A song for you

Jan 05, 2014 20:54

“I’ll see you at eight, okay? Don’t cancel it again this time,”
“Yes. Don’t worry; I’ll come this time,”
 The beep at the end line indicates that the other person had hanged up. Ohno just sighed. Again, like every month, his best friend since high school, Sho kun will asked him to go out with him. And, again, like every month, he will try to find the reason to not going. It’s not because he doesn’t want to see Sho kun but seeing Sho kun will remind him of someone. Someone that he hasn’t seen since his graduation three years ago. Someone that he missed so much. Someone that he loves. Someone named Ninomiya Kazunari.
Taking out his wallet, he looked at the picture of Nino. He knows that it is stupid to be unable to get over this person. But, he doesn’t know why his heart refused to move on and accept someone else in his life. His parents had been continuously trying to hook him up with another girl but he rejected all of them. When he told them that he is a gay, they decided to stop trying and accept his sexual orientation. There was one time he got confessed by his best friend, Matsumoto Jun but he rejected him saying that he likes someone else. And, now, Matsujun is already happy with another person and he is still single, waiting for the day the guy will come back to him.
Looking at the picture reminded him of the memory with the other guy. He didn’t want to say that it was a painful memory; in fact, it was one of the best moments in his life. Closing his eyes, he imagined the face of the guy. Every night, as he goes to sleep, he kept on creating a scene where they would be together. Waking up together, cooking together, working in the same place, go on a date in amusement park. But, it is impossible, isn’t it? The guy left him all miserable, and perhaps he didn’t feel guilty at all. Perhaps he is now happy with another person.

Thinking too much about him reminded him of their first meeting. It was few weeks after orientation in the university. Nino was a friend of Sho kun from a class that they took together. Both of them always hang out in the café and discuss about assignments. The first time Ohno met Nino is when he accidentally bumped into Sho kun in the café.
“Satoshi kun, here,” Ohno looked around to find the source of voice who called him. It was Sho kun who was waving at him and showed an empty seat near him. There was another guy with Sho kun. It was a short guy, maybe around the same height as Ohno. His skin is very fair; making him looked so pale that Ohno suspected he was sick. He has a short black hair, a beautiful brown eyes and a button nose.
“Satoshi kun, it has been a while, isn’t it? How was your class?” asked Sho kun as he sat down next to him.
“It’s good. How was yours?”
“It’s good too. Let me introduce you to my friend. This is Ninomiya Kazunari. Nino, this is Ohno Satoshi,” the other guy, or Nino smiled a bit looking at Ohno, making Ohno wondered if he was not comfortable with Ohno being there.
“Well then, I think that you might be busy. I’ll go first,” said Ohno. But Sho kun prevented him from doing so.
“No, you don’t have to go. We just finished our discussion, so, you may want to have lunch with us,” Ohno turned to look at Nino who was simply ignoring him and continued looking at his phone. Ohno just nodded his head, agreeing with Sho’s suggestion considering that he hadn’t been able to talk with Sho recently.
While they were having lunch together, Nino barely spoke. He focused too much on his phone that Ohno think maybe he doesn’t want him to be there. He will only talk when Sho asked him something.
Ohno met Nino and Sho again a few days after and he still gave Ohno a cold shoulder. He didn’t know what his problem with him because it seemed that he doesn’t talk to Ohno only. There were few times when someone else was with them but he spoke to them. It’s only to Ohno that he doesn’t talk to. It’s not like Ohno was complaining because he is a shy and quiet person, so he would prefer if people didn’t talk to him. But, this is the first time someone treated him like this. So, it’s kind of making him feel different about Nino. Even when they ran into each other in the hallway, he always acted like he didn’t know Ohno and so, Ohno also did the same thing to him.
“Sato chan, what are you thinking about?” asked Becky, Ohno’s fiancée. It’s not like they are together because of love. At least not for him. It was arranged by both of their parents ever since they were small. Ohno was okay with Becky because she was nice and gave him space. She is not like the any other girls who sometimes look too annoying asking to go out all the time. She will only go out with him when he asked. Maybe because both of them don’t love each other that they act more like friends instead of a couple.
“Nothing. There is just someone in my university who ignored me all the time like I did something wrong to him,”
“And you don’t like it when he ignored you,” Ohno just shaking his head, disagreeing with Becky. He also didn’t know why he thinks about Nino so much.
“No. I love it when he ignored me. You know that I don’t like talking with other people. It’s just different when he completely ignored me like I’m a stranger. Anyway, let’s not talk about him. Next week is your birthday so what do you want this time?” asked Ohno. Becky stared at him for a while before putting on her thinking face. She suddenly smiled when she got an idea.
“Ne, Sato chan, your voice is very nice. Why don’t you sing for my birthday? It would be better if you make a song for me, ne?” Ohno was a bit surprised hearing that. He just thought that Becky was not an annoying girlfriend and then suddenly she wanted something ridiculous. Singing? It’s not like he doesn’t like to sing, but to ask him for a song is a bit too much, isn’t it?
“It’s okay, right for you to make a song for me?” she was looking at him while giving her best puppy look which makes it hard for Ohno to reject her request. He gave her a bitter smile before nodding her head.

