Me, Him & Our First Date

Nov 01, 2019 23:43

Skating rink?

Of all the places he thought for a date, skating rink had never crossed his mind. He had thought they would go to a typical date like other people. Maybe they would go for a movie and then eat dinner together. Or maybe, he had hoped that Ohno will bring him to an arcade because he knew how much Nino loved games. He totally didn’t expect Ohno will bring him to a skating rink.

“Have you skate before?” Ohno asked him with his idiotic grin. Nino rolled his eyes in annoyance because Ohno already knew the answer. They had met here once before. It happened back in their first year, probably a week after he first met Ohno in the cafeteria. Aiba had dragged him here with a promise to buy him a new game. When they arrived, Ohno was already here, skating alone. Ohno only spoke to Aiba at that time before he went home. But, he had seen how Nino had fallen down plenty of times on that day, much to Nino’s embarrassment. Since that day, he swore never to skate again.

“I don’t want to do this, Satoshi.” Nino pouted. Ohno chuckled lightly causing Nino to glare at him.

“Let’s go.” Ohno said, pulling him to a counter to rent skates. He totally ignored what Nino said. Even though he was reluctant, Nino followed his boyfriend.

“I’m not good in skating. I will definitely fall down. Can we do something else?” Nino complained.

“Me too, Kazu. I will definitely fall down.”

“Then, why are we doing this? Why do we have to do something that will embarrass both of us?”

“Because I think it will be different. And I think it’s romantic seeing couples that hold each other so they won’t fall down.”

Nino stared at his boyfriend, not knowing what to say. However, a small part of him agreed. Sometimes, when he watched people skate, he had hoped that he could skate while holding hands with Ohno.

“Ah, you’re smiling. Kazu chan agree with me, right?” Ohno teased him. He smacked Ohno’s head playfully.

After getting their skates and helmet, both of them entered the rink. They were hopeless. They could stand on the ice but not for a long time.

“Don’t rely on me. I’m not stable.” He scolded his boyfriend when Ohno leaned on him, holding his hand tightly. Once again, Ohno only laughed softly. It was a domino effect as he also ended up laughing. He was glad that Ohno chose to go skating for their date. It was fun being hopeless together.

“I thought you know how to skate.” Nino voiced out his confusion. “You were here when I came with Aiba.”

“Oh.” Ohno scratched his head. “Playtime is over, I guess.” Nino glared at him playfully, realizing that Ohno pretended to be lousy earlier so that he could lean towards Nino. “I know how to skate but I wasn’t that good. I was here on that day to impress you. Aiba told me that both of you will come to skate. But, there was nothing impressive that I can show you on that day so I went home after you arrived.”

“Impress me?” Nino asked. “When did you realize you love me?”

He didn’t want to sound conceited. But, from what Ohno said, it seemed like Ohno was in love with him since the first time they met.

“Hmmm… I don’t know. But, I was attracted to you when I saw you in the cafeteria. When you smiled at me after you finish your game at that time, it was too adorable. I wish that you will only smile like that to me.”

Nino stared at his boyfriend in awe. He totally didn’t expect that Ohno had love him first. Even though he couldn’t see his own face, he was pretty sure it was crimson red right now.

“Awh, is Kazu chan embarrassed to know that?” Ohno said, pinching his cheek. Nino scolded him instead, trying to hide how embarrassed he was. But, he cannot stop the smile that had formed.

“You’re cute when you smile.” Ohno said. To be honest, Nino wanted to hide under the ground so that Ohno will stop teasing him. “Well, let’s skate together.”

Ohno then told him how to stand on ice. Then, he slowly let go of Nino so that he can stand on his own. After that, he demonstrated how to skate. He skated a few metres away from Nino before he returned to him. However, when he was near Nino, he didn’t stop at all. Instead, he skated towards Nino, hugging him at the end.

“You did that just to hug me.” Nino said when Ohno laughed after their little collision.

“Ah, you know my trick.” Ohno said. Nino only smiled in return. Then, he asked Nino to try skating, telling him how to stop as well. Nino did just like what he saw Ohno did earlier.

“Yeah. I could do it.” Nino told Ohno who was skating beside him. He concluded that Ohno was better in teaching how to skate than Aiba. The reason he fell down before when he went with Aiba was because Aiba was a lousy teacher.

“Try to stop.” Ohno instructed him. He nodded his head before trying to stop. However, much to his disappointment, he couldn’t stop properly and ended up falling down.

“Ouch!” He yelped, once again glaring when Ohno only laughed at him without trying to help him.

“It’s normal to fall down when skating, my dear Kazu chan.” Ohno said, extending his hands towards him. Nino took the hand and then they continued to skate together while holding hands. Just like what Ohno said before, it felt romantic to do so. But, he will not let Ohno know about that.

“So, what do you think of our first date?” Ohno asked him as they left the skating rink.

“Not romantic at all.” Nino said teasingly. “Perhaps a candlelight dinner will be better.”

“Are you sure you want that?”

Nino shook his head. Of course he wouldn’t want that. It didn’t suit him at all. However, speaking of dinner, he had decided what he wanted to eat today.

“What do you want to eat for dinner?” Ohno asked as if he could hear what Nino was thinking about.

“McD.” He told his boyfriend. Ohno only smiled sweetly at him before leaning forward to kiss his forehead.

“The one near your house?” Ohno asked. Nino nodded his head. Both of them knew the significance of that place in their relationship.

Both of them walked together, holding hands. A year ago, because of his own stupidity, he had his heart broken there. He had avoided eating McDonald’s since that day. Now, he’s going there again with the same person who is now his boyfriend. And together, they will make more memories.

Well, onto the story. Once again, I hope it isn't lame. This will be the last part but if I have another idea, I might write again.
Why did I choose skating for their date? Because I always enjoy watching people skating together. There was a skating rink near my house when I was a student and I always hope that I can go skating while holding hands with someone. But, to be honest, I don't know how to skate at all so my dream date will never happen. I went skating once but it was a disaster.
Watching the skating episode in Arashi ni Shiyagare helps me write this part. And OhMiya was totally adorable in that episode.
As always, thank you so much for everyone who reads this story.

ohmiya, me & him, fanfic

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