The prince who turned into a frog

Jun 17, 2014 04:09

Ohno Satoshi, a name known by every single person who lives in Japan. He is the heir of Ohno Corporation, which is the largest construction company in Japan. He is a smart and talented person. Soon after he graduated from university, he has started working in the company. He manages most of the successful project in the company and increase Ohno Corporation profit. Due to his excellent performance in working, he climbs to the top of the company in a short time. When he was 27 years old, his father had finally decided to let him be the CEO of the company, making him the youngest CEO for Ohno Corporation.

He was admired and loved by everyone because he is a humble and nice young man. Being a generous young man, he often makes charity event to help unfortunate people. However, not everyone was born with a heart as pure as him. There is someone who is jealous with him and had planned to bring him down. Ohno had never done anything wrong to him, in fact has helped him a lot to survive in this world. But, due to being blinded by jealousy and hatred for Ohno who has a better fortune than him, he becomes an ungrateful and ignorant person who didn’t care what happened to Ohno, as long as he gets what he wants.Ohno Satoshi sighed again. It is already 7 pm but he is still in the office. He just finished his work which is needed for meeting with the client tomorrow. At first, everything has been completed but due to a careless mistake by his subordinate, he has to re-check everything to ensure it is according to the client’s request.
To be honest, he doesn’t really want to work in Ohno Corporation. He is more interested in arts. He wants to be a painter. But, he is the only heir of Ohno Corporation so he has to sacrifice his own dream for his family. Furthermore, his life will be harder if he chose arts. Unless someone is interested with his creation, there is no way he will be able to survive without a fixed income. That’s why he decided to do arts as a hobby only. However, ever since he was promoted as a CEO, he barely has the time to draw.
After re-checking his work again for the last time and ensure everything is perfect, he starts to pack his stuff and get ready to get home. He is so tired today; he thinks that he will go straight to sleep once he gets home. Carrying his suitcase, he went to the empty parking lot. Everyone has gone home so of course the parking lot is empty. He is used to that because there has been a few times he went home later than the rest of his workers. However, today, the parking lot looks creepier than usual.
As he walked to his car, he heard footsteps behind him. However, when he looked behind, there is no one. Feeling strange, he quickens his footsteps to the car. He was ready to open his door car when suddenly someone grabbed him from the back and punch him. He tried to identify his attacker but the guy is wearing a mask. Suddenly, he was lifted up and then straggled. He tried to fight but his attacker is bigger and stronger than him. He tried to reach his suitcase and when he succeeded in doing so, he hit the attacker’s head. The attacker groaned in pain and Ohno took the chance to run away before the man could hit him again.