“Yeah, thank you, Sato chan,” said Becky and kissed his cheek. He was so surprised with the kiss that he doesn’t know how to respond. The next thing he knew, Becky was nowhere to be seen in his room. Perhaps, she went downstairs to chat with his parents. Ohno was just scratching his head, thinking about the impossible request from his girlfriend.
Ohno didn’t know how many he sighed for today. He kept on thinking about the song that he didn’t realize Sho was approaching him with Nino behind him.
“You sighed too much for a young guy. What happened?” asked Sho as he took a seat in front of Ohno. Nino just sat next to Sho but his focus was on his phone instead of Ohno. Sometimes, Ohno wonder why did Nino always with his phone. Did his girlfriend text him too much?
“It’s Becky,”
“What about her? I thought that you never have a problem with her because she gives you freedom. Is it about the wedding? She wants to postpone the wedding?” Ohno just shook his head and he didn’t know why he turned to Nino for a response. But, the other guy kept on ignoring his conversation with Sho.
“She wants me to make a song for her and sing it on her birthday,” just like him, Sho was also surprised. Sho had met her a few times and know that she never ever requests something like this. Before he managed to reply, both of them were interrupted by a scream from Nino.
“Damn it. Just a bit more and the boss will die,” Ohno just stared at him confusingly. What is Nino talking about?
“Ah, gomen,” he was blushing before resuming whatever he was doing with his phone. But, Sho took his phone away from him.
“Stop playing the games. Let’s help Satoshi kun,” Nino tried to take back the phone but Sho already put the phone in his pocket.
“Satoshi kun, Nino is very good in composing song. Maybe he can help you,” Nino blinked his eyes a few times, like he didn’t believe whatever coming out from Sho’s mouth. And, Ohno had to admit that he looked so cute blinking like that.
“Eh, why should I? I don’t even know his girlfriend,” Ohno didn’t know why he suddenly smiled hearing that. Even though Nino looked like he ignored Ohno, it seems that he did pay attention to his conversation after all.
“So, now is the time to get to know Satoshi better. You guys know each other for a year and yet you never said anything to him. So, ganbatte ne,” with that said, Sho excused himself from both of them, leaving both Ohno and Nino alone. Ohno can see how uncomfortable Nino is.
“Err, so…” Nino was about to talk but Ohno stopped him. If Nino is going to help him with this, he needed to know why Nino always ignored him.
“Why do you always ignore me? Do you hate me?” Nino was just blushing hearing that. He was silent for a while, thinking on how to answer the question before finally speaking again.
“I don’t hate you. I just don’t know how to speak with people like you. You are a quiet person and it seems to me that you would prefer if I don’t bother you. I’m a talkative person and I’m afraid that if I talk with you, you will think of me as annoying because I never know how to keep my mouth shut once I start talking. I just want to respect your space,”
“But, you make me think that you hate me because you talk with others, but not me,”
“Err, because a friend of me used to ask me to stop talking. He is a quiet person like you. So, I think that you may want the same thing. I’m sorry. So, let’s start talking about the song,” hearing that makes Ohno feel curious. It’s like Nino was trying to avoid talking about the other guy. Respecting that, Ohno continued talking about the song.
A few days after, Nino came to him and gave him the song that he composed. Ohno was surprised on how quick Nino is in composing the song.
“Sho kun said that you know how to play piano. Just follow the music score and you will be fine. I hope you’re okay with the song,”
“Arigatou, Ninomiya san. I’m sure it is a very good song. Err, will you come to the party? It is this Sunday,” asked Ohno while giving his best puppy eyes when Nino was about to reject. He was beamed with happiness when Nino finally nodded.

