Magika - Chapter 10 (New)

Dec 07, 2016 15:21

“NINO!” called Aiba in a loud voice while waving his hand on the top of Nino’s homework. Nino lifted his face from his book and glared at the boy who sat in front of him. Of course, he heard Aiba called for him since before but he was too busy doing his homework for Magical Law to respond. He needed to finish this as soon as he can so he only has to do the History of Magic essay after dinner today. He cannot waste time listening to Aiba babbling. There are a lot of books to be read today.

“What do you want?” he asked Aiba as polite as he could, though he himself could hear how irritated his tone of voice is.

Nino and Aiba were waiting for their friends to finish their speciality training class. As usual, he was the first one to finish the class and wait for his friends in the cafeteria while doing his homework. They would have their tea time before heading back to the dorm. Sho would always be the last one to arrive because he stayed after his class ended to ask question.

“Don’t be angry,” replied Aiba before continuing. “I think something happened in Matsujun’s and Ohchan’s class today. Every student from his house would whisper and giggle when they saw you,”

Nino frowned in response and started to look around the cafeteria. Just like Aiba said, they were looking at him and whispering something before giggling. He looked at the door waiting for Jun to arrive. If something happened in Ohno’s class and it involved him, there would be no other culprit.

As he expected, when Jun walked into the cafeteria with Ohno, he was trying to suppress his laugh. On the other hand, Ohno’s face was really red and became redder when a group of female students giggled when they walked past him. It seems like the students in House of Matsumoto already told the other students what happened in their class today.

“J, what did you do to Ohchan today? Why is everyone giggling when they looked at me and Ohchan?” said Nino immediately when Jun sat next to Aiba. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips to show how angry he was with Jun for teasing Ohno. However, instead of answering, the boy laughed at him and Ohno lowered his head even more. Now, even his ears are red.

“J….,” said Nino, trying again to look angry but Jun laughed even more. He looked at Aiba in confusion wondering why it’s so funny. Aiba looked just as confused as he was.

“You don’t look scary, Nino so I’m not afraid. In fact, it looks funny and that’s why I laughed,” said Jun when he finally stopped laughing. “However, I’m not responsible for whatever that happened in the class. It’s Ohno who embarrassed himself…” Nino turned to look at Ohno who refused to meet his gaze before turning back to Jun who added “… even though I think he was really amazing in the class just now,”

Nino and Aiba became even more curious to hear that.

“Ohno-kun… is it true…” Sho, who had just arrived, took a seat next to Ohno “I overheard those girls talking. They said you make a water-Nino in the class just now. Is it true?”

Nino’s eyes became wide to hear that. He was really surprised. He didn’t expect that at all. He looked at Ohno who refused to look at anyone, especially Nino. Looking at his reaction, it proved that what Sho just told them is true, especially when Jun smiled teasingly at him.

“Ohno kun, I seriously don’t think it was something to be embarrassed about. You are really cool, even Katori sensei said so…” said Jun and Ohno lifted his head to look at him “…and it proves how much you think about Nino,” said Jun and he laughed again, making Ohno pouted in response. Nino smiled looking Ohno’s cute reaction. Well, he would admit it was embarrassing because it somehow implied there’s something between them. It’s true, he felt something for Ohno and would be happy if Ohno felt the same way for him. However, he didn’t want to think about it yet. Not until he can clear the doubt he had in his mind.

“Stop teasing me. I just had the crazy idea and thought of doing it. I didn’t expect it to work,”

“Well…” Sho started “Magic is often associated with your feeling. For example, if someone is afraid to use his magic, it would be harder for him to control his magic. In your case, you’re excited with the idea of creating water-Nino and your excitement is channeled to your magic. That’s why your crazy idea works. Please don’t take me wrong, I don't mean you’re not excited to make the water ball but maybe it wasn’t at the same level of excitement to see the water-Nino,”

“Ah, I’m hungry,” exclaimed Aiba suddenly followed by the sound of everyone’s stomach growling. “I’m going to eat first,” he added as he stood up and walked to the food table.

“Please take the sandwich for me too,” he shouted to Aiba and pouted when Aiba sticked his tongue out at him.

“I’ll take it for you. Do you want anything else?” Asked Ohno and he shook his head. Ohno left the table with Sho, leaving only Jun and Nino at the table.

