You're Beautiful - Part 1

Dec 05, 2018 22:00

Summary: Nino and Ohno had liked each other for a long time though neither would admit. Then an accident happened and everything changed.

Pairing: OhMiya

Ohno Satoshi waited patiently for the door to be opened. He rang the bell of the apartment fifteen minutes ago. No one answered for his first attempt. However, he could hear people laughing inside. He pressed the bell once again, in case the person inside did not notice the sound. There was a response, asking him to wait for a while. He must be spacing out after that because the next time he looked at his watch, fifteen minutes had passed and there was no sign that the person inside will open the door. He sighed and raised his hand to press the bell once again when the door was finally opened, revealing a beautiful girl behind the door.

Ohno was mesmerized to see the girl who opened the door. She is beautiful. People would think he was exaggerating. However, it was the truth! She is the most beautiful girl Ohno had ever seen. He loves her eyes which turned away immediately once their eyes met. He loves the way her cheeks turned red once she saw Ohno. Her lips... Ohno felt like kissing them. They looked so soft. What he loves the most was the mole under her chin. It made her appear cute. For Ohno, the whole situation was weird. It was not easy for him to instantly like someone. All his life, there was only one person who could make him feel like this. So, he wondered what kind of charm the girl in front of him had that made him feel this way.

He was not expecting to see her when he rang the bell. Instead, he thought it would be a friend of his sister, Ninomiya Kazuha, who would open the door. Well, in the first glance, Kazuha and the person who opened the door looked similar. But, the person in front of him was more beautiful than Kazuha.

He wondered who the girl was. As far as he knew, Kazuha did not have any sister. She only had a brother who was in the same class as Ohno. His name is Ninomiya Kazunari. But, most people called him Nino. Maybe he should ask Nino about the mysterious girl at school tomorrow, hoping his question would have an effect on the other guy.

"Hmm..." The girl in front of him coughed. Even though there was something weird about her, Ohno didn't say anything. "What are you doing here?"

Ohno handed her a few books.

"That is for Kazuha nee-chan. My sister said they are the notes and homework," explained Ohno. Kazuha could not come to school today because of the fever. So his sister helped her with the notes and homework. However, as she was busy with her swimming training after school, she entrusted Ohno to give the books to Kazuha.

The girl nodded her head and was ready to close the door. But, they were interrupted by Matsumoto Jun and Aiba Masaki who suddenly appeared at the door. Both of them were grinning widely to see him while the girl gave them a deadly glare. It seems they were immune to the glare as they ignored her and continued to stare at Ohno. An evil smirk was on Jun's face while Aiba seems oblivious to what Jun was thinking about.

Ohno knew both Jun and Aiba as Nino's best friend. The trio was always together. And, it was weird to see both of them without Nino. Nino and Jun were quite evil. In their class, Nino was regarded as the prank master and people wouldn't really want to bother Jun because of his sadistic nature. Nino was the only person brave enough to mess around with Jun. Aiba seemed like the odd one among them because he was the kindest person Ohno ever met. He wasn't the type of person to bully others but he had the tendency to be weird.

"Hi, Ohchan!" Jun greeted him. "What do you think of our new friend?"

He wanted to compliment the girl. However, he stopped himself when the girl talked first, cursing at both Jun and Aiba followed by a burst of laughter by someone inside the house. He was startled to see the girl. He wondered what those two did to her that made her so angry at them.

Then, Kazuha came outside, having the same expression as Jun and Aiba. The girl continued to curse, targeting Kazuha this time. That is when Ohno noticed why the girl sounded weird when she talked to him earlier. It was like a guy pretending to be a girl. Thinking about it carefully, he finally realized who the girl is.


The girl stopped talking almost immediately when she heard Ohno. She blinked a few times like she finally remembered Ohno was there with his friends and sister. Ohno took his time to analyze the girl. She was indeed Nino. No wonder she... No... The girl looked similar to Kazuha. It was her own brother. That would also explain why Ohno was attracted to her. He had a crush on Nino for a long time, something that he didn't try to hide as he continuously teasing the other boy. Watching the way Nino blushed because of his teasing was a delight. Even though neither of them had confessed, it's possible that Nino likes him too. Nino used to flirt with him as well. But recently, he became a little passive. Instead of flirting, he resorted to staring at Ohno when he thought Ohno wasn't looking at him.