“I’ll text you the detail later,”
The birthday party was fun. Everyone was complimenting Ohno for the song and of course it was thanks to Nino. After singing the song and receiving a kiss on the cheek from Becky, Ohno approached Nino who was alone at the party. Sho couldn’t come to the party because of family emergency.
“Thank you for coming,”
“Your voice is very soothing,” Ohno just blushed hearing that. He doesn’t know why but he started to feel something different towards Nino.
Two more weeks and Ohno is going to marry Becky. He knows that he is still young to get married but it was Becky’s father wish to see her married before he died. So, they don’t have any choice. He doesn’t know if he was ready for this. He knew for sure that he didn’t love Becky like he was supposed to do. He tried to love her but as his relationship with Nino is getting better, he doesn’t know why he kept thinking of him more than he thinks about Becky.
As he was drawing in his room, Becky gave him a call. She said that she needed to see him as soon as possible. Her voice seemed to be so worried about something that Ohno agreed to her request immediately. They promised to meet in their usual park.
When he got there, there was another guy with Becky. He was a tall guy and they were holding hands. He doesn’t know why but he started to think that maybe Becky and this guy were not friends.
“Hi, Becky,” said Ohno as he approached both of them. When Becky turned to him, her feeling was obvious. She looked guilty.
“Sato chan, I’m sorry for calling you this late. But, I need to tell you something. I…”
“You don’t love me, right? It’s okay. I understand. If you want to cancel the wedding, I’m totally okay with that,” said Ohno. Tears started to form in Becky’s eyes.
“I’m sorry. I wished that I will tell you sooner but the closer our wedding is, the more I realized that I don’t want to marry you. I thought of you as my brother,”
“Becky, don’t feel bad about it. I’m happy that you be honest with me. I hope that you will be happy with him,” Becky was just smiling at Ohno while shaking her head while the other guy let go of her hand and staring at another place.
“Sato chan, he is not my boyfriend. He is just a friend and thanks to his advice, I’m able to be honest,”

“Oh, really? But, don’t worry about it. I was thinking about the same thing as you. I don’t think I’m ready too. One of us really needs to take the first step for our happiness,” with that said, Ohno left the park. He didn’t know why but he started to feel better even though he just broke up with his girlfriend. And of course, he was only thinking about being together with Nino. But, would Nino want to be with him? What if he is a straight guy?
New semester started and both Nino and Ohno are getting closer. He doesn’t know why he enjoyed the time spending together with Nino and he is willing to admit that he is in love with this bratty guy. He loves the way Nino will blush whenever they get closer and when Ohno praised how cute and adorable he is. Everything was looking great and he finally decided to confess to Nino. He was sure that Nino had the same feeling as he did.
However, he didn’t know why but Nino suddenly put a distance between them. On the day that he finally decided to confess, Nino rejected his invitation to go out, saying that he needed to do something. Starting from that, Nino didn’t texted him as much as he did before. Even when Ohno texted him, he will only reply a few days after, or he didn’t even reply at all. Respecting his choice, Ohno stop trying to be close with him again.
Then, Matsumoto Jun came in their life. He was in the engineering program before this but suddenly decided to change his major to business. He was a nice person. He is a little bit like Nino in the sense that he will not let other people underestimate him and at the same time, he also likes to play games. Ohno enjoy being with him but at the same time, he missed the old Nino. Sometimes, Nino would hang out with them, and Ohno always try to look at Nino’s reaction, if he ever feels jealous. But, instead, he didn’t show any sign of jealousy at all. It’s either because he is good in hiding his emotion or maybe because he never love Ohno in the first place.
Ohno, Matsujun and Sho decided to go on a vacation in US. Nino rejected their invitation, saying that he already had another plan with his friend. Maybe it was just a lie. Maybe he didn’t want to go because he wanted to stay away from Ohno.
The vacation was great. Both him and Matsujun were getting closer. But, he didn’t know that he lead Matsujun to think that he likes Matsujun. He thought of him as just a friend. He is still in love with Nino even though Nino was ignoring him again.
Then, all of sudden, Nino was texting him again. He was happy but he didn’t know why he chose to ignore those messages. Maybe because he wanted Nino to feel the same pain as he did when Nino ignored him. But, Nino never stop trying until one day he never get any texts from Nino anymore. He didn’t know why but Nino continued to give him a cold shoulder again. Maybe Nino was just got tired of him. He also didn’t know why but he just decided to let it be like that. He wanted to be together with Nino but he was confused with Nino’s feeling. Did Nino love him or not?

