Bound to Meet You - Part 2

Nov 27, 2018 20:20


Ohno was surprised when someone called him during lunch. Sho had a meeting with a client and could not join him for lunch. Jun, on the other hand, will have lunch after he finished his job. So, Ohno was quite surprised to hear someone calling him as he was looking for a place to sit.

It was Nino. He was sitting alone and gestured for Ohno to take a seat in front of him. People who were there, looked at him with wide eyed. Ohno was a loner at work. Jun and Sho were his only friends here so perhaps they were surprised to see he knew Nino. He could see the girls were jealous, hoping to be called like that by Nino.

"Hi, I didn't know that you're the president's nephew,"

"Not just his nephew. I am his favourite nephew. He was so happy when I graduated because he wants me to work here," said Nino. "Our relationship is just like you and Yamato. He is my hero growing up,"

"Did you know I work here?" Asked Ohno. It was something that he really wanted to ask since he found out about who Nino really was.

"Yes. Your mother told me. But she didn't know that I will work here too,"

"And why didn't you tell me last week? When we're talking about your plan in the future?"

"I want it to be a surprise," answered Nino simply. Ohno only nodded his head. Well, he was surprised but it wasn't something to be angry about.

Then, he was momentarily surprised when Nino suddenly clasped their hand together. It was only for a few moment as Nino immediately let it go. He looked at Nino awkwardly and noticed that the guy was equally awkward. But, before he could ask anything...

"Do you know each other?"

It was Jun and he took a seat next to Nino.

"Yes. He is my client's uncle," answered Nino. Jun looked at him sceptically.

"What? Remember the little boy that I am tutoring. Ohchan is his uncle,"

Jun then exclaimed in surprise as if he just remembered something.

"Oh the little boy named Yamato. I didn't know it is your nephew, Ohno san," said Jun. "Wow, you guys looked close. See those eyes, they are jealous of you, Ohno san,"

Ohno subtly tried to look around and noticed how everyone tried to pretend not to look at their direction when they noticed he was looking.

"They are jealous of me," Said Nino, which cause Ohno to chuckle slightly. Why would they be jealous of Nino. Of course they are jealous with Ohno for getting a chance to sit with an attractive guy like Nino.

"Okay, dude. I have to go now. I still have a lot to learn. See you later, Ohchan," said Nino.

Everyone wasn't surprised to hear him being called fondly like that. Well, they were surprise initially. But, they forgot about that as they were more surprised with what Nino did next. Kissing his cheeks. Everyone gasped to see that but Nino acted like nothing happened and left them.

"Dude, I didn't know you have a boyfriend," said Jun.

Ohno could only shook his head cause he didn't know how to respond. But he knew what he had to do. He had to talk with Nino and asked him what he meant by that kiss.

Busy with work causing him not to have a chance to see Nino at all until Saturday, when Nino will come to tutor Yamato. At the same time, Nino had been avoiding him at work, or at least that's what he thought, as he didn't see the guy during lunch at all. People had also been talking about them with Sho and Jun asked for confirmation regarding their relationship. Of course he denied it cause that's the truth. But, both of them looked at him sceptically.

"Okay, Yamato! That's all for today. You did a great job today,"

Ohno immediately got out of his room when he heard the cheerful voice of Nino announcing the end of his tutoring session. He had been dreading for this moment to happen.

"Oh, hi Ohchan. I didn't know you're home," said Nino, still looking as cheerful as he always was. In fact, he looked even brighter than usual to see him.

"Hi, are you done? Do you have anything to do after this?" Asked Ohno.

"I'm done and I don't have anything to do. I promised to meet Aiba later at 8 pm so I still have a few hours to spend with you. I hope you have something special planned for me,"

Ohno found himself blushing to hear the response. Spending time with him? It sounds sweet.

"Oh, you two. Don't flirt here. Yamato is still a child,"

Hearing his mother's voice reminded Ohno that he was still at home and the real reason he wanted to talk with Nino.

"We're sorry, Mrs Ohno. We will avoid it next time," said Nino when Ohno remained quiet. He was actually at loss to what he should have done.

"So, Ohchan, what do you want?" Asked Nino. Ohno blinked in surprise and tried his best to recompose himself and act cool.

"Let's go for a cup of coffee," said Ohno and when Nino nodded his head agreeing with his request, he immediately grabbed the guy's hand and go out before he did anything that will embarrass himself again.

"Ohchan!" Called Nino when they were in front of the elevator and he had stopped running.

"Yes?" Ohno turned back to look at the other guy who was sweating and trying to catch his breath. The way Nino looked exhausted made Ohno worried.

"Are you okay?" Asked Ohno.

"No. I don't like to run and you make me run," complained Nino with a pout, making him look even cuter than usual. However, he decided to not say anything about it because Nino looked pissed off with him.

"Where is your bag?" Asked Ohno when he noticed Nino didn't carry his tote bag with him.