"Ohchan..." Nino didn't try to pretend to be a girl this time, now that Ohno finally knew who he really was. He took off the wig on his hair and sounded desperate as he continued. "Please don't tell anyone about what you see here,”

"Is this your hobby?" Asked Ohno, which made Nino blushed. The other three laughed to hear that and Nino scolded them, asking them to be quiet.

"No..." Nino quickly denied. "My sister was bored so she suggested we played truth or dare. I choose to dare and she dared me to be a girl. They were putting make-up on me when you rang the bell. Then, they pushed me to answer the door. If I know it was you, I will not answer the door. Please! Keep this as a secret!"

Well, Nino was lucky it was Ohno who saw him dressed as a girl. Nino's reputation as a prankster would make this a rare opportunity to get revenge on him. However, Ohno wouldn't do that. He wasn't that petty. If there was anything he wanted to do as a favour for keeping this as a secret, it would be...

As the thought crossed his mind, he didn't know why he made eye contact with Jun. From Jun's mysterious smirk, he could tell that Jun knew what he was thinking about. Well, it's petty to take advantage of the situation for his own benefit but he didn't care. This could help to take his relationship with Nino to the next level.

"Of course, my dear. I won't tell anyone else about this. Your secret is safe with me..." Ohno paused as he watched how Nino sighed in relief. Nino smiled at him in response, ready to thank him but Ohno was quicker as he continued. "... But you have to do something for me in return,"

And he loved how Nino blushed to hear his request.

Ohno hummed happily in class the next day. It was a free period as the teacher was absent.

"You are happy," remarked Sho who sat next to him in the class. Sho was his best friend. They had known each other since they were six.

"Well, one hour left for class and then we will start our vacation. Of course, I am happy," answered Ohno. Well, that was partially true. The real reason he was happy was that something else.

He glanced at Nino and was happy to catch him staring. As usual, his face turned red before he resumed his conversation with Jun and Aiba. Ohno only chuckled to see that.

"Well..." Said Sho. "I hope you don't forget that we will have a meeting for the carnival tomorrow morning,"

Ohno's face immediately changed upon hearing what Sho said. Meeting? Carnival? He vaguely remembered that their teacher asked for a few volunteers for the upcoming school carnival. Sho put his name as a volunteer against his will. That's why he didn't remember anything about the meeting. Damn! How could this happen to him when he finally got the chance to go on a date with Nino.

He became agitated, thinking of how to talk to Nino about rescheduling their date. However, he became confused when he noticed Sho was smirking at him.

"The meeting will be on Monday!"

Ohno blinked in confusion. Eh? Monday? But, why did Sho said they will have a meeting tomorrow?

Oh! He smacked his own head as he realized what had happened. Sho was teasing him. He cursed himself for believing Sho just now, knowing that Sho was doing that to know the real reason he was in a good mood today.

"Next time, pay attention to what the teacher said," said Sho and Ohno nodded in agreement. He should stop spacing out or Sho will use his obliviousness to tease him again. "So, are you going anywhere with Nino tomorrow? He finally agrees to go out with you?"

Ohno sighed in response. He noticed Nino had changed. Before this, Nino would always agree to go out with him. In fact, if Ohno teased him, he would give a positive response. However, Nino seemed to avoid him nowadays. He rejected his invitation to go out together as well as being a little hostile towards Ohno. It was a mystery for him to figure out why Nino suddenly changed.

"Well, he agreed because he owed me something," answered Ohno. He had promised Nino that he won't tell anyone about what happened yesterday, not even to Sho.

"Well, I hope your date will go well," said Sho. Even though he seems curious to know what Ohno meant earlier, he didn't ask further about it.

"But..." Sho continued to stare at Nino and Jun who were laughing at something stupid that Aiba said. "Do you think Nino likes you?"

Ohno didn't answer the question. A year ago, he would say Nino likes him because of the flirting. Now, looking at the way Nino avoided him, he wasn't sure of Nino's feeling for him.