The day of graduation was the last time he met Nino. Nino approached Ohno, Sho and Matsujun, congratulating them for their graduation. Even though he was smiling, he looked so pale. There was sadness hidden in his eyes. Ohno didn’t know what is wrong with Nino and he was worried but he didn’t know why he never asked. And, he never thought that Nino will cut ties with all of them. He changed his phone number and never contacted any of them again.
Ohno didn’t realize that he was crying, while remembering all those memories with Nino. He really misses Nino. He is so miserable right now and it was all thanks to Nino. When someone knocked on the door, he quickly wiped his tears. It was his secretary.
“Ohno san,it  is already 6 pm now. Don’t you want to get home and meet Sakurai san later? Sakurai san already informed me to remind you for the appointment,” Ohno was just smiling at his secretary before answering.
“Yes, I will go now. Thank you for reminding me about that,” said Ohno. His secretary excused herself to get out from his room. Ohno started to pack his things to get home and shower before meeting Sho and Matsujun.
Around 8:15 pm, he was already in the restaurant that Sho booked. He thought that he was early enough but was scolded by both of them because he was quite late and they thought he was going to cancel the plan again. He did think about that but he finally decided to just show up. To his surprise, Becky was also there.
“What are you doing here, Becky?” asked Ohno while taking a seat next to her.
“Well, Sho came to my clinic, saying his puppy is sick. So, after treat the puppy, he asked me to join your dinner tonight. Anyway, I have something to tell you,”
“Really? What is it? Are you getting married?” seeing her blushing after that makes Ohno thinks that his guess is right.
“Seriously? With who?”
“It is the guy that with me when I want to break up with you. His name is Aiba Masaki. He is my friend in the university. He is a veterinarian too but in Chiba. I want to introduce all of you to him. He invited all of you to come to his family restaurant in Chiba. You must come,”
“But, I thought he is not your boyfriend,”
“He wasn’t. We just got together last year. I keep on asking him to work in Tokyo but he said that he didn’t want to transfer yet. He has to look after his friend,”
“He is a good friend, then. You must be happy with him,” said Sho. Becky just shook her head.
“I am happy with him. But I’m jealous with his friend. He cared too much about his friend. He kept on postponing our wedding because he wants his friend to be happy first. But, after I told him to get married to his friend instead, that is when he finally decided to fulfill my request. He is really Aibaka,”
“Is his friend a girl, or a guy?”

