Magika - Chapter 9 (New)

Nov 29, 2016 15:55

Ohno sighed again. He didn’t know for how many times he sighed in his class today when he couldn’t maintain the water ball assigned by Katori sensei. To do so, he had to imagine pouring the water into a spherical container. It was already difficult to form the water into a ball (his ball wasn’t even in a perfect shape), but when he managed to do so, it will dissolved in less than two minutes.

It was the third week of class. He enjoyed his speciality training class the most even though it was the most difficult. At least, they’re doing something instead of listening to boring lecture like his Magical Law and History of Magic class. The teacher is nice. In their first week of class, he explained the characteristics of each element and how each students need to understand the element to be able to control it. Then, he started the training. When they started the training, he only present in the beginning of the class before left them to practice on their own. He will come from time to time to check on their progress.

“Ah,” he heard Jun groaned in front of him. Just like him, Jun’s water ball dissolved back into the bowl prepared by the teacher. He could only smile, understanding the frustration that Jun felt.

“Why don’t you switched to another element? Maybe you could do better,” suggested Ohno. In their first class, Katori sensei made a test to determine which element responds to them. Ohno was really nervous during the water test because he failed for fire, wind and earth element. He started to think that maybe he wasn’t a wizard at all and the school made a mistake sending him his letter of acceptance. When water responds to him, he was really happy because it proved he is a wizard after all.

Unlike him, Jun passed all the element test along with a few other students. The rest passed at least two tests. Ohno was the only one who passed a test only. All the students except him can choose which element they want to learn first. He was jealous to think that they may switch to another element if their first choice didn’t work for them.

“I guess it will be the same,” said Jun as he observed the class. Ohno did the same and nodded in agreement as he noticed how the other students were no different from them. The fire students were assigned to light and extinguish flame at will. The wind students need to float in the air and the earth students were assigned to move small pebbles.

“So, how was your study date with Nino yesterday?” asked Jun as he rest comfortably in his own seat. He didn’t look like he was going to resume his training.

“It wasn’t a date and as usual, nothing happened. We just do our homework in silence,” answered Ohno and Jun smirked as if he didn’t believe him. Well, both Ohno and Nino became closer and often spent time together. He didn’t know since when, but, now, they shared the bed. Nino used his own bed to put his stuff instead of sleeping on it. Of course, their roommates had a mixed reaction about that. Aiba was encouraging them, Jun and Sho were teasing them even though sometimes they complained about it. Now, they didn’t say anything about it and just accept that Nino will never sleep on his own bed anymore.

“Is the brat up to something?” asked Jun, suddenly became serious. Ohno only shook his head.

“Really? The brat isn’t the type to study in the library,” said Jun in return while appeared to be thinking about something. Ohno tried hard to remain expressionless, afraid Jun will notice he was hiding something. He also had the same thought as Jun. He realized there was something that bothered Nino. Both of them will go to the mini library in their dorm and do their homework in silence. He will ask Nino if he had any problems with the homework. On the other hand, Nino will try to finish his homework as quickly as he can and then when he completed the homework, he will left Ohno alone to wander off in the library. He will get back to him before the curfew and looked disappointed.

One day, Ohno was having trouble in his homework and tried to find Nino to help him. He found Nino in the History section, reading a book. He didn’t know what is the title of the book because Nino’s hand covered the title. He was mumbling something like, ‘is she even real?’. Nino was so focus in reading the book that he couldn’t bring himself to bother Nino to help with his homework. Fortunately, he bumped into Sho who offered to help him instead. He guessed Sho might realize there was something wrong with Nino and told Jun about it. Sho himself was a frequent visitor to the library though he seldom study with them. Instead, he made a study group with other students. Aiba was the only one among them who was interested to join the study group.

“Ah, you definitely know something,” remarked Jun and Ohno blinked his eyes, wondering how Jun knew it. Did he show it in his face?

“Do you know why you never win against me, Nino and Sho when we play babanuki?” asked Jun. Ohno shook his head, thinking if there’s a connection between what they were talking about and babanuki.

“When you have the Joker, your nose will move. That’s why we know you tried to hide that you have it. So, when I saw your nose moves just now, I know you’re hiding something,” explained Jun. Ohno looked baffled. He didn’t even know he had that habit. Oh, so, that’s why he keep losing to Jun, Nino and Sho. He could only win against Aiba. For some reason, the joker really loves to stay with Aiba.

“So, what did Nino do in the library?” asked Jun and Ohno told him everything.

“Her? Well, Sho didn’t hear him mumbling. I wonder who is he searching for,”

“I don’t know. Maybe an important woman in history,” said Ohno though he had another hunch. Looking at the way Nino’s expression will immediately hardened whenever he heard The Stranger, he thought Nino was researching about him but it wasn’t consistent with what he heard Nino mumbled in the library.

“Well, I will ask him myself. You don’t mind if I interrupt your study date, right?” asked Jun and Ohno nodded his head. He wanted to ask Nino himself but he didn’t want Nino to think of him as a nosy person.

“I think both of you should stop talking. Katori sensei will be here soon,” their conversation was interrupted by another boy named Kazama. They thanked him for the reminder. Katori sensei wasn’t really strict but it will be bad if they weren’t training when he entered the classroom. Once again, Ohno sighed looking at the bowl while thinking if he could make it work this time.

Suddenly, a crazy idea formed in his head. He wanted to try even though he knew it won’t work. How could his crazy idea works when he couldn’t even do a simple task of creating a water ball? The others wouldn’t even know what he was doing because they will think he was just concentrating on his task.

Without expecting anything, he closed his eyes and imagined Nino’s face with water flowing through his face. He tried to remember every single details of Nino’s face; the curve of his chin, his eyebrow, his ear, his mischievous eyes, his button nose, his thin lips, a mole on his chin, his black hair, his innocent smile. Everything. Wow, this was even easier than imagining a spherical container.

However, his imagination stopped when he heard people gasped and started talking. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see what’s in front of him. A water-Nino, just like what he imagined, was smiling at him innocently. Eh, did he really create that? He turned to look at everyone who was staring at the water-Nino. They clearly admire his work before it dissolved back into the bowl.

“Impressive, Ohno-kun,” he heard Katori sensei’s voice. He didn’t look angry even though Ohno didn’t do his task as instructed. Katori sensei patted his back before added. “We’ll see how you do tomorrow. I guess it’s easier to imagine your boyfriend than a spherical container,”

The teacher winked at him. The female students started to giggle followed by a loud laughter by the male students. His face must be really red right now. Thanks to his crazy idea, this is one of the most embarrassing moments in his life.


A/N: Honestly, I don't know what to think of this chapter. I hope it was okay. Oh, and I've watched Fantastic Beast and I really love it. The Beasts in the movie are too adorable (Niffler, Pickett, Demiguise). My favorite is the bird, Frank. It is just too Kakkoi. Of course, Newt is cuteeeee too and JD as Grindelwald makes me cannot wait for the next movie.

Anyway, I hope this chapter is enjoyable for you. Comments are very much appreciated and <3.

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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