“Are you working on the homework from Miyama sensei?” Asked Jun and Nino only nodded his head. He hoped Jun would understand that he didn’t want anyone to disturb him.

“But…” He heard Jun started talking and he clicked his tongue in annoyance but Jun ignored him and keep on talking “…we still have three days before it’s due. Why are you in a hurry to do it?”

“Because I don’t want to procrastinate. I have time, so, I will do it now rather than later. I don’t want my homework to pile up,” answered Nino. Of course, that wasn’t the truth but it was reasonable. He wanted to be ahead in his homework so it won’t distract him from doing his research. A research on the history of the wizarding world.

The history, as he knew, was like this. The school was founded by the four famous founders. Each of them came from a different NMF village. Knowing they’re different from others, they began a journey to find their true self. They met accidentally in a forest which later became the site for Arashi Wizarding School. When they knew each of them had different magic, they tried to find others who were like them and gathered them in a school. Among all the people they gathered, they were the best in controlling their magic. So, they taught the others how to control their magic and embrace it.

The founders preached to their students to stay hidden and never use their magic in front of NMF. They weren’t aware that among their student, there was a man with high ambition. He didn’t want the wizard to stay hidden but to live freely and to show themselves to the NMF. He believed  that as a wizard, they should rule the world. Those people without magic should be their servant.  The name of the man was never mentioned in history but he was known as The Stranger.

Like the others, he came from a NMF village. However, the villagers were well aware of how different he was than them. So, they tortured him. When he finally escaped from the village, he swore vengeance to those who called him a freak and make fun of him because of what he could do.

The Stranger was known to have the magic to control the water element. He didn’t appear to be strong nor dangerous because he hide his true magic. They didn’t know he had another specialty magic, which is, to control mind. How he acquired two different types of magic was still a mystery.

He finally show his true colours after ten years in the school. He used the time to enhance his magic while at the same time to find the weaknesses of the four founders. Behind their back, he raised forces to go against the founders, to gain supporters of his ideology. When he felt he was strong enough to control the four founders, he executed his plan. He used them to terrorize the NMF community. Those founders, who were so powerful, looked like a doll when they followed his order. They were not even aware of what they were doing.

Or, that’s what The Stranger thought. He didn’t realized the loophole in his plan, which is, Founder Ninomiya. He underestimated the true extent of Founder Ninomiya’s magic. It’s because among the four founders, Founder Ninomiya seems to be the weakest and seldom use his magic. Little did he knew about Founder Ninomiya’s true self. Founder Ninomiya appeared to be the most innocent and gullible person when he was actually a sly person.

The Stranger’s magic was to read mind and control people like a doll. Founder Ninomiya’s magic was to create illusion. When creating illusion, it involves tricking mind to believe in something. Because he kept on creating illusion, he had a strong mind to differentiate between reality and illusion. So, when he felt a force trying to control him, he knew something was wrong. However, he didn’t rush to take any action. He waited to know what The Stranger was after, to know his real plan, to know The Stranger’s strength and weakness. As a cunning person, he was able to trick The Stranger to believe he was under his control though his bluff was almost exposed because of the mind reading ability of The Stranger. He had the upper hand in the situation because The Stranger was too arrogant to think he can control him. Knowing there’s nothing he could do to change The Stranger and how important it was for the wizards to stay hidden, he had no choice but to kill him by trapping The Stranger in the illusion of his worst nightmare. None of the historical records ever show what was The Stranger’s worst nightmare, though.

Well, he believed that story was true until he discovered a secret recently.

He was really looking forward to come to school and one of the reason was because he wanted a distraction from thinking about the secret. However, he wasn’t distracted at all and it kept bugging him. That’s why he decided to do some reading in the library to put his mind at ease. He had finished reading all the related books in the mini library but it wasn’t helpful at all. He’s going to try the book in Great Library today and hopefully he will get his answer.

He noticed how Jun was staring at him like he didn’t believe him at all. He didn’t care. He knew that his friends noticed he was hiding something from them. He didn’t mind telling them about the secret. Maybe they could help him finding the truth. But, as none of them asked him anything about that, he will keep the secret to himself for now.

A/N: I was really debating with myself if I should post this chapter. I don't know what you will think of this chapter but I really hope it's okay. As always, comments are appreciated and <3

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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