“It is a guy, but I never met him before this,”Ohno just ignored the rest of them after that as they talked about Becky’s plan for the wedding. He wondered what will happen between both of them if she never cancel the wedding. Will they lead a happy life? Now, after the wedding was cancelled, at least Becky is happy, finally meeting his guy, while he was still thinking about Nino.
On Saturday, Becky came to his house asking him to get ready to go for Chiba. He didn’t remember agreeing to go with her but with her nagging him around to get ready; he decided to just follow her request. Plus, he also didn’t have any plan for today.
Around 11, Ohno, Sho, Matsujun and Mao, his girlfriend and Becky went to Chiba with Sho as the driver. It was actually the first time for Becky to meet Aiba’s family and she is so nervous. That’s why she asked all of them to tag along with her.
They arrived in the restaurant around 12 and a guy was waiting for them in front of the restaurant. Ohno didn’t get a chance to properly see him the last few years and looking at him now, he realized that he is indeed a handsome guy. Smile never left his face. Just by looking at him, makes Ohno feels happy too.
Becky introduced all of them to him and begs him to show his friend to her. But, he said that they will meet him later. He was in the restaurant, preparing to sing for the restaurant. He brought all of them into the restaurant, introducing Becky to his parents and then finally let all of them to sit.
One word to describe Aiba Masaki is cheerful. He was a bit clumsy but other than that he was okay. He is really really suitable with Becky. Suddenly, there were a group of kids, maybe around 10 years old coming to the restaurant and approached Aiba.
“Aibaka, where is sensei?” Ohno and the rest of them laughed hearing that while Aiba’s face turned red.
“Shut up. I don’t know what that stupid sensei taught you but I’m not Aibaka. You should call me Aiba shi,”
“But, you’re really baka, that’s why you are Aibaka,”
“Shut up. I will go inside to find that stupid sensei. He should perform now,”
“Tell him to be quick. We only came here to hear him sing. Not to see your baka face,” again, all of them laughing hearing that. Ohno wonder who is the teacher that the kid was talking about. Maybe he was Aiba’s best friend as before this Aiba did mention that his friend is going to perform.
There was a guy coming out from the kitchen with Aiba and all of the kids clapped their hands saying sensei sensei. Ohno tried to have a look at the teacher but Ohno could’t see his face because Aiba was blocking him. A few minutes later, a piano sound could be heard and the guy started to sing.
Upon hearing his voice, Ohno’s heart started to feel differently. His voice sounds so familiar and he turned to both Matsujun and Sho who had the same surprised look as him. He knows this voice. It was the voice that he dreaded to hear for so long. He wanted to say something but both Matsujun and Sho asked him to shut up and listen to the song. But, he cannot focus at all. He kept on thinking on how to face the guy.
“Sensei, sing the song again,” asked one of the students when Ohno was about to walk to the piano guy. Sho stopped him, telling him to listen properly to the song when he sang again.
Ohno tried to listen to the lyrics properly again this time. To be honest, he doesn’t know how to feel about it. It seems that the song is made for someone. The singer regrets something that happened between him and the one he described in the song. He regrets that he never got the chance to tell the person he likes her.
He doesn’t know why but before the song stops. Ohno walks away from his seat and approach the piano. Everyone was looking at him but he didn’t care. He just wants to look at the face that he misses so much.
The singer was closing his eyes the whole time, didn’t realized that Ohno was standing in front of him. The moment he finished singing the song and opened his eyes, he was shocked and Ohno can see tears forming from his eyes.
“Hey, what are you doing to Nino? Why is he crying?” asked Aiba as he approached both of them. Nino turned to look at Aiba and he quickly stand up to go away from there. But, Ohno was quick enough to prevent him from doing so.
“You and I need to talk,” said Ohno but Nino was trying to avoid looking at him and break free from Ohno’s firm grip.
“Nino, don’t tell me, he is that guy,” asked Aiba and Nino just nodding his head. Aiba suddenly looked furious.
“No, I’m not going to let you to talk with Nino. I’m not going to let you hurt Nino again,”
Ohno was surprised to hear that and he didn’t realize that he had let Nino’s hand go. He stared at Aiba, confused with his statement. What did he meant by hurting Nino? Isn’t it Nino who hurt him by ignoring him all these times?
When he turned to look at Nino, he just realized that Nino was no longer there. When did he escape? This is all Aiba’s fault. If he didn’t stop him just now, Nino wouldn’t have a chance to escape. All of Nino’s students were eyeing him curiously and one of them approached him and kicking him. It is not hurt at all but he can see that the boy was angry with him.
“What did you do? Why do you make sensei cried? I never see sensei cries before and you make him cried. You must be a bad guy for hurting a good guy like sensei,” all of the other kids approached him too and started to say the same thing. Ohno didn’t know how to respond and all of his friends came to him to let him escaped from the kids. He didn’t know why, but he thought that maybe he was the one who hurt Nino all these times, and not the other way round. Maybe the song that Nino sang just now is about him. All of these times, Nino loves him. But, if he really loves him, why did he ignore him in the past? There is no use thinking about all of these. There is another person besides Nino that could explain all of these. It is Aiba.
“Oh my god, our plan fails!” said Aiba and the rest of him was just shaking his head, looking a little bit disappointed. He didn’t understand and asked Aiba for the explanation.
“What do you mean by that?
All of them looked at him and it is obvious that all of them feel guilty for whatever that happened. But, he doesn’t understand. Did all of them plan for this? But, isn’t it the first time Aiba meeting all of them except for Becky.

