The prince who turned into a frog - Part 2

Jun 17, 2014 04:16

When they arrived in his house, Nino ordered Ohno to clean the mess he made while he took his shower. That’s when he noticed something different in his bathroom. Somehow, his laundry basket is empty when remembered perfectly well that the basket is still halfway full this morning. He usually does the laundry when the basket is full to save budget.
“Ohno...,” he was about to ask about his empty laundry basket when Ohno cuts him off.
“Don’t call me Ohno. Call me Sato chan, it sounds more intimate,” said Ohno and Nino just frowned. Why would they need to be intimate for?
“Whatever. Why is my laundry basket empty?”                                                  
“I did the laundry because there are a lot of clothes in the basket. But, don’t worry. I do your white clothes and colour clothes separately,” said Ohno and Nino couldn’t help but screamed. He knows he should separate his clothes when doing to the laundry, but he never does that because the electricity bill will be higher. Oh my god, for sure, his bill for this month will be increase. Not only Ohno did his laundry when the basket is not full, he also does more than one round of washing.
“That’s it. You’re not going to eat tonight,”
“Eh, why? I will be hungry if I don’t eat, Kazu chan,”
“Because you call me Kazu chan when I don’t want you to call me that, you will have to sleep in the living room, without any comforter or blanket whatsoever,” said Nino and he left the other guy alone. He locked the door to his room to ensure the other guy will not enter his room. Then, he gets his shower before deciding to go to sleep straight away. He doesn’t have the appetite to eat tonight. Ohno has only stayed with him for a day and yet the guy had annoyed him too much. Maybe, he should just tell his family what happened to him.
Again, he woke up in the middle of the night. But, it’s not because Ohno woke him up with loud noise again. Instead, he feels worried about the other guy. He is sleeping outside without any blanket and with an empty stomach. Thinking that Ohno might get cold, he decided to get out and put a blanket for the other guy. When he goes out of the room and saw the guy shivering, he couldn’t help but feeling guilty. When he thinks carefully, the other guy was just trying to help him. It’s not entirely his fault too. He immediately put a blanket around the other guy. However, when he wants to walk away, he was pulled by Ohno and he ended up lying on top of Ohno.

