Bound to Meet You - Part 1

Nov 27, 2018 20:18

Pairing: OhMiya
Summary: Ohno was attracted to his nephew's tutor

"I think I want to get a tutor for Yamato,"

Ohno Satoshi wasn't surprise to hear that from his mother. Yamato was his nephew, a son of his sister who died in a car accident. He had been living with Ohno and his mother since he was two years old and now he was already 10 years old. However, he was struggling at school and Ohno couldn't do much to help because he wasn't bright enough and he was also busy with work.

"That's a good idea," said Ohno, agreeing with his mother. "Our neighbour also do the same thing for his son, right,"

He had heard from his mother about his neighbour hiring a tutor to help their son from his mother. Maybe that's where his mother got the idea.

"Good. I have interviewed a few candidates,"

This time, Ohno was surprised. He didn't know his mother was this efficient. She must be worried about Yamato's performance at school that she decided to do this first.

"So, is there anyone you like?"

His mother nodded his head excitedly then took out one sheet of paper from the drawer. It was the resume of her favourite candidate. Ohno looked at the picture of the guy. He was cute, that was Ohno's first impression. His skin was fair and his eyes were lovely with a cute thin lips. There were two moles on his chin, helping to improve his charming face.

"He seems good,"

"He is perfect. He is the cleverest among the one I interviewed and even though he seems to be innocent, he was the most cunning. He seems to be able to control Yamato. You know how lazy the boy is now to study. I think this guy would be perfect for the job,"

"Well, if you like him, I agree with your choice," said Ohno. He wondered what his mom meant by the boy being cunning. What kind of test did his mother gave to the candidates that she was able to say so?

"Great. I will give him a call to tell him we accept him,"

Ohno hadn't been home early for two weeks. He had been busy with a new project in his workplace that he barely had time to rest. But, today, he decided to take a half day leave from work. He had finished all of his work and he deserved to get the rest.

"Good job, Yamato,"

A strange voice was talking from the living room when he opened the door. If he didn't hear a response from Yamato after that, he would think that he was too tired and accidentally entered another person's house. That was when he remembered about Yamato's tutor. Ohno knew he already started the tutoring but he never had a chance to see the tutor himself.

"Uncle Satoshi!" Screamed Yamato when he entered the living room. "You're home early today,"

"Yes," said Ohno and approached the little boy, giving him a little kiss at the cheek. "Have you eat?"

"Yup," said Yamato. "This is my teacher, Nino!"

"Yamato, is that how you talk with your teacher," they were interrupted by his mother who came from the kitchen.

"It's okay, madam. I'm the one who asked him to call me that," said Nino aka the teacher.

"It sounds rude to me for him to call you that," said his mother but Nino shrugged her off saying that it will reduce the distance between him and Yamato.

"I am Ninomiya Kazunari. You must be Ohno Satoshi. Yamato kept talking about you,"

Ohno wondered what Yamato talked about him. Hopefully something good.

"He said you're his hero," said Nino, as if he could hear what Ohno was thinking about.

"That's really sweet of you," said Ohno, guessing he might be blushing to hear that. "I'm not going to disturb you so continue your lesson, okay, Yamato. And it's nice to finally meet you, Ninomiya san,"

"Just call me Nino,"

"Okay," said Ohno before he excused himself and headed to his room.

He was barely there for less than five minutes when someone knocked on his door. He opened the door to see his mother grinning before pushing him inside.

"So, what do you think of him?" Asked his mother soon after she locked the door.

"He seems good," answered Ohno as he remembered that he already answered the same way when his mother showed him Nino's resume. However, he was confused when his mother sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong?" He asked his mother.

"Don't you think he is cute?" Asked his mother.

Ohno looked at his mother in confusion, wondering why his mother was acting weirdly. That's when he realized what his mother was trying to do. She tried to set him up with Nino.

Ohno laughed silently when he thought of it. Well, he couldn't deny that he thought Nino was cute and may have been attracted to him. But, it's impossible. There's no way Nino would be interested with a plain guy like him.

"Mom, it's not going to work,"

"What? You haven't tried,"

"I just know it,"

"Hmmmm... But I really like him. I want him to be a part of our family,"

"Then you will need to adopt him," said Ohno in return. His mother narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, get your rest. I know you are super tired," said his mother as she decided to drop the subject and let Ohno rest. Ohno was grateful that he had such an understanding mother.

They never really get any chance to meet after that. Nino usually came in the evening when Ohno was at work so it was quite a surprise to see Nino suddenly came at night when Ohno was preparing dinner for the family. He had the chance to get home early so he decided to cook for the family. As Nino wasn't there when he got home, he assumed Nino and Yamato had finished their tutoring session.

"Thank you, Mrs Ohno for reschedule. I'm sorry. An emergency suddenly came up," said Nino once he entered. His mom dismissed him saying it was okay and for no reason at all, mentioned to Nino that Ohno was going to cook that day. Seems like his mother hadn't give up on setting them up.

"I bet it is delicious," said Nino, which once again causing Ohno to blush. He decided not to say anything and only smiled to Nino, thinking that he might act uncool if he talked.

The dinner was quite lively. Ohno barely talked when there was an outsider with his family. Usually, he will be in his own world, not caring at all about what others were talking about. But, Nino made him interested with what he was talking about, probably because he was talking about Yamato.