“I think we owe you an explanation,” said Sho while the others just nodding their head, agreeing with his suggestion.
“I know that Nino is in love with a guy named Ohchan. I never know your full name so I never thought that Becky’s ex-boyfriend is the same guy that Nino loves. Becky always called you Satochan,” Aiba began his story and Ohno didn’t feel surprised to know that Nino loves him. He suspected it years ago but as Nino constantly gave him cold shoulder in the past, he never knew for sure if his suspicion is right.
“Then, if he loves me, why did he put a distance between us?”
“He used to be rejected before this. He loved our senior. He is a quiet guy, and to Nino’s surprise, there is some resemblance in attitude between both of you. When he is in first year, he still loved the guy and hasn’t moved on. He confessed to the guy in our second year in high school but was rejected. He was not only rejected, but also insulted. The guy called him a faggot and even if Nino is a girl, he will not like Nino because Nino is talkative. Nino is totally not his type. So, when he met you and noticed the similarities between both of you, he made a bad decision to ignore you. But, of course he cannot help himself from getting closer to you. He was attracted to you but he was afraid of the same rejection. He was afraid that you may actually be a rebound. So, before he falls deeper in love with you, he decided to put a distance between you guys so that he will not be hurt again,”
Ohno was just quiet while listening to the story. He remembered the guy. Nino used to tell him about his quiet friend who used to send him away because he is too talkative.
“But, it’s too late. He already in love with you and seeing you with Matsujun makes him jealous but he cannot do anything about it at all. He tried to win you back but it’s too late. You ignored him and he thought that the best route to take is just forgetting you. That’s why he cut ties with all of you. If he still contacted all of you, it will remind him of Ohchan. So, he chose to stay away from his friends to protect his heart. He pretends to be happy but I know deep inside, he is still in love with you. Ohno san, Nino is a lonely man. My family and I are the only one he ever has. His father left him when he was a kid and his mother always blamed him for that. As a result, he was abused by his mother. Of course his mother felt guilty for doing that and apologized before she died in our first year in high school. My family took care of him after that but he always feel that he was a burden. As he was rejected by his parents and the guy that he loves, he thought that you will not love him.
“I still remember how sad he was after having a dream about you and Matsujun together and ignored him. He thought that the dream showed him that he will never find love but for me, the dream is to show him how much he actually in love with you. I respect his decision to staying away from you but as the years come and go, I know that he deserved happiness too. All these years, he denied that he was still in love with you, but I know him inside out. I know he loves you. I accidentally saw a picture of you in his wallet and remember that I used to see you somewhere before. But, of course, I don’t remember when and where I saw you. Then, I went to Tokyo to meet Becky and met the rest of your friends. As Becky introduced them to me, I remember the names that Nino used to tell me about. It is not a coincidence that Becky’s friends have the same name as Nino’s. So, I asked if they have a friend name Ohchan. Becky just shook her head while Matsujun and Sho looked surprised. At that time, I know I was right about Ohchan. Ohchan is Becky’s ex-boyfriend. According to Sho, Nino was the only one who called you Ohchan. Both of them also suspected that I know Nino. As all of us confirmed our suspicion, we made a plan to unite both of you and this is the result,”
“Say, if you want to unite both of us, why do you forbid me from talking to Nino just now?”
Aiba was just sighing hearing the question. Instead of Aiba, Sho was the one who answer the question.
“You know that Nino is a smart guy, right? If Aiba didn’t forbid you from talking to Nino, of course Nino would know that he planned your meeting. So, we just try to be natural about it,”
Hearing the story about Nino from Aiba makes Ohno feel guilty. All these times, he blamed Nino for causing him pain without realizing that he was also to be blamed for this. Yes, Nino used to ignore him but he has a reason for it. But when Ohno ignored him before this, it was purely because of revenge. He just wanted to make Nino feel the same pain he felt when Nino ignored him. He didn’t realized that his childish attitude had caused both of them pain. Maybe this is the time for him to win Nino back. As Aiba said, Nino still loves him and of course Ohno is still in love with Nino.

“Guys, I have a plan but I’m going to need your help,”
Ohno felt nervous waiting for Nino to arrive at Aiba’s restaurant. He was afraid that Nino might not show up but he needed him to hear what he is going to say. Well, he will not tell Nino directly but he will sing for Nino. According to Aiba, Nino refused to meet him no matter what so he had to make another plan.
It has been a month since he met Nino again in Chiba. As he went back to Tokyo, he tried to compose a song for Nino. He doesn’t know why but maybe a song will convey his feeling for Nino. Because of a song, both of them became close. Because of a song, he met Nino again. Maybe, with a song, he will have his Nino back.
“Are you afraid?” asked Matsujun as Ohno eyeing the restaurant from the kitchen. Ohno just nodded his head.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure everything is going to be okay. Good luck,” said Matsujun and as Ohno turned back to the front door of the restaurant, he saw Nino and Aiba walked happily to one of the table. Even though he was laughing, there is still sadness in his eyes.
‘Don’t worry, Nino. I will make sure you smile genuinely after this’
Ohno waited until Nino was eating his food so that he will not pay attention to the surrounding before he approached the piano. As he realized that Nino was too absorbed in his conversation with Aiba, he started to play the song. To be honest, he is so nervous to perform in front of others.
My reflection overlaps in the car window with you who are smiling next to me
You're this close to my side and yet I can't touch you
The melody that plays from the stereo now is just sad to me
I wish I could make you only mine