He ran as fast as his short leg could carry him. He could hear the attacker’s footsteps from behind; chasing after him. He didn’t pay attention to what is in front of him. Suddenly, he couldn’t feel anything beneath him and the next thing he knows, he was falling down.
Ninomiya Kazunari is on his way home after closing his clinic. It has been a long day for him in the clinic. Actually, he has closed his clinic hours ago but he is too lazy to go home because he was impatient to play the new game that he bought. So, he played the game in the clinic, instead of going home. After completing the game, he packed up his stuff and went home.
The journey back home is as boring as usual. The route that he usually takes to go home will be empty if he went home after 8 pm. He was so sleepy and if not because of a loud thump in front of his car, he might go to sleep right at that moment. The sound heard from the front of his car awakens him makes him feels fresh. He was surprised to find someone lying on his car.
Immediately, he went outside to see what happened. He knows this guy. He is Ohno Satoshi, the CEO of Ohno Corporation. What happened to him? He immediately checks Ohno to see if he is still alive. Sensing a weak heartbeat, he carried the man inside of his car. When he entered his car, he could hear rustle sound from above. Putting two and two together, he would guess that someone is trying to kill Ohno and now he is going to check if Ohno is really dead. Couldn’t think of what to do right now, he decided to start driving before the killer noticed him. He knows he should call the police and report about this but right now, the most important thing is to save Ohno’s life first. Thank God he is a doctor so he could just bring Ohno to his house.
Ohno had lost a lot of blood due to the fall, but, he is now safe. However, he is still in coma. And, soon after, Nino heard from the news about Ohno’s mysterious disappearance. He knows he should report Ohno’s whereabouts to the police; however, he had a bad feeling to do so. He is afraid that the killer would try to kill Ohno again and perhaps it will be better and safer for Ohno to stay hidden in his house. Nino thought of keeping Ohno in his house at least until he regained conscious. It is a good thing that Nino doesn’t have a lot of friends so no one would know about his little secret. Aiba, his childhood and best friend sometimes will visit him. But, he may have been too busy with his job. Aiba works in Ohno Corporation and Ohno’s disappearance had cause chaos in the office right now. Due to the disappearance of its CEO, Sakurai Sho, the cousin of Ohno Satoshi has been appointed as the temporary CEO.
At first, Nino was reluctant to hide Ohno from the public. Ever since the news of his disappearance, the news had reported of how corrupt and mean Ohno Satoshi is. It is believed that Ohno had embezzled an amount of money from Ohno Corporation and now hiding in another country. By revealing where Ohno really is and what really happened to him, perhaps it will help in clearing his name. However, like before, he is afraid of Ohno’s safety. He would guess that the culprit is the one who started the rumors to tarnish Ohno’s good reputation. Maybe if Nino brings Ohno back to public while he is still unconscious, the culprit will accuse Ohno of getting injured while trying to run away. At least if Ohno awakes right now, he will be able to defend himself for the accusation. That’s why Nino has convinced himself that hiding Ohno is the best decision to take right now.
“Nino, are you home?” Nino screamed a little when he heard Aiba’s voice from the front door. Soon, he heard the sound of someone unlocking his front door. He started to curse himself for giving Aiba his house key. When Aiba visited him when he is playing games, he will be so lazy to open the door. So, he decided to give Aiba his house key so he won’t be bothered to open the door for the noisy guy. Immediately, Nino stands up and goes to greet his friend before he comes to Nino’s room. If he comes to the room, he will discover Ohno. He doesn’t want the noisy guy to know. If he knows, the whole world will know because the guy has a big mouth.
“Aiba, what do you want? I thought you’re busy working after your CEO went missing,” said Nino. But, Aiba just pouted before answering.
“I hate everyone in the office. They keep on talking badly about Riida ever since the rumors of his embezzlement started. They are very ungrateful. Riida is very nice to us and now they accused him,” complained Aiba. Riida is the nickname he created for Ohno. Nino never knows if Aiba really called Ohno Riida while in the office. If he really calls his boss like that, he wonders why Ohno didn’t fire this noisy guy for being casual with his boss.