“Ah, Kazu chan is a nice guy,” said Ohno. Nino wants to scold the other guy again for calling him Kazu chan but hearing the sound of both of their stomach growling reminds him that both of them haven’t had their dinner yet. Thinking that tomorrow is his day off; he thought that there is no harm to eat with Ohno in the middle of night. Ohno was beaming with happiness when he told him that he wants to cook. When he sees this cute side of Ohno, he doesn’t know why but his anger towards the guy immediately vanished. Maybe, he could handle living with the other guy for a while.
It has been two weeks since Ohno lives with him. And, of course, he will always be annoyed with Ohno but Ohno just knows how to handle him. By pouting each time Nino wants to scold him, Nino always ended up not getting angry with Ohno. A few days ago, Nino gets home from work and saw a portrait of him painted by Ohno on the wall. Of course he is angry with Ohno for doing that without his permission but looking at how beautiful the portrait is, he didn’t have the heart to scold Ohno. Instead, he just let it be.
Another thing that constantly makes Nino feel annoyed with Ohno is he keeps on calling Nino, Kazu chan and this somehow influence Aiba to do the same. However, he easily handled Aiba and stops him from calling him Kazu chan by glaring at him. However, his glare doesn’t work on Ohno. Instead, it makes Ohno wants to tease him more and more. So, after a while, he just let Ohno called him Kazu chan. However, Ohno will not stop bothering him until he called the other guy Sato chan. But, he couldn’t do that. He is more comfortable to call Ohno kun. He doesn’t want to call him Sato chan because it implies that both of them are really close.
He always is on guard for his feelings for Ohno. Before this, Ohno is just his crush but as the time passed and he spends more and more time with Ohno, he couldn’t deny that he might fall in love with the guy. That’s why he tried to act as cold as he can towards the guy. It is a protection for his heart. One day, if Ohno remembers everything, who knows if he would still remember the days that they spend together. They won’t be Kazu chan and Sato chan. They would just be Ohno san and Nino. And, at the end of the day, Ohno will still continue his life as usual and Nino would be the one who gets hurt the most. He doesn’t want that day to come. So, it’s better to protect his heart right from the start.
“Kazu chan, what are you thinking about?” asked Ohno when both of them are eating dinner together. Sometimes, Aiba will join them for dinner but not tonight. He needs to stay overtime in the office.
“It’s none of your business,”
“Awww, Kazu chan is really cold to me. I know Kazu chan likes me. I like Kazu chan too. So, why don’t we just be honest with each other and be together?”
“Ohno, do you realized who you are? You’re Ohno Satoshi, the heir of Ohno Corporation. You already have a fiancée, the model Matsumoto Jun. Once you remember everything, I am just no one to you,” said Nino. It’s always like this. Ohno will persuade him, telling him that they should be together and Nino would usually ignore him. But not tonight. He has enough of hearing Ohno’s persuasion. Until now, he can resist the temptation to be with Ohno. But, maybe this is the time for him to let Ohno knows what he thinks about all of these. Maybe by being frank with him, Ohno will stop seducing him.
“Kazu chan, there is a reason I lose my memory and…,”
“Stop it, Ohno kun. Maybe you should call Aiba and let him knows that you will sleep in his house today. I need to be alone to clear my mind,” said Nino and he immediately go to his room, leaving Ohno alone in the dining room.
In his room, he doesn’t know why but he suddenly cries. He doesn’t have any reason to cry but why wouldn’t the tears stop. This is the first time he falls in love. He is not the type of person who will like someone but ever since Ohno comes to his life, he just loves the guy more and more each day. It’s good to know Ohno likes him too but he is so afraid for the future.
Suddenly, there was a pair of arm wrapping his waist from behind. He doesn’t have to turn to know it was Ohno.
“What are you doing here? I told you to sleep with Aiba,” said Nino as he wiped the tears on his face. He wouldn’t let the guy sees his tears. However, instead of letting him go, Ohno hugged him tighter and turned his face to look at him.
“Why are you crying? Kazu chan, stop lying to yourself. We like each other. What stops you from admitting your love for me?”
“It’s easy for you to say. But, will you be able to tell me that you will still be with me once you remember everything about your life as the heir of Ohno Corporation?”
“I don’t want to remember,” said Ohno in a very low voice.
“Huh? What do you say?”
“I don’t want to remember. If by remembering my past will take you away from me, I would rather not remember at all. I love you, Kazu chan. I can’t live without you,”
“Ohno kun…,”
“No, you just listen to me. There is a reason why I was attacked and then you saved me. I lost my memory for a reason. I don’t remember how my life before this looks like but I love the life I have right now. I’m happy with my life. And the reason for my happiness is you. Even Aiba said I look happier now than before. I don’t want to be the heir of Ohno Corporation. I want to be with you. Let Sakurai Sho manage the company. If you want, we can move to another country and then be together forever. I will change my name or do plastic surgery so that people won’t recognize me. I’m willing to do anything just to be with you,” said Ohno and Nino feels touched to hear all of that. And again, tears keep on falling to his cheeks.
“Stop crying. You make me feel bad to see your tears,”
“It’s just… I can’t believe you will tell me all that. Are you sure you want to be with me?”

“Yes, I’m more than sure. Kazu chan, even if I remember my previous life, I would always choose you. I love you and I want to be with you. We will always be together,” said Ohno before he leans in and put his lips on Nino’s. Nino was surprised with the sudden kiss but it doesn’t stop him from responding to the kiss. That night, they ended up making love for the first time.
Life after the confession had been happier than he would ever think of. Each day, Ohno will say words of love to him and he was really grateful for all the happiness he gets now. Aiba is also happy to know that he is happy with Ohno right now. Then, on his 26th birthday, he received good news that will make his life and Ohno’s complete. He always feels tired and somehow keeps on vomiting in the morning. He also starts to feel sick each time he smells Ohno’s perfume that he loves to smell before this. Looking at his tired expression, his co-worker in the clinic decided to do a medical check-up on him. That’s when he found out he is two weeks pregnant. Nothing could ever beat the news of getting a baby.
After he finished his shift that day, he immediately goes home to tell Ohno the good news. Both of them had planned to celebrate his birthday with Aiba today. He decided to break the news during dinner. He was so excited. This is the happiest moment of his life.
When he arrived at home, he found Ohno unconscious on the floor. Looking at some of the decorations scattered on the floor, he would guess that Ohno falls while trying to decorate the house. But, there is no blood, so he would guess that Ohno is okay. He needs to bring Ohno to the clinic tomorrow to make sure there is no internal injury.
“Sato chan, wake up,” said Nino as he tried to wake up the other guy. There is a groan sound from the man before he wakes up and stares at Nino with a confused look.
“Where am I? Who are you?” asked Ohno to him and Nino just stared dumbfounded at the guy. What happened? Is it just an act to surprise him? Or, is his worst nightmare finally comes true? Ohno remember who he really is and then forget Nino. Please, don’t let that be true. This is supposed to be the happiest day in his life. Please, God, don’t take the happiness from him.
“Nino, I bought you WII U. You should treat me better after this,” Aiba suddenly come, interrupting their moment of silence. However, looking at their face, he becomes confused with the awkward atmosphere between Ohno and Nino.
“Aiba chan, what happened? I remember running away from someone who attacks me. But, when I woke up, I’m in a stranger’s house and this guy is staring at me weirdly,” said Ohno and Aiba immediately turned to look at Nino. Nino just smiled at him. Hearing Ohno’s words, it finally confirmed what he fears the most. Ohno had said the word. Nino is now a stranger to him. Somehow, Ohno looks like someone different.  He is no longer Nino’s Sato chan. He is Ohno Satoshi, the heir of Ohno Corporation. Ohno Satoshi is exactly like what he imagined he would be. He is not his clumsy Sato chan.

