Magika - Chapter 11 (New)

Dec 16, 2016 17:36

Jun loved the way Nino pouted when he said he’s going to join them in the library today.

“Don’t be mad, Nino. It’s too boring to stay in the room alone,”

“You can join Aiba and Sho’s study group,” argued Nino but Jun shook his head. He tried to smile innocently to show he had no hidden intention even though it’s futile. Nino knew why he wanted to join them.

He didn’t know since when he suspected Nino was hiding something from them. It was actually normal to see Nino working hard on something but usually it’s because he didn’t want something to interfere with his routine. When Jun first saw Nino doing his homework while eating, he thought it was because he wanted to finish it quickly so it won't interrupt his gaming schedule. But, he immediately know that wasn’t the case when Nino left all of his gaming device when he went for the study date with Ohno. So, he guessed maybe it’s because he wanted to spend more time with Ohno. However, when he heard from Aiba and Sho how Nino left Ohno alone to read books, he knew something was wrong.

So, here is what he thought. If Nino left both of them to read the book during the study date, it means he wouldn’t mind telling them what he’s looking for but if he stayed with them in the library, it means he didn’t want them to know what he is looking for. He figured that Nino dared to leave Ohno alone because he knew Ohno won’t ask. It would be a different story for Jun.

His mind drifted, thinking of the possible thing that bothered Nino. The only clues he had were a female and history. As Ohno said before, maybe Nino was trying to look for information about an important woman in history. But, who could it be? There’re a lot of women mentioned in history book.

He tried to think about it from another perspective. Trying to think if Nino acted strangely for other things. That's when a thought flashed in his mind. Of course! Why couldn’t he think of this before?

“J, are you coming?” He’s a bit lost when he heard Nino’s voice asking him. He looked at both Nino and Ohno who were waiting for him at the door with their bag.

“Oh, yes, I’m coming,” said Jun when he realized what Nino was talking about and quickly took his bag to go with Nino and Ohno. Aiba and Sho had left for their study group before them.

“Let’s study in the Great Library today,” suggested Nino as he started to swing his and Ohno’s hands together. A new habit he developed whenever they walked together. Even though Jun keep on complaining about their excessive skinship, he actually shipped both of them together. They are a very cute couple. He loves how both of their cheeks turned red when he teased them. But, today, he wasn’t in the mood to tease them. He had a mission. “I’m getting bored with the mini library,”

“Or maybe because you already read all the books in the mini library?” He tried asking to see how Nino would respond. The brat wasn’t surprised to hear him as he answered him.

“Well, yeah. It’s because of that too,”

“Actually, what are you looking for?” He tried to test again how much the brat will tell him. “Is it related to The Stranger?”

And, as expected, Nino flinched when he heard the name. Jun just realized how different Nino reacted now when he heard The Stranger. Before this, whenever anyone mentioned the name, Nino will start to brag about his ancestor. How proud he was with his ancestor to defeat the dark wizard. However, since they came to the school, Nino always looked a bit tense to hear the name.

“Jun!” Ohno who was silent since a while ago scolded him when Nino didn’t say anything.

“It’s okay, Ohchan,” said Nino, stopping Ohno from scolding Jun “ It’s true I’m reading about The Stranger. There’s something that bothered me,”

“Do you mind telling us about it? Maybe we could help you,” asked Jun and Ohno nodded in agreement. Nino, however, was reluctant to answer as he looked at the surrounding. They were on the stone bridge and there were a couple of female students behind them.

“I cannot say it here. Maybe when we get back to the room, I will tell you about it. I’m sure Sho chan and Aiba chan would like to know about it too,” answered Nino. Both Jun and Ohno let out a sigh, clearly disappointed to hear that.

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you but this isn’t the right place,” said Nino, trying to convince them that he wasn’t trying to hide anything. Jun understood the reason but he was eager to know. However, what can they do? Nino was right. It sounds like a big secret so of course Nino wanted to talk about it in private.

They continued to walk to the library, talking about the random things that happened in the class. They laughed when Nino told Ohno about Aiba’s previous experiment and why it wasn’t a good idea for Ohno to join his mirror man experiment. Ohno just laughed it off and told them that Aiba didn’t have time to conduct the experiment yet because he was too busy with his class.

“Don’t you think it was weird that Aiba wants to join Sho’s study group?” Asked Nino and Jun nodded in agreement. Well, he thought it was weird but maybe it’s good for Aiba to join the group. Perhaps it was Sho who convinced or force him to join. Aiba was the type who do his homework last minute. So, with the study group, it will avoid him from doing so. At least, being busy with the study group, he won't have time for his experiment. He hoped that Aiba wasn’t trying to influence his study group members to join his experiment.

They finally arrived at the Great Library. It was the first time they came to the library and all of them were fascinated to see how big it is. Of course, there were more books in this library than the one in their dorm and he glanced at Nino who looked hopeful. Jun silently prayed that his friend would find whatever he was looking for so that he would feel better.

“So, where do you want to sit?” Asked Nino looking at the map of the library at the entrance. Jun suggested the private room area and his friends nodded in agreement, hoping there were rooms available for them to use.

As they searched for an empty room, Jun noticed Mao at the shelf, looking for a book. He glanced at the front, at Nino and Ohno, who didn’t notice her. He was tempted to greet her even though he knew Nino would definitely tease him about it. Ah, whatever, he hoped Nino wouldn’t realize he was gone if he talked with her for a while.

He started to walk towards her when another guy approached her. He didn’t recognized who the guy was but he felt jealous with the way Mao smiled softly at him.

“Sensei,” he heard Nino’s voice right behind him. He turned to look at Nino who was pulling Ohno and walked towards Mao and the guy.

“Ninomiya san! What a pleasant surprise to see you here,” said the guy. Oh, so he was a teacher. He must be Nino’s teacher for his specialty training class. Thinking it would be rude if he didn’t greet the teacher, Jun approached them. He couldn’t help but smiled to see how Mao blushed when he stood next to her.

“Good evening, sensei,” said Jun politely. He didn’t know the name of the teacher. The teacher smiled in return but he could see he was more interested with Ohno. The teacher couldn’t take his eyes off Ohno to the point of making Ohno felt uncomfortable.

“My friend is cute, isn’t he, Kimura sensei?” Said Nino and the teacher removed his gaze from Ohno to Nino.

“Yes. He is. I know it’s rude to stare but you remind me of someone,” said Kimura sensei before he introduced himself as Kimura Takuya to both of them. The name sounds familiar to Jun. Of course, because he was one of the talented young wizard who prefer to work as a teacher than working in the ministry. “May I know your name?”

“This is Ohno Satoshi and this is Matsumoto Jun,” said Nino, introducing them to Kimura sensei. The teacher then excused himself from them. As he left, Jun saw how he was jealous to see the way Nino and Ohno were holding hands. His stare was even sharper than the glare from Erika Toda who was known to have a crush on Nino and wasn’t happy to see the close relationship between his friends. He wondered if the others notice it too.

A/N: What do you think of this chapter? I hope it was okay and you will enjoy this chapter. Slightly off topic, as always, I'm excited to watch Takuya Kimura's new drama for the next season. He is one of the first Japanese actors that I know when I started to watch Japanese drama and I've been watching most of his dramas. Even though I prefer Nino's acting, Takuya has a special place in my heart as well. I watched a lot of Jdrama this year and surprisingly, as a fan of Arashi, I didn't finished watching Sekamuzu. I've only watched until ep 8. I wonder why I didn't really like that drama.

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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