"Well...." Sho turned to look at Ohno when Ohno didn't give any answer. "He looked different now. You know, after what happened last year,"

Ohno knew about the incident Sho was talking about. It happened a year ago. A few kids were running in the hallway and accidentally, one of them pushed Nino from the stairs. The fall was quite severe and as the results, Nino was in a coma for a week.

"What do you mean?"

"I think... How do I explain this... After the accident, he always looks at you with a pair of sad eyes... Or is it just..."

"Yes, it's just your imagination," Ohno cut him off before Sho could finish when he noticed Nino was approaching him.

"Hi, beautiful!" He greeted Nino. He gave the other guy a mischievous smile as he remembered how beautiful Nino was yesterday.

"Don't forget your promise," warned Nino and Ohno only laughed in return. "Are we going to be alone tomorrow?"

"Yes. That is my condition if you want me to keep your secret," Answered Ohno. Nino sighed in return. Ohno couldn't help but feel a little disappointed to hear the sigh. Did Nino really despise the idea of them going out together?

"Where are we going?" Asked Nino again. Ohno hasn't planned anything for the date yet. But, knowing how much Nino loves playing games, maybe they could go to an arcade before heading off to a cafe for lunch.

"Love hotel," he whispered to the other guy. Nino's face immediately turned red hearing that and he couldn't help but laughed.

"Ohchan, be serious, please," pleaded Nino.

"I know. It's too early. Maybe we could go there for our third date," said Ohno and Nino pouted in return as he continued to tease him.

"Okay okay..." Ohno immediately grabbed Nino's hand when he tried to go away, clearly annoyed with Ohno.

"We'll go to the arcade and eat after that. Nothing fancy,"

"Okay. Where should we meet?"

"I'll pick you up at 10,"

"I'm not a girl. You don't have to pick me up,"

Ohno didn't answer. Instead, he gave Nino a knowing smile to remind him of what happened yesterday. Nino pouted at him, clearly understand what the smile meant. He mumbled a soft okay before leaving Ohno and Sho alone.

"He is so beautiful," he mumbled to himself but could still be heard by Sho.

"I know you like him but don't tease him too hard. Maybe that would push him away,"

Ohno didn't say anything. He knew Sho was right but he's getting impatient. He had decided. No more teasing tomorrow. He will confess and hope Nino will accept him. If he didn't accept the confession, he will make Nino tell him the reason for the rejection.

Nino kept pacing back and forth in his room as he waited for Ohno. He was so nervous to be alone with Ohno. It wasn't the first time he went out alone with Ohno. They've done that a lot of time before. But, it was just hanging out with a friend. This time, Ohno had declared it as a date and it made him nervous. It doesn't help to make him feel less nervous to think that this would be the first time he would be alone with Ohno since...

"Could you please stop moving?" Said Jun who was sitting on his bed. The doorbell rang earlier and Nino hurried to the door thinking Ohno had come early for their date. However, it wasn't Ohno. It was his idiotic best friends.

"This wouldn't happen if you don't ask me to wear that dress and wig," said Nino, glaring at his friend. His sister was indeed the one who dared him to be a girl but it was Jun who gave her the idea. Furthermore, he noticed the exchange between Jun and Ohno on that day. There's no doubt, Jun was the one who gave the idea to Ohno.

"Well, you seem eager to do the makeup and wear the dress and wig. So, it wasn't completely my fault. Right, Aiba?" Said Jun, defending himself. Aiba nodded his head in return. Nino didn't have anything to say against that. It was true. He was actually excited to do so. His reason? Well, the same reason he refused to be alone with Ohno.

"I'm sure you're going to have a great time with Ohchan, Nino," said Aiba. "He's bringing you to the arcade, right?"

"Then, he will bring Nino to eat," Jun interrupted before Nino could answer Aiba. "Maybe he will propose to you during lunch,"

Jun grinned innocently at him, followed by laughter from Aiba. Nino didn't say anything. From the way Ohno treated him since yesterday, there is a possibility Ohno might confess to him. If he did, Nino didn't know if he should accept or reject him. Ah, how he wished that he wasn't in coma a year ago. Things get complicated because of the coma.

