Magika - Chapter 8 (New)

Nov 17, 2016 15:16

It had been five minutes since Nino separated from Ohno to go to their specialty training class and he already missed the other boy. He wasn’t going to deny that perhaps he was attracted to Ohno even though he didn’t understand why. Maybe because of Ohno’s docile personality.

That’s why he tried to minimize the skinship between them. He was afraid that maybe Ohno was uncomfortable with the skinship or the rumours about them. However, as Ohno was the one who initiated the skinship in Charms, he decided to ignore the rumours. If Ohno was happy with the skinship, he will continue caressing or groping Ohno regardless of what others might think of them. He couldn’t deny that he was hoping Ohno liked him in the same way that maybe he liked Ohno.

When he arrived in the classroom, the class was practically empty except for a young man sitting on the teacher’s table. But, there was something strange about the class. It was empty but he could hear faint noises like people were talking in the room.

“Sensei, where is everyone else?” Asked Nino. He assumed the young man would be his teacher. He was a handsome man with wavy black hair. Perhaps it was his imagination as it happened in a split second, but he noticed the teacher was surprised to see him.

“Apparently, you’re the first to arrive,” replied the teacher.

“But, I think I could hear other voices. In fact, I think I heard Mao and Erika talking,” said Nino in confusion. The mysterious teacher smirked at him before concentrating in doing something. All of the sudden, the noise became louder and Nino turned around to see other students in the classroom looking at him in awe.

“Congratulations, young man. You’re the first to realize that there was something wrong with my classroom. As a student in House of Ninomiya, you are an illusionist. Therefore, you have to be alert with your surrounding. You would make mistake when creating an illusion and it is important for you to notice the flaw in your illusion before your enemy does. Illusions are made to manipulate your enemy and if you didn’t notice the flaw in your illusion, your enemy will win. For example, I’m trying to make the classroom looked empty but I forget to minimize the noise other students may made. If you’re alert and noticed the noise, you will know something is wrong with my illusion. I should give credit to this boy to notice the flaw,” explained the teacher. All of the students clapped their hands and Nino puffed his chest, proud to be complimented. He had to thank his gaming experience for sharpening his senses and made him alert to his surrounding. At the same time, he was relieved that he didn’t screw up on his first day and perform up to the expectation as the descendant of founder Ninomiya. He silently thought that it will be okay to screw up in other class but not for his speciality class as it will be embarrassing.

“What’s your name, young man?” Asked the teacher. Nino scratched his head. It was the first time he met someone who didn’t recognize him. Ohno was a different story because he didn’t grow up in magical surrounding. But, this man should be a wizard long enough to be his teacher. He should be familiar with his family.

“Ninomiya Kazunari,” answered Nino timidly. The teacher smiled at him.

“Ah, as expected from a Ninomiya. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you earlier. By the way, you may sit with the rest of your friends,” said the teacher. Nino noticed that all of the tables and chairs were pushed at the back of the class and all of the students were sitting on the floor. He took a seat next to a guy he never met before, waiting for further instructions from the mysterious teacher.

“My name is Takuya Kimura and you may call me Kimura sensei,” the mysterious teacher introduced himself. All of the students gasped in surprise. Kimura sensei was indeed famous because he was the ace for younger generation of House of Ninomiya. He was one of the best illusionist ever alive. He was offered a job in Ministry of Magic but he refused to accept and decided to teach instead. Even though he was famous, he kept lower profile and unless you’re in school, you would not know how he looked like. Now that he think about it, he didn’t see the teacher in the ceremony yesterday. It’s either he didn’t join or he made himself invisible or he used another face during the ceremony.

“Is this your real face?” Asked Nino without thinking. Kimura sensei smiled at him.

“I don’t know, you will decide that. Anyway, we will start the class with something basic, which is, to change the feature of your face. Unlike the popular belief which said that the students in House of Ninomiya are shape shifters, we’re not transforming to someone else. We’re basically creating an illusion which make people believe we’re someone else,” said Kimura sensei and then he demonstrated this by changing his face to Kitagawa sensei and Ogura sensei. All of the students clapped their hands in amazement to see how easily he did the illusion.

“As I said before, the most important thing is to be alert. You have to pay attention even for the smallest details, for example, the position of the moles,” again, Kimura sensei demonstrated this by changing to Nino. However, Nino’s mole was on the opposite position and slightly higher than the real one.

“Ninomiya san, please come in front,” Nino followed the instruction and stood next to the teacher. “I want all of you to close your eyes and opened it when I said ready,”

All of the students followed his instruction. He then asked Nino to switch places with him. Next, by changing his own voice into Nino’s voice, Kimura sensei asked the students to open their eyes and identify the real Nino. Nino thought this would be an easy task considering that Kimura sensei definitely change the position of his mole however, he was confused when his classmates stared at both them, not knowing which one was the real one. He carefully glanced at Kimura sensei next to him and noticed that the teacher changed the position of the mole to the correct one.

“Eh, I’m pretty sure his mole was wrong before this. But, now, they’re the same,” said one of his classmate, the one who sit near Nino before this. The others murmured in agreement and kept on staring at them, trying to find the difference. Some made a lucky guess but Kimura sensei ignore them, perhaps because they didn’t give him the reason.

“Ah, sensei,” Mao raised her hand timidly. “The one on the right is the real Nino. The difference is the eyes. Nino has brown eyes and yours is black,”

Kimura sensei smiled at Mao and changed back to his original face. Everyone was clapping their hands, compliment Mao for being able to identify the real Nino.

“Good job, young lady. May I know your name?”

“Inoue Mao,”

Kimura sensei smiled softly at Mao. Definitely, most of the girls (if not all) would  fall head over heels with Kimura sensei by looking at the smile. Heck, maybe even the guys would feel the same. No wonder he was really famous. He wasn’t only talented, but his class was interesting. His cool and mysterious aura made him looked more attractive. No doubt, this class would definitely become Nino’s favourite despite not having Ohno in the class. If Ohno was here, it would be more interesting.


A/N: I'M GOING TO WATCH FANTASTIC BEAST TODAY!!! Yeah, I'm so excited to watch it. To be back in the world of Harry Potter, it's just too exciting to think about. I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child months ago and couldn't help but wanting to have it released as the movie. But, it will be sad if someone else played Snape in the movie.
Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this chapter. Even though I have the next chapter ready, I'm still figuring out things and maybe I'll take my time to post the next chapter.
I'm not a good writer but I hope you will enjoy this chapter and comments are <3. Thank you for the support!

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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