So, this is not something that others should know." Jun said.

Sho gave Ohno a confused look. He just ignored the look that Sho gave him, only mouthing that he will tell him everything later.

"I'll go too." Nino said.

"Stay." Jun told him. "Don't worry, I won't hurt him."

Ohno stood up, ready to go with Jun outside of the cafe. He gave Nino a reassuring look, silently hoped that Jun will not kill him. Jun was very protective of Nino and Ohno had hurt Nino with his words. There's no denying that he might get a couple of broken bones.

Jun brought him to a park. There's no one around. Perfect place to kill someone.

"Relax, I'm not going to kill you." Jun said, as if he could read his mind and know what he was thinking about. "Nino will kill me if I hurt you. He's small but he's scary. Aiba chan is scared of him."

Ohno stayed silent. He didn't know how to respond.

"How old were we when you move to another town?" Jun asked. Ohno only raised his shoulder. He didn't remember. His answer made Jun chuckle.

"As expected, who would remember. It was a long time ago. To be honest, when you add me on fb, I don't recognize you. I almost reject it."

That's a little cruel to know. At least, Ohno still remembered him. But, wait… so, the fb was indeed belonged to Jun. Then, why did he give Nino's number to him?

"Then, why?"

"Because of Nino." Jun said. Ohno tilted his head. He was still clueless. He waited for Jun to continue. "When I told him a stranger named Ohno Satoshi added me on fb, he told me you're not a stranger. You're my childhood friend. You moved when we're ten."

Ohno made a surprised face. Nino remembered?

"Yes, he remembers. He has good memory after all. But, that isn't the real reason he remembers."

"Why?" Seriously, his brain refused to work right now. He didn't know why Jun rolled his eyes at him as if he's telling him the answer was obvious.

"Because he loves you, dummy!"

Ha? Nino loves him?

"You should see the look on his face when he talks about you. He's like a lovestruck teenager. It's the first time I saw him like that. He was reminiscing all the memories he had of you and that's when I realize why he never dated anyone. Because he's in love with you. So, I decided to help him. I gave his phone number to you. He didn't know about that, not until you sent him the first message."

This was too much to digest. So, once again, he didn't know how to respond.

"J!" A super high pitched voice interrupted them. Ohno turned around to see Nino walking towards them. Jun only laughed to see the small guy. "What did you tell Ohchan?"

“What are you doing here?” Jun scolded Nino. “I told you not to follow us, right?”

Nino didn’t answer him.

"Well, I already told him so everything will depend on you. I will leave the two of you alone." Jun said as he started to walk away from them. When Nino wanted to follow him, Jun pushed him towards Ohno.

"My dear Nino, you stay here and talk with your beloved Ohchan."

"I don't want." Nino said, pouting. He tried to move away from Ohno but once again, a glare from Jun was enough to make him change his mind.

"No lies this time. Tell him the truth." Jun said. He didn't go far from them. But, it's impossible for him to hear anything from his position. Maybe that's his way of making sure Nino talked with Ohno.

"Jun is horrible." Nino mumbled. "What did he tell you?"

"Hmmm…" Ohno didn't know what to answer.

“Ohchan…” Nino called him softly. Ohno only responded with a ‘un’ because he still didn’t know how to react. He was still shocked to find out that Nino was in love with him. Did Jun tell him the truth? He didn’t know what to believe anymore. “I know you don’t want to see me. But, believe me, if I know you will go to the cafe, I will not go there. I thought you would never go to the cafe again.”

“It’s my second time going there after I know the truth about you.” Ohno said. Nino’s eyes widened, surprised to see he responded to him.

“I’m sorry, Ohchan. I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

“Then, why did you lie to me?” He asked calmly. He was surprised to hear how calm his voice was. He was too angry with Nino on that day. That’s why he didn’t give Nino the chance to explain. But, now, he really wanted to know the reason Nino lied to him.

“I don’t know how to explain to you.”

“Just try.” Ohno took Nino’s hands and held them tightly. He looked straight into Nino’s eyes as he continued. “I’ve tried to hate you. But, it’s impossible. It’s hard for me to admit but I miss texting with you.”

Nino only blinked his eyes at first. He slowly averted his gaze from Ohno. Ohno lifted his chin and made him look into his eyes again. He wanted Nino to see there’s no hatred or anger for Nino. He wanted to understand Nino.

“Ohchan, do you remember anything about me?” Nino finally said after staying silent for a while. “Even if you don’t remember me, it’s okay.”

“You will not like my answer.”

“Just tell me, please.” Nino’s pleading look made Ohno sigh. He hoped what he answered wouldn’t hurt Nino’s feelings.

“Well… I don’t remember your appearance. But, when you said you’re Jun’s cousin, I remember being annoyed with you because you’re too clingy. You always want to play with us but I want to be alone with Jun.”

If Nino was hurt by what he said, he did a great job pretending. He only smiled at Ohno.

“Are you angry?” Ohno asked. Nino only shook his head.

“I expect that. I always bother you and J. You even warn me not to play with you and J anymore.”

“I did? I was horrible to you, right? Then, why do you like me?”

“Because you’re the first person that made me smile after I lost my parents.” Nino answered.

“Eh? I did that?”

“Un.” Nino nodded his head. “You tried to console me when you found me crying in the playground. You looked reluctant but you still tried. Your way of doing it was horrible, by the way.”

Ohno only laughed in return.

“And you’ve liked me since that day?”

Nino didn’t answer him. It wasn’t completely dark, the park was still illuminated by a few lights. So, he could see Nino’s cheeks turned red. It’s totally adorable. It was enough to answer his question.

And, he didn’t need Nino to answer why he had been lying to him all these years. He knew the reason. If he had been horrible to Nino when they were kids, Nino must be worried to tell him his true identity. He must be worried that Ohno will stop texting him after he knew who he really was. So, that’s why he continued to text Ohno, pretending to be Jun. Meeting him in flesh must have changed Nino’s mind to be frank with him, especially because Ohno kept pointing out the similarities between Jun and Nino.

He was overwhelmed with his feelings for Nino. So he grabbed Nino’s waist and pulled him closer. His action caused Nino to squeal.

“Ohchan, what are you doing?”

But, Ohno didn’t answer him. Instead, he brought their lips together and kissed Nino. He could feel how shocked Nino was with the sudden kiss but he ignored it. Not long after that, Nino started responding to the kiss.

“I love you, Nino.”

“I love you too, Ohchan.” And they kissed once again.

Ohno woke up when his alarm rang. He took his phone to check what time it was. Ah, it’s time to get ready for work. But, before that, he checked his phone for new messages. As expected, there was a new message from his favorite person.

Good morning, Ohchan. I love you.

A/N: So, I decided to continue writing OhMiya. I love them so much, I cannot stop myself from writing them.
This was something I wrote for Ohno's birthday. But I don't know if I could post on his birthday so I decided to post it earlier.
I was inspired to write this because of my friend. We haven't meet each other for 5 years already and only texted each other almost everyday. I thought what if the person I always text isn't my friend. (It's her, I confirmed it) and get an idea to write this.
I hope it isn't crappy. Hope you enjoy reading this. Comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, message from you, fanfic

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