“Explain to him everything, Aiba chan. I would be in my room in case you need me,” but, if possible, please leave me alone for now. Nino just said those words to himself. He hopes Aiba will understand his situation right now and leave him alone for a while.

“I want to be with you forever,”
“I don’t want to remember if that means I will not be with you anymore,”
“I love you and only you. I won’t be with anyone else except you,”
“I’m willing to do anything just to be with you,”
“You’re the reason for my happiness,”
Those phrases keep on replaying in his mind ever since Ohno left his house. It was all a lie. He should know better than to trust. And like he thought, he is the only one who gets hurt in the end. Ohno will not be affected at all. He is now happy, and soon will be married to his fiancée. What would happen to Nino? He would be raising their child alone. It’s too bad that his child will not know who his father is.
Ever since Ohno left the house, Nino tried really hard to look happy in front of other people. No one knows his connection with Ohno, even Ohno himself wouldn’t remember. Isn’t it sad? But, he cannot do anything. He had guessed this will happen but he gets too carried away with his feelings and let his guard down. So, there is no use to regret everything that happened now.
“Nino, are you okay?” asked Aiba as he comes to visit Nino on that day. Aiba never failed to visit him everyday since that day and Nino feels grateful to have someone who cares about him.
“Why are you asking? Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be okay?” answered Nino but of course he couldn’t lie. As he said those words, he couldn’t control his tears from falling.
“You should fight to get him back,”
“No. It’s not going to work. He is not my Sato chan. My Sato chan has long gone the moment he said I am a stranger,” replied Nino. Why? Why would this happen to him? He just wants to be happy with the person he loves.

“Aiba, maybe I should move to another country. Being in Japan reminds me of him,” said Nino. He had been thinking about this for a while. Aiba immediately objected to his plan. But, he was more than determined to do this. Maybe this is the only way to move on.