So don't ever go, ever go, ever go, go away
Even if the dawn breaks
Don't ever go, ever go, ever go, go away
I don't want to let you go home

For just a little bit longer Don't say anything and follow me
My heart is crying that it wants to take you away with me
I need you I need you I need you
Even if tonight is the first and last time

The moonlight shines down on you who suddenly sank into silence
Aimlessly wandering on this highway, unable to stop
I wonder since when That what was more dazzling than any landscape was you
The only thing that leads me astray is you

So don't ever go, ever go, ever go, go away
Turn your heart around towards me
Don't ever go, ever go, ever go, go away
Because I don't want to let you go

Our destiny is something that no one can break
Don't cry with those eyes Because I'll hold you close
I love you I love you I love you
At the very least, I pray that tonight will last forever

Even if I hide away the words I want to tell you
My love would overflow So much that it would make you shiver

For just a little bit longer Don't say anything and follow me
My heart is crying that it wants to take you away with me
I need you I need you I need you
Even if tonight is the first and last time
As he finished singing the song, he glanced to look at Nino who was staring at him. Tears could be seen in his eyes. Please, Nino, don’t cry. I don’t want your beautiful eyes to cry again.
Ohno walked to Nino with a ring in his pocket. He was surprised to see Nino didn’t run away this time before realizing there was a handcuff attached between his hand and the chair. Aiba or any one of his friends may have put the handcuff when Nino was listening to his song.
“Ninomiya Kazunari, I know that I have hurt you before without realizing it. I was too arrogant to admit my feeling for you, too arrogant to understand your situation and your feeling. I don’t ask for anything.  I just want to have a chance to be with you again and this time, I will try not to hurt you again. I love you and I don’t even know when I started to feel this way for you. I want to be with you forever. But, if you reject me…” Ohno didn’t have the chance to finish his sentence as Nino pulled him near to him and put a finger to his lips.
“There is no way I’m going to reject you, you idiot old man,” said Nino. He tried to hug Ohno but as one of his hands was tied to the chair, it was kinda difficult for him to do so. Ohno was just laughing watching him trying to free himself from the handcuff. He lifted Nino’s face before started to kiss him.
“Thank you, baby. I promise that I will not waste this chance,” said Ohno as he watched Nino’s face turning red because of the kiss. Everyone else was just clapping watching them.

“Ohno san, there is someone who wants to meet you without appointment. Should I let him in?” asked his secretary through his intercom.
“What’s his name?”
“NInomiya Kazunari,” Ohno was surprised to hear that. Nino never come to his office before this. Furthermore, it is Thursday and Nino is supposed to be in the school teaching. He usually comes to Tokyo on Friday before getting back to Chiba on Sunday.
“Hi,” said Nino as he got in and take a seat in front of him. Ohno approached his boyfriend and gave him a kiss. As always, Nino’s face will turn red because of the kiss.
“I hope you’re not mad for turning up in your office unannounced,”
“I’m not mad. I’m just surprised,”
“Hmm, I have something to tell you. That’s why I come,” Ohno was just staring at him curiously and watched as Nino got embarrassed suddenly. What is wrong with his boyfriend?
“What’s wrong, baby?” asked Ohno as he rub Nino’s back to make him feel comfortable.
“The school has approved my request to change school in Tokyo. So, I’m going to move here soon and hoping that you wouldn’t mind if I want to stay with you,” Ohno was just smiling looking the way Nino get embarrassed with his words.
“Of course I wouldn’t mind,” said Ohno as he leaned in to kiss the blushing Nino again. At last, his wish to live together with Nino has been granted.

A/N: This is the continuation of this fic. If you want to know Nino's POV,you need to read the other fic. You will also know the song Nino sang at the restaurant. As I thought, I need to make Ohmiya be together because they are made for each other and that is why I decided to make this new fic. I hope you enjoy reading this. Think of this fic as a compensation for being late in posting the final chapter of Cardcaptor Aiba. Comments are very much appreciated.

Credit for Yarukizero for the translation of the lyrics of Ohno's Two.

ohmiya, a song for you, fanfict

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