"I ran without taking it. Never mind, I will take it on the way home," said Nino, back to his own cheerful self and no longer scowling at Ohno. "Let's go and drink coffee. It's your treat, right?"

Hearing that made Ohno realized that he forgot to take his wallet with him. He grinned at Nino and as if he knew what happened with the wallet, Nino once again scowled at him before saying sweetly.

"Okay, let's go home and take your wallet," said Nino.

His mother and Yamato laughed at him when they got home again to take his wallet and Nino's bag. Seeing that it's almost lunch time, he decided to invite Nino to have lunch with him and let Nino chose the restaurant.

"Is this a date?" Asked Nino. Even though he sounded like he wanted to tease Ohno, Ohno could sense he was hopeful. Maybe his mother was right. Maybe Nino shared the same feeling as he was. That's why he hold his hand and kissed his cheek the other day.

"Sure. Let's go on a date. But..." Ohno paused for dramatic effect, which indeed made Nino looked at him in confusion.

"But what?" Asked Nino when he paused for a long time. He looked anxious, which made Ohno felt guilty for deciding to tease him.

"Only if you agreed to be my boyfriend," said Ohno and he loved how Nino nodded his head with his red face. He couldn't help but thinking how cute Nino was and decided to kiss him, not caring that they were in the middle of the crowd.

"Why do I have to go and meet Aiba with you?" Asked Ohno when Nino dragged him to meet his best friend.

"Cause he's going to introduce his boyfriend to me so I decided to introduce my boyfriend to him too. We can go on a double date," answered Nino as he stopped and examined the surrounding.

"According to the address he gave me, this is the place. Wow, he really got himself a rich boyfriend. He just moved into the house last week," said Nino as he pressed the bell of the house.

Ohno looked at the surrounding. Before this, he just followed Nino without paying attention to where he was going to. Now that he looked carefully, the house looked familiar. It was...

"Satoshi!" Exclaimed Sho, equally surprised to see him there.

"Sho, are they here? I cannot wait to see Nino's boyfriend," a cheerful voice came from the house. Then, a tall guy stood next to Sho. Ohno recognized him from the picture Nino shown him before as Aiba. Sho had told him about his nameless boyfriend before but he didn't expect it to be Nino's friend.

"Your boyfriend is Sakurai Sho?" Asked Nino. Aiba smiled sheepishly at him.

"You don't have to sound surprise," said Aiba. "Is this your boyfriend? Oh he is so cute. Wait, I've seen him before. But I cannot remember,"

"Of course you've seen him, dear," said Sho. "He is my best friend and I've shown you his picture before,"

"Oh what a coincidence! Your best friend is dating my best friend," said Aiba happily. "Let's go inside instead of talking at the door,"

"Just a question before we get inside," said Nino. He winked at Ohno, signalling he was about to do something mischievous. "Sakurai san, is there a missing screw in your brain that made you make a terrible decision to date the stupid Aiba,"

"OI," screamed Aiba. He was about to punch Nino but Nino was quick and already ran away from him, leaving Ohno and Sho laughing watching the two of them.

"So, the gossip is true. You are dating our president's nephew," said Sho.

"Well, we just started dating today. He is Yamato's tutor,"

"Oh, you never told me about him before. Well, I think that you're bound to meet him after all. Even if he didn't become Yamato's tutor, I might introduce him to you because of his relationship with Masaki. Even if I didn't date Masaki, you're still going to know him from work. It's funny how fate works isn't it?"

Ohno only nodded his head. But maybe, there was a reason he met Nino as his nephew's tutor first. Maybe they will not be dating if he was introduced to Nino by Sho or from work. He was too plain to be noticed by Nino randomly like that. So, he was glad that he got to know Nino from his mother and nephew.

"Ohchan, help me! He's going to kill me!" Screamed Nino as he ran back to Ohno, hiding himself from Aiba.

"Aiba san," said Ohno, shielding Nino from Aiba. Aiba was bigger than him so he didn't do a good job protecting Nino as Aiba reached forward and pinched Nino's cheeks.

"Auww!!! Ohchan, you're supposed to protect me from him," complained Nino.

"Maybe you should not be naughty first," said Ohno.

"Okay okay. I think we better get inside before I receive a complaint from neighbour about how noisy you two are,"

Aiba and Sho stepped inside the house first. When Nino was about to enter the house, Ohno stopped him and pulled him closer before presenting him with a kiss on his lips.

"Wow. What was that kiss for?" Asked Nino when he let go of him.

"Just want to tell you that I love you," confessed Ohno and once again Nino was blushing which once again prompted Ohno to kiss him again and if Sho didn't call them to get inside, they might end up making love there.

A/N: Well, sorry if it's too weird. I decided to write something for Satoshi's birthday so here it is. My initial idea was to write from Nino's POV but I don't have any idea to write for Satoshi's birthday so I changed the story. Hope you will enjoy reading it and comments are appreciated :)

ohmiya, bound to meet you, fanfic

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