Ohno couldn’t think at all. He couldn’t focus on his work at all. He couldn’t forget someone. Someone who looks at him with a pair of sad eyes and from his eyes, it looks like he blamed Ohno for his unhappiness. But, why? Ohno barely knows him so why would he be the reason for the guy to be unhappy? What’s more confusing for him is he cannot forget the guy at all. He sees the guy everywhere.
Ever since he wakes up in the guy named Nino house, he couldn’t forget him at all. He was confused with everything. He remembers being attack in the parking lot and then woke up in Nino’s house. It was so awkward. Thank God Aiba arrived and telling everything that happened while he is away. Nino found him and save his life. Then, bad rumors start spreading after Ohno’s mysterious disappearance. Nino kept him in his house, at least until Ohno remembers everything. He feels thankful for Nino to save him. He did ask Aiba to let him meet Nino properly to express his gratitude but Aiba just tell him it won’t be appropriate to meet Nino.
Once he is back to his family, he begins to clear his name and reputation, denying every single accusation about him. Finally, the real culprit who attacks and spread bad rumors about him had been caught. It was his uncle, Sakurai Shun. He was jealous with Ohno and wants Ohno Corporation for his family. Now that the matter has been settled, his parents decided to get him married to his childhood fiancée, Matsumoto Jun. Being a docile son, he immediately agree with the request. After all, he likes the guy too. However, when he told Aiba the good news, Aiba pretends to look happy for him. It looks like Aiba is hiding something from him. But, he doesn’t want to push Aiba to tell him the truth. However, he can’t deny that he feels hurt when Aiba starts to stay away from him after he lets him know the news. Why? Did he do something that hurts Aiba? It’s not possible that Aiba is unhappy with the news because he likes Ohno, right? He knows Aiba always thinks of him as a brother. There is no way Aiba is in love with him.
“Aiba, do you want to go lunch with me?” asked Ohno as soon as he finished the meeting with Aiba and Sho regarding their new project. However, Aiba immediately objects, telling him that he has promised to have lunch with Nino.
“Why are you avoiding me now? I never heard you say anything about this Nino before but suddenly he is everywhere,”
“I’m sorry, Riida. But, Nino needs me right now. He is pregnant now. I need to make sure he eats. If not, it will affected him and his baby,”
“Are you the father of the baby? If you’re not, you should not bother by it. It is his husband’s responsibility. His husband might get jealous if you spend too much time with Nino,” said Ohno. Somehow hearing the news of Nino’s pregnancy upsets him but he couldn’t explain why.
“Please, Riida. I respect you all these times. Don’t make me lose my respect to you. You have hurt Nino enough, don’t lecture me about responsibility if you’re not doing your responsibility,” said Aiba and he left immediately, leaving Ohno confused with his words. What do he means by that? He turned to Sho for explanation.
“Ah, all of you are so stupid,” said Sho and then he began to tell Ohno the story of why Aiba is so pissed off with him. Of how he and Nino had a relationship during his amnesia. What makes Aiba so pissed off is Nino tried to reject him but Ohno is the one who pushed him into the relationship. And now, Ohno treated Nino like an outsider even though he is the father for Nino’s baby. And right now, Nino is planning to leave Japan so that he can forget Ohno and moves on with his life.
“Honey, let’s go for lunch together,” the door to the meeting room opened to reveal his fiancée, Jun. Usually, he will agree to the invitation. But, right now, he has something to settle first. Suddenly, the idea of getting married to Jun whom he likes all these time didn’t sound appealing at all. Maybe because he only likes Jun, but he loves Nino. Even though he couldn’t remember the time he spent with Nino, but he cannot lied to himself. The reason for him to be uneasy all these times is because of Nino. Even though his mind cannot remember Nino, his heart always remembers his feelings for Nino. That’s why he cannot help but thinking of Nino all the times and why he feels so jealous to know Nino is pregnant.
“I’m sorry, Jun. But, I have an important thing to do right now,” and this time, it was his turn to left Jun, who is confused with everything. Hopefully, Sho will explain everything to Jun. He needs to go to the airport now. If he missed Nino’s flight, there is no way he will ever see the guy again.
Arriving at the airport, he looks for Nino everywhere but he is nowhere to be seen. According to Sho, Nino is going to New York and the next flight for New York is in 15 minutes. Thinking that Nino might already board the plane, he immediately goes to the counter to make an announcement to ask Nino to come to the lobby.
He waits for 10 minutes for Nino to come but Nino is still nowhere to be found. There it is. He loses his chance. Nino had left him forever and everything is his fault. As he walks to leave the lobby, a very familiar face is walking right in front of him.
“Ohno san,” said Nino in a very low voice. “Are you the one who called for me?”
Hearing the voice, he couldn’t control himself but to run and hugs Nino. It’s true, he doesn’t remember yet anything about Nino, but somehow, his body acted as if it has a mind of its own. His body craved for Nino’s touch.
“Do you remember me?” asked Nino timidly but he just shook his head. This makes Nino looks at him confusingly. He touches Nino’s stomach while murmuring.
“This is my baby, right?”
“Ohno san, if you want to be with me just because of the baby, please don’t. I don’t want you to be with me because of your responsibility. I want you to be with me because you love me,” said Nino but instead of answering Nino’s question, Ohno just kissed the other guy. He feels happy, the happiest he ever feels as he kissed the guy and has him wrapped around his arm.
“I don’t remember you but my heart remembers you. It wants you to be with me, forever and ever. And, I’m the happiest whenever I’m with you. It’s true; I don’t want to be the heir of Ohno Corporation. Living with you makes me be the one who I want to be, not the one I have to be. I know I have a responsibility towards Ohno Corporation but I think it will be better under Sho’s management. I want to go with you, wherever you want. I want to be with you forever, Kazu chan,” said Ohno and the name Kazu chan flows easily than Nino. It’s like that name has been imprinted in his heart since forever.
“Ninomiya Kazunari, will you marry me?” said Ohno as he kneeled in front of Nino. Too bad he doesn’t have a ring with him today to make the proposal complete. But, it looks like it doesn’t matter. He will buy the ring later. Looking at Nino nodded his head, agreeing with his request is the best thing ever. Whether with a ring or not, Nino is going to marry him. And that alone makes him happy.

A/N: This is inspired by a Taiwanese (I think it is Taiwanese) drama entitled the prince who turned into a frog. I never watch the drama, except for a few scene so I don't know how the drama is. I just know the concept of the drama, which is a heir losing his memory, meeting someone and falls in love with that person, but then forgets the person when he remembers again. Somehow, I ended up always writing a story which involves memory. This actually turns out different than what I want it to be. I know I should write more about Ohno before the accident, but I don't have enough time. I want to post this before Kazu's birthday is over. Maybe, if I have time in the future, I will re-write this. I hope you enjoyed this. And comments are appreciated :)

ohmiya, the prince who turned into a frog, fanfic

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