Magika - Chapter 3 (New)

Oct 31, 2016 15:52

Don't know if anyone is reading this but comments are <3. It's a short chapter, anyway.

Ohno silently hoped that he could ran from the compartment. He felt uncomfortable to be stared at by one of Nino’s friend. If Ohno was not mistaken, the boy’s name is Matsumoto Jun. He was quite handsome but Ohno prefer Nino’s bratty look instead. He had a strong feature due to the combination of his sharp eyes and thick eyebrow. His stare was scary and Ohno would be dead if his stare could kill him.

“J, could you please stop staring at Ohchan? You’re making him uncomfortable,” said Nino as he took a seat next to Ohno. He put his head on Ohno’s shoulder and without thinking, Ohno stroke his back as if it was a natural thing to do. Even when Nino’s friends looked at them strangely, he still didn’t think anything was wrong with their attitude.

Yesterday, after both of them finished packing up stuff for school, they both went to sleep. He thought he was just sleeping for an hour when Nino woke him up to get ready to go to the train station. Before he left the house, his mother just smiled at him and told him to be careful at school. He didn’t know why but he thought that his mother was worried about something. Yes, it’s true, his mother must have been worried to be separated from him for the first time but he knew there was definitely something else which bothered his mom.

When they arrived at the train station, Nino’s friend, Sho, Aiba and Jun were already in the compartment. All three of them were chatting about an experiment and Jun called Aiba stupid which caused Aiba to pout. Sho was just laughing at them.

When they noticed Ohno, all three of them looked at him strangely but Ohno just ignored them. When Nino introduced them, Aiba was the only one who greeted him warmly. Sho was quiet for a while as he analyzed Ohno before smiling and shaking his hand. Jun was just quiet and stared at him.

“Ohchan, don’t bother with J. He is jealous that I have a new friend now,”

“No point to be jealous at you. Anyway, I’m going out for a bit. I need to do something,” said Jun as he stood up to leave the compartment. Nino just giggled looking at him as if there was something funny about it. Jun gave him a deadly glare, much worse than the one he gave Ohno before but Nino simply ignore him.

“He is a stalker. There is a girl he likes. He must be looking for her,” explained Nino. As the seat next to him was now empty, Nino then lied down on the seat and made Ohno’s lap as his pillow.

“I thought the feeling is mutual. But, both of them are just too shy to admit that they like each other,” Aiba gave his opinion and Sho, who sat next to him, nodded in agreement.

“So, Ohchan, which house are you going to be?” Asked Aiba excitedly. He looked genuinely friendly and Ohno immediately feel at ease with him.

“I would be in the House of Matsumoto,” as he said that, he just realized he will take all of the class with Jun. Thinking of this somehow made him feel worried.

Perhaps noticing his change of expression, Aiba immediately comfort him.

“Ah, you must be worried about Jun. Don’t worry about him. He is a nice guy but sometimes he can be scary,”

“Yeah, just ignore him like I do,” advised Nino. Ohno could only nodded but at the same time, he was thinking how could Nino ignored the deadly stare.

“Nino, did the meeting for the council ended late yesterday?” Asked Sho. This is the first time he talked since Ohno was here.

“I don’t know what time it ended but I think it was late. Both of us have to eat dinner in my room,”

“Thought so. Because my father arrived home around 11 yesterday. Do you know what was the meeting for?”

“I don’t know. I want to ask you about it,”

Ohno glanced at Aiba who sat across him. Like him, Aiba was also uninterested with the conversation between Nino and Sho. He was busy scribbling in a notebook
. As there was nothing interesting for him to do, he ended up sleeping until Nino woke him up softly.

“Ohchan, we’re almost there,” said Nino softly. Ohno opened his eyes slowly to see the beautiful eyes of the young master staring at him. He could feel his cheeks turned red and was relieved when Nino moved away from him.

He wondered how long he had been sleeping. It was almost dark outside. Jun was back in the compartment and he was still as scary as before. Aiba wasn’t writing in his notebook but instead teasing Sho who was reading a book.

“They made an announcement that we will arrive in 20 minutes. When we arrived, there will be a teacher to bring us to our dorm. Then, we will need to go to the Great Hall for Opening Ceremony wearing our uniform,” explained Nino. Ohno simply nodded hearing the explanation.

Soon after, they arrived at an ancient and massive building. It was like the castle Ohno watched in medieval English series. It was really beautiful and Ohno admired the architecture of the building.

When he first stepped on the ground of the school, he felt a sudden wave of energy embracing him. The building looked familiar like he had seen the place before. It’s weird because it’s the first time he came here. But what makes it weirder, he felt as if he had returned home after a long time and for the first time since knowing he was a wizard, he looked forward to live here.


ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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