I'm gonna mark today as my favorite day. On Sunday Nov 10th 2019, I finally saw Arashi. I went to Jetstorm Press conference in Singapore. It's far and only for a while but I totally love seeing them. They are shining!!!
I talked to some people while waiting for Arashi to arrive. The first one was an old Japanese lady who has been staying in Singapore for a while. She went on behalf of her daughter who couldn't make it in Jakarta. We talked about Arashi's performance for the emperor and empress. At the same time, a couple of exchange student from Japan joined our conversation. They were really surprised to see a lot of people coming to see Arashi. They didn't expect Arashi to be this popular outside of Japan.
And then I talked to one of the passer-by. I was holding an Arashi uchiwa. He asked me which one is everyone's favorite. I said all of them. And then, he asked me which one is the best singer. I pointed to Ohno and he said they look young. He didn't believe me when I told him that all members of Arashi are almost 40. He took a picture of the uchiwa. I hope he will become a fan of Arashi too after this, or at least introduce Arashi to his daugter.
I didn't get to enter the venue. I only get to see Sho first when they entered the area. Then, I started walking around to see them. But it was hard. I only get to see a glimpse of them but it's enough. When the PC was almost over, I went back to entrance and finally I got to see all of them. Nino's side profile is truly magnificent. I understand why Jun said his face is the best in Arashi. OhMiya is really small. The way Arashi smiles is really great. Ah, I miss them. Can I see them again? Please come to Singapore again, please!!!
When I went home, a girl was playing Arashi's Step and Go loudly. I don't think she is a fan because she looks clueless whenever I asked her about Arashi. But, I think the event might change her to be a fan. She also took a picture of Arashi uchiwa that I was holding.
Oh, and if you see a video of someone calling Aiba chan really loudly near the escalator, that wasn't me. But, I personally know her. I went with her to the event but at that time, we were separated. If I was with her, I can see Arashi clearly.