Magika - Chapter 4 (New)

Nov 01, 2016 17:32

So, this is chapter 4. I hope it's not too boring. Most probably I will post chapter 5 tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm not sure if it was true or not, but I heard there will be a new feature for LJ where you can like the post without commenting. I know that there might be a silent reader so I hope that if there is indeed a feature like that, you could like the entry if you like this chapter ****trying really hard not to sound desperate here****

Again, I hope you will enjoy this chapter. Comments are <3

Nino glanced at Ohno who stood next to him. He was glad to see the happy and content face of Ohno. Even though he looked doubtful when they board the train, but once he arrived in school, Ohno looked happier than Nino to be here. It had to be the magic of Arashi Wizarding School which makes Ohno looked excited and proud to be a wizard.

“Wow, this place is wonderful,” exclaimed Ohno as he beamed with happiness, admiring the beauty of the school. Nino stroke his back, trying to calm him down. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed how Sho, Aiba and Jun looked at them curiously.

He understood their curious stare, remembering the mural painted on his bedroom wall. It was a painting of him and an unknown boy building a sandcastle when he was three years old. He didn’t know who painted the mural and who was the mysterious boy in the painting. The other boy’s face wasn’t fully shown. It was only his side profile and when he met Ohno for the first time, he noticed the slight resemblance of Ohno and the mysterious boy. He bet his friend noticed the similarities too and wondering if Ohno was the boy in the painting to explain how close both Ohno and Nino were even though they just met. But, to be honest, he didn’t know why the other boy looked familiar to him. For him, the skinship he did with Ohno was natural thing to do even though he couldn’t understand why.

“Ohno kun, Nino, let’s follow Ogura sensei,” said Sho. At the entrance of the school, an old man was instructing the first year students to gather in their group and follow him to the dorm.

When all of the students were in their group, the old teacher led them inside through the entrance gate. There was a large staircase which led to a hall. Ogura sensei led them inside the hall. All of the students gasped in admiration to see the decorations of the hall. Portraits of the founders could be found hanging on the pillars with the pillars being painted with the colour which symbolized the founders. Portraits of the previous headmaster decorated the wall.

“The school is divided into three main buildings: General, Academic and Residence building. This is the Great Hall of the general building. You will have your dinner for the opening ceremony here at 8 p.m tonight.

“Note the doors on your left and right side as well as in the front,” said Ogura sensei as he indicated the door. The doors on both sides are slightly bigger than the two doors in the front.

“The doors on your left would lead you to the dorm and the one on your right would lead you to your classroom. The left door at the front is prohibited. It is for the teacher and the school staff. You could only enter the door with a teacher. The other door in the front would lead you to the facilities available in the school. It will lead you to the infirmary, Great Library and recreational areas. Of course, there would be a time restriction for you to enter the door. The door is spelled so that it won’t open to you unless it is within the time limit. Unless you are injured and need to stay in the infirmary, the door will automatically teleport you to this hall if you refuse to get out when the time is over,”

Ogura sensei then explained that the academic building is further divided into five sections. When they entered the door on the right of the Great Hall, there would be a corridor which would lead them to the Central building. The general class would take place in the Central Building. There are also cafeteria and study room located in the Central Building. Surrounding the central building would be the building specific for each house. Of course, there would be study room in each of the building as well. Like the previous door, the door was also spelled so that the students could only enter the door during lesson. If they need to use the classroom outside of the lesson time, they need to obtain a written permission from the teacher.

Then, Ogura sensei led them to the left door of the Great Hall. The Great Hall and the dorm were separated by a large river and the students need to cross a large stone bridge to get to the other side. When they arrived at the residence building, there were two large building. One of the buildings was for the male students and the other one was for the female students. The entrance gate for each building was spelled which would not allow the male to enter the female residence and vice versa. The female students were then instructed to follow a female teacher who had been waiting for them at the entrance.

The male students were then lead inside their dorm. Dining room, mini library and arcade were located in the first floor. Ogura sensei then explained how the door of their bedroom was spelled so that only the occupants of the room could open the room. Then, they were instructed to find their own room and gathered at the entrance gate at 7:30 pm for opening ceremony.

Their room was located at the third floor and the room next to them was occupied by a group of manly looking senpai. Nino recognized one of them as Nagase Tomoya who happened to be staying in the same neighbourhood. Across them, a group of first year students occupied the room. One of them looked familiar, maybe because he had seen him in one of the party in his house. They’re very noisy and from their accent, Nino guessed they’re from Osaka. The noisiest one noticed Nino and immediately stopped talking while looking shy. He smiled at the boy and entered his room and the boy’s cheeks turned redder.

The room was large enough for all five of them. Three beds were arranged on the right side and another two were arranged on the left side. Each bed came with a study table and closet. There were discussion table and a bathroom at the back of the room.

“Wow, this room is great,” said Nino as he took one of the beds on the left side. Ohno took the one next to him as the others already took the one on the right side.

“Yeah, it’s great. Anyway, do you know why the boy blushed when he saw you?” asked Aiba. Nino recognized the look and shrugged, knowing that Aiba was about to gossip.

“That boy is Maruyama Ryuhei. Yokoyu told me Maru has a crush on you,” said Aiba. Oh, that’s why one of them looked familiar. He must be Aiba’s friend, Yokoyama Yu.

“Ne ne Ohchan. You have to be careful. A lot of boys and girls have a crush on Nino,” when Nino ignored his attempt to gossip, Aiba was trying to get Ohno’s attention instead.

Nino was glad to see Aiba being friendly with Ohno. At least, he was making Ohno comfortable around him. Sho was okay too. As they walked from the General Building to Residence, Sho kindly explained to Ohno about the school. The only problem was Jun. He didn’t stare at Ohno creepily like before but there was definitely something bothering him. Nino kept on wondering if it was okay to leave Ohno going to class with Jun tomorrow if Jun still looked as scary as that.

“I’m not surprise. He is cute and nice,” responded Ohno. Nino found himself blushing to hear that and glared at both Sho and Jun who smirked at him.

“No no. It wasn’t because he is cute and nice. It’s because he is the descendant of Ninomiya,”

“But, all of you are the descendants of the founder. What makes founder Ninomiya special?,” said Ohno in confusion.

“Yes, but founder Ninomiya is the most powerful. He beat The Stranger,”


ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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