After they finished dinner, Yamato and Nino started their tutoring session while Ohno went to his bedroom to get an early sleep. He had tonnes of work to do tomorrow. When he looked out of the window, he could see drops of rain fall from the sky. It made him wonder if it would still be raining when it was the time for Nino to go home.

A soft knock on the door woke Ohno from his slumber. He looked at the watch and noticed it's already 11:30 pm. Thinking it was his mother who knocked on his door, he opened it only to be surprise to see Nino outside of his room.

"Sorry to bother you," said Nino hesitantly. "Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

He was surprised with the sudden request. Then he noticed the thunder and lightning from the window and decided that it will be bad if Nino went home in this kind of weather. He nodded his head and opened his door wider when his mother showed up with a futon.

"Sorry, Satoshi. I asked Nino to wait until the weather gets better for him to go home but it gets worse. Hope you don't mind letting him sleep in your room,"

"It's okay," answered Ohno shortly. His mother passed the futon to him before leaving both of them standing awkwardly in front of the door.

"I'll use the futon," said Nino trying to take the futon from him. But, Ohno shook his head, preventing Nino from taking it.

"Sleep on the bed. You're a guest,"

Nino only nodded his head. Perhaps it was his imagination but Ohno could hear Nino mumbling something about sleeping together on the bed. That would be impossible, right?

"Do you want pajamas or sweat pants?" Asked Ohno when he noticed the jeans Nino was wearing. It would be uncomfortable to sleep in that. Nino was about the same size as him so his clothes would fit Nino perfectly.

"Ah..." Said Nino as he looked at his own outfit. "I will just wear this,"

"Please. Just borrow my clothes. I don't think it will be comfortable to sleep in that," said Ohno, passing one of his favourite pajamas to Nino. Nino looked like he wanted to argue but didn't say anything.

Ohno excused himself to the kitchen to drink water so Nino can change his clothes in privacy. Yamato was already sleeping when he came out while his mother was watching the television.

"Don't be naughty, okay," said his mother when she noticed him coming out from the kitchen. "We have a child in this house,"

Ohno only laughed in return which somehow irritate his mother as she scolded him lightly.

"Don't think I didn't see the way you looked at him," said his mother. "He also looked at you in the same way,"

Ohno didn't want to argue with his mom on that. Maybe he did look at Nino the way his mom wanted him to be but he doubted Nino would look at him the same way.

"I'm tired. Good night, mom," said Ohno. Though she looked irritated, she responded lovingly to Ohno.

Ohno knocked at the door before he entered the room. When he entered, Nino was sitting at the table, working on something on a paper. Ohno got closer to get a look. It looked like a math question.

"What a fancy math you're doing there," said Ohno, breaking the concentration Nino had when he was doing the math.

"Ah, my friend asked me to help with his assignment," answered Nino.

"You're still a student?" Asked Ohno.

"Nope. I graduated last semester. My friend failed a paper so he had to retake the course,"

"Oh okay. I better get to sleep. It's late,"

"I will switch off the light,"

"You don't have to do so. Just continue with what you're doing and switch it off when you finished. I can sleep with lights on,"

"I'm sorry if I caused you trouble,"

Ohno smiled at Nino, shaking his head.

"It's not a trouble at all. I can sleep anywhere. With light, no light. With noise, no noise,"

"I am jealous with you. I am a light sleeper. I cannot sleep if there is a noise,"

"Then I hope I will not snore tonight so you can get a good sleep,"

Nino chuckled lightly with what he said. It was the best melody he ever heard.

"Did you sleep yesterday? You looked sleepy," said Sho, his best friend during lunch.

"Didn't they always say I look sleepy all the time?" Countered Ohno.

Well, he knew he looked tired but he was happy. Both Nino and he talked about themselves until it was almost 3 am. Tired but it was worth it. He found out that Nino was going to start working at his uncle's company starting next week and the tutoring with Yamato will be done on weekend then. Nino had a best friend named Aiba who was the happiest person Nino ever met. He was stupid and always make Nino angry but Nino cannot imagine his life without him. Ohno also ended up telling Nino about Sho who had been his friend since he started working.

"Yeah, but you looked sleepier than usual. And.... You also look happy. Something good happened?" Asked Sho.

"Nothing," answered Ohno. "Maybe because my design has been accepted by Matsujun,"

"It's the best design ever. Perfect for the main character for our new game. The president's nephew is going to love it," their conversation was interrupted by Matsumoto Jun. He was Ohno's group leader for the new game that will be released by his company.

"President's nephew? Oh, the one who will start next week," said Sho. "Isn't it unfair that he gets to work here even though he just graduated? Just because he is the president's nephew,"

"He went through the application process the same way as the other. If I have to say, it was stricter with him than the other so I don't mind if he gets the job. Furthermore, he loves games so I think he will do a good job,"

"You know him?" Asked Ohno. Jun nodded his head.

"Yes, he is a friend from high school,"

Next Monday, all of the staff were introduced to the new staff in a meeting. Ohno arrived quite late than usual because he woke up late. Once inside the meeting room, he heard all the girls were giggling, talking about how cute one of the new staff was.

"I heard he is the president's nephew," he heard one of the girls said. Ohno glanced at the new staff who were lining up in front of the meeting room. None of them looked cute, at least not as cute as Nino.

However, what happened next surprised him. Coming into the room with the president was a guy he knew. It was Nino.

Part 2

ohmiya, bound to meet you, fanfic

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