The doorbell rang once again. Nino glanced at the clock, noticing it was 5 minutes to 10. This must be Ohno. He hurried to the door.

As expected, it was Ohno. He stood in front of the door, smiling seductively at Nino as he greeted Nino.

"Good morning, beautiful,"

"Can you stop calling me that?" said Nino. He closed the door behind, knowing that his friends and sister were spying on them. Without realizing it, he immediately grabbed Ohno's hand to get them away from the house.

"Eager to go on a date with me, aren't you?" Said Ohno as they waited for the elevator to come. Nino frowned upon hearing that until he noticed how he was holding Ohno. He awkwardly let go of Ohno's hand which earned a chuckle from Ohno.

"I don't mind holding hands with you," said Ohno. Worried about what Ohno will do to him, he became nervous when Ohno leaned closer to him. But, to his relief, Ohno simply smiled at him without doing anything. From afar, he could see three pair of eyes watching him from his house.

Ignoring them, he immediately headed into the elevator once it arrived.

"So..." Nino began, trying to hide how nervous he was. "Which arcade are we going to go?"

"The one you always bring me to," answered Ohno. Nino nodded his head. Ohno often accompanied him to the arcade but he hadn't been there for a while. Well, maybe he overreacted. Maybe the date wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

"Satoshi, let's go on a date,"

"What is that?"

"When two people who like each other go out together to have fun, it is called a date,"

"But... I don't like you,"

Nino shook his head as a random memory suddenly appeared. He was having a good time with Ohno. It makes him wonder why he thought it would be awkward to be alone with Ohno.

However, he was reminded of the memory as he watched Ohno played with the dancing machine. He had given up on that game 20 minutes ago but Ohno was still playing. This is the only game that Ohno could do so it makes sense if it's his favourite game.

He stared at Ohno, watching in amazement with the way he was moving his body. Ohno was indeed incredible and sexy. Once upon a time, he would be drooling as he watched Ohno danced, but, now, he no longer felt that way.

"Enjoying the view?" Said Ohno, taking a seat next to him. Nino simply shrugged to show he wasn't interested. He realized why it wasn't awkward with Ohno when they were playing together. Ohno didn't flirt with him as he always did. Instead, they were enjoying themselves playing every single game without Ohno teasing him. But, now that Ohno was back to his usual self, it made Nino nervous.

"I'm starving," that's what Nino said instead. "Let's go for lunch,"

He stood up from the seat, ready to go. But, Ohno remained seated.

"Aren't you hungry?" Asked Nino, once again.

"Nino, do you know that I like you?" Asked Ohno suddenly. Nino was caught off-guard with the sudden question. He knew that. He knew Ohno likes him. Once upon a time, he had the same feeling but, now... He doesn't feel the same way anymore.

"I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way," answered Nino. He lowered his head, feeling embarrassed to look at Ohno. But, Ohno approached him, lifting his chin to make Nino look straight at him.

"Sho was right. You don't look at me the same way as before,"

"I'm sorry. It's just... It wasn't the same,"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not him. Even though you have the same name and fac..."

Nino stopped himself as he realized what he just said. Ohno watched him with a frown. Clearly, he didn't understand what Nino was talking about. Who would? Even he was struggling to believe it was real. But, remembering the kiss and the memory spent together, he knew it wasn't a dream.

"I don't get it," said Ohno.

"It's nothing. Just forget what I said," answered Nino. Ohno looked at him, trying to make him explain what he said earlier. But, as Nino kept his mouth shut, Ohno only sighed in return.

"Can I know who the lucky person is?"

Nino shook his head. It's too complicated. The other person... He exists... But, not now...

"Okay. But, I want to let you know that I'm not going to give up on you. One day, you will love me," said Ohno. He looked determined and knowing that he won't be able to forget the other guy, he wanted to tell Ohno to stop waiting for him. However, nothing comes out of his mouth.

"Let's go eat. I'm starving as well," said Ohno, smiling as if their conversation did not have any effect on him. Nino only nodded his head in agreement as he thought of ways to make Ohno gave up on him.


ohmiya, you're beautiful, fanfic

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