“And you believe he is innocent?”
‘Of course. There is no way the rumor is true. Riida is the nicest and gentlest guy I have ever known. A day before he went missing, I make a big mistake for our presentation on the next day. He is the one who helped me fixed everything. He even went home late because of that. I want to help but when he noticed it’s already past the office hours, he asked me to go home and he will re-check everything. I will never ever think he is a bad guy,” said Aiba. He always thinks highly of his boss and that’s why Nino also didn’t believe in the rumor.
“Do you want to watch a movie today?” asked Aiba and Nino immediately refused. If they’re going to watch a movie, it means that Aiba will spend the night at his house. And that would mean he would sleep in Nino’s room. And, of course he will see Ohno. Aiba will know what really happened to Ohno then.
“Eh, you don’t want? You know, I think you have been acting suspiciously. You keep on glancing at your room. Don’t tell me…,”
“Ah, you have someone here with you! Nino, you have finally found a boyfriend. I’m happy for you. Let me see him, okay?” said Aiba as he stands up and walking to Nino’s room. Nino tried to stop him but before he managed to do so, the door to his room opened from the inside, revealing the sleepy looking boss of Aiba who looked at both of them confusedly.
“Eh, Riida! What are you doing here? Everyone is looking for you. Ah, I miss you so much, Riida,” said Aiba and he immediately hugged the confused looking man. Soon after, he starts crying and both Ohno and Nino stared at each other. Nino knows Aiba is a crybaby and perhaps this will be a tearful reunion, but he doesn’t expect Aiba to cry.
“So, what are you doing here? Are you dating Nino chan? Riida, even though you have someone right now, it doesn’t mean you could skip work and go dating. Especially not now, Ohno Corporation is a mess right now and you need to come back. Nino chan, you shouldn’t encourage Riida to skip work. Riida has skipped work for a week now,” lectured Aiba. However, Ohno still looked confused with everything.
“Riida? Is that my name?” asked Ohno and Aiba, immediately turned to Nino, asking for explanation. Nino was surprised to hear that. What does Ohno mean by that? Then, he thought of a possibility of Ohno losing his memory because of the fall. Why didn’t he think about this before this? He should bring Ohno to the clinic and make an x-ray for his head to verify that there is a crack in his head skull. If there is indeed a crack, perhaps this crack had caused Ohno to lose his memory.
“You don’t know who you are?” asked Nino and the helpless guy just shook his head. Nino then asked the guy to go eat first before telling Aiba what happened on the night he found Ohno.
“You mean someone wants to kill Riida?” asked Aiba after Nino finished telling him everything.
“Yes. Do you know anyone who wants to harm your boss?” asked Nino and Aiba put on his thinking face.
“Hmm, I couldn’t think of anyone except our temporary CEO for now, Sakurai san. With Riida gone, it will be him who controls the company, right?” said Aiba and Nino just nodded in agreement. What Aiba said makes sense. Sakurai Sho has a motive to kill Ohno. But, maybe enemy from another companies have a motive to kill Ohno too. Nino then asked Aiba to keep Ohno’s whereabouts a secret and to watch over Sakurai and reports to Nino in case Sakurai acted suspiciously.
“Hmm, if you don’t mind, would you tell me who am I? Because I don’t remember anything at all,” Ohno suddenly interrupted their conversation. Without hesitating, Nino told Ohno who he really is and how he found Ohno on that night.
“You mean that is me?” asked Ohno as he points to a picture of himself on the television screen. The announcer on the news was reporting on Ohno’s disappearance.
“Yes, that is you. It’s your choice. If you want to go out in public and clear your name, I won’t stop you. But, if you asked me, now it’s not the right time. You wouldn’t be able to defend yourself if you don’t remember anything,” advised Nino.
“Eh, but I don’t think that is me. I don’t think I like business world. I love arts and I want to be a painter. Furthermore, that guy looks so cool and brave. I’m nothing like that,”
“Believe me or not. That’s you. You’re free to stay here, at least until you get your memory back,” said Nino and Ohno then nodded his head, agreeing with Nino. Aiba then excused himself to go home and Nino reminded him of their secret.

“You can sleep in my room. I will sleep on the couch,” said Nino soon after Aiba left. Since he found Ohno a week ago, he had been sleeping on the couch. To be honest, he wants to sleep on the bed with Ohno. He had developed a crush on the young CEO before he realized. At first, he was just admiring the guy for his intelligence and talent. Ever since Aiba got accepted to work in Ohno Corporation, Aiba keeps on complimenting the guy for being a nice boss, and that makes Nino wants to get to know his friend’s employer better. However, he never has a chance to meet the guy. Now, he finally meets the person he admired so much but too bad he doesn’t remember anything at all. Nino always imagine him to be a strong and confident young man, but right now, he looks so helpless that Nino couldn’t help but feeling disappointed with the man. However, it is not the man’s fault. Perhaps losing his memory has also changed his attitude.
Nino woke up in the middle of the night when he heard a loud sound of pots falling. Immediately after, he smelled something burnt from the kitchen. Looking at the clock, it was only 3 am. He cursed whoever that caused the noise and interrupted him sleeping.
When he walked to the kitchen, he saw Ohno was picking up the pots. When he noticed Nino in the kitchen, he smiled like an idiot at Nino. Nino then looked at the stove to see burnt pasta on a pot. What makes it worse, the stove is still on. Worried that his house might get on fire, he turned the stove off and throws the pot with pasta to the sink.
“What are you doing? It’s 3 am! I need to sleep because I have to work tomorrow,” scolded Nino but Ohno just smiled sheepishly at him.
“I’m hungry and you were sleeping. So, I cooked by myself,” answered Ohno.
“You just ate five hours ago,”
“That’s why I’m hungry. It has been 5 hours,” countered Ohno. Knowing that he will not get some sleep unless Ohno gets something to eat, he decided to cook ramen for the young CEO to eat.
“Next time, don’t touch anything if I’m not here,” said Nino as he handed in the ramen to Ohno. Again, the young CEO just smiled sheepishly at him, not looking guilty at all for interrupting his sleep. Instead of saying sorry, the young CEO immediately goes to the living room to enjoy his food. Nino cursed at him for causing a mess in his kitchen. He wants to clean his kitchen but he is too sleepy right now. However, he needs to ensure Ohno would not make another mess. So, he decided to clean the kitchen while waiting for the other guy to finish his food and then go to sleep. Thank God the other guy finished his food faster and then quickly went to sleep. By the time Nino finished cleaning the kitchen, it was already 4:30 am. He doesn’t know how many times on that night he cursed Ohno for disturbing him. Maybe he should just give him back to his family, thought Nino. Ah, but, whatever. He better sleeps now than worrying about Ohno.
When he woke up to go to work in the morning, Ohno was still sleeping soundly in his room. Looking at the peaceful face of the man while sleeping, he doesn’t know why but he didn’t feel angry at the guy for interrupting his sleep earlier today. Feeling he will be late to work if he keeps on looking at the guy, he immediately goes to the bathroom to take a shower. By the time he finished showering, Ohno had woke up and spacing out on the bed.
“Ah, Nino chan, where are you going?” asked the sleepy looking man when Nino prepared himself to go to work. He glared at Ohno even though he knows Ohno was just trying to be friendly to him. It’s just, he doesn’t like when people call him Nino chan. It makes him to think that they are closed to him to call him that. Aiba is the only one he allowed to call him that.
“Do not call me Nino chan. And, I’m going to work. You, stay at home and don’t do anything. If you want to take a bath, you can wear my clothes. We’re about the same size, so, I think you can wear mine. If you want to eat, just re-heat the chahan in the fridge. DO NOT TRY TO COOK AGAIN!” ordered Nino. Ohno just pouted at him. Nino couldn’t help but thinking how cute the man is when he pouts. Even though he is already 27 years old, he looks younger when he pouted.
Nino goes to work happily, thinking that Ohno may not do anything while he is not at home. He was just hoping that the man will not feel bored to stay in the house alone. As Ohno mentioned he loves drawing the day before, he had left a few drawing tools for Ohno to draw in case he bored. But, he didn’t expect Ohno to be a stubborn man. When he got home that night, his house is a mess with a lot of crumpled papers on the floor. He looked to the kitchen, and feeling relieved that there is no mess on the kitchen. Then, he went to look for Ohno but he is nowhere to be found. Worried that something might happen to Ohno, he quickly went outside to find Ohno. He couldn’t find Ohno until he arrived at the park. Ohno was there, spacing out while playing the swings.
“What are you doing? What if people find you? If you want, I can send you back to your family,” said Nino as he pulled the other man’s hand. However, instead of following him, Ohno simply hugged him and it causes Nino to suddenly blush. He doesn’t know what to do but to hug the other man back.
“I’m sorry if I make you worried. I’m bored and hungry. I’ve eaten your chahan but I’m still hungry. And, then I found a wallet with my picture in it. I think it is my wallet and I found a few dollars in it. So, I decided to buy bento for us. But, when I arrived in your house, I realized that I don’t have the key. So, I thought of finding you in your workplace to get the key. But, then when I’m halfway, I remembered that I don’t know where you work. That’s why I decided to go to the park. Thank God, you came, Nino chan. It’s so cold,”
Nino could only blink his eyes to hear the long story from Ohno. He just couldn’t believe how thick Ohno could be. Is he really the successful young CEO of Ohno Corporation? The one right in front of him, the one who hugged him right now looked so thick to manage a big company like Ohno Corporation. Or, maybe this is how he really is. That will explain how Aiba gets along so well with his employer. They have the same vibe after all. The Tennen vibe.
“Now that I’ve found you, let’s go home. Where is the bento you bought for our dinner today?” asked Nino but then Ohno just gasped at him before trying to look for something. Seeing that there is no bento anywhere near them, he would guess that the man had forgotten it somewhere.
“Ah, I don’t know where I put them,” answered Ohno and Nino could only sighed looking at the helpless and somehow stupid man. Don’t want to waste more time in the park, he just pulled Ohno back to his house. Thankfully, the man easily complied with him.
“Why are there a lot of papers in the floor?” asked Nino when both of them walked together while swinging their hand. It was Ohno who initiate the swinging.
“Ah I thought of drawing Nino chan. But, none of the drawing looks like you. So, I just threw them away,” answered Ohno as if he didn’t do any mistake. Nino just squeezed his hand. He thought he had warned the other guy not to call him Nino chan.
“I said; don’t call me Nino chan,” scolded Nino. But, instead of complying, the other man teased him instead.
“Eh, why not? You look like a little kid. Nino chan is really suitable for you. If you don’t want me to call you Nino chan, I can call you Kazu chan instead,” said Ohno and when Nino glared at him again, he just laughed at Nino.
“Don’t call me Nino chan or Kazu chan!”
“It has been decided. I will call you Kazu chan from now on. How old are you, Kazu chan?” asked Ohno, ignoring Nino’s objection.
“You have to call me Ninomiya sama from now on. And, it’s none of your business how old I am,”
“Ninomiya sama is too long and it doesn’t suit you. Kazu chan suits you more. If you don’t want to tell me how old you’re, I could just ask Aiba. Easy solution,” Nino just sighed. He is too tired to argue with the other guy so he just let it slip for now.

Part 2

ohmiya, the prince who turned into a frog, fanfic

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