Cardcaptor Aiba - Chapter 6

Oct 26, 2013 00:44

J looked at us coldly. If his look can kill someone, I bet all of us are dead now. The rest of us were too surprised with the sudden change of J except Aiba. I think he already know that this is going to happen because of his dream.

"Who are you? You're not J, right?" I asked once I have recovered from my shock. He just snorted hearing me.

"Oh, no. Of course I am your J. Even though I really hate that nickname you called me, I have to be patient so that all of the cards will be mine,"

"What do you mean? Why do you want the cards? They're not yours, they belong to Aiba," said Sho kun. Again, J just looked at us, looking angrier than before.

"No, the cards do not belong to Aiba. How do you expect someone that used his friends' help to be the owner of the powerful cards? He is just a weak person. I'm sure he is going to lose the judgement,"

"Clow chose him as the new owner. The fact that the staff answers to his spell shows that he is indeed worthy to be the cards new owner,"

"Whatever. The cards were not even Clow's to begin with. So, he doesn't have any rights to choose his successor," all of us were surprised to hear the statement from J. It seems that he knows a lot about the clow cards and now, I'm really curious about who he really is.

"Who are you?" Ohchan who is really quiet before, suddenly speaking.

"I'm not going to tell you anything about myself. Just to let you know, once you catch EARTHY, I will steal all of the cards from you before the judgement even begins. Even if the judge shows up on the judgement day, I'm telling you, even he cannot defeat me. The only one who can defeat me is the cheater Clow," with that, he left all four of us in a blink of eyes. So, he himself has magic. I really really want to know who he is now and what is his relationship with Clow. But now, I have to apologize to Aiba for forgetting about his dream and do not realize J's real intention.

"Aiba, I'm so sorry that I don't pay attention to you for these few weeks. I'm sorry that I forgot to ask you about the dream,"

"Nino, it's okay. It's not your fault. I'm the stupid one to not believe in the dreams and warn you guys about him. But,..." he let his words trailed off, thinking about something.

"But, what? Aiba, this is not the right time for you to keep anything a secret from us," Sho chan pushed Aiba to tell the truth.

"Hmm, I don't think he is our Matsujun. I think all of these times, he was trapped in Matsujun's body and Matsujun did not even know about his existence. After I began to capture the cards, he slowly gain control to Matsujun's body and started to possess him,"

"Why do you think so?" I asked him.

"Because in my dream, I saw Matsujun. He wore the clothes like the first time we met Sho chan. He was arguing with the guy whose face was hidden. I think he was Clow. He tried to attack Clow but Clow was faster and he transform Matsujun to a tiny Jun and kept him in a bottle. A few days after, I dreamed of the exact moment we had just now and Jun told us what I told you before. So, I think he is not Jun,"

"I think we have a long day and really tired. We should just go home and rest so that we can think properly what should we do next. And, Nino, please do not blame yourself for this. If there is anyone to be blamed, it is me because I can't remember anything at all despite being the only one who knows Clow personally among us," all of us just disagree with Sho's statement. For me, there must be a reason why Clow suppressed the memory from Sho.


Five guys were talking at the balcony of a house. Three of them are of average height while the other two were short. It looks like all of them are having a good time. The shorty with the black hair was lying down with his head on the shorty with the spiky hair. They are both lovers. One of the tall guy teasing both of the shorty guys and the black hair shorty just throw a pillow to him.

The scene suddenly dissolved, replaced with a scene where the two shorty were talking to each other in their room when suddenly someone knocked on their door before coming inside. It was their teacher. The teacher was asking them about the person who deserved to be his successor and asked both of them if they are interested. Both of them just shaking their head saying they are not qualified to receive such honors. He then asked them to write the name of the one who they think can be his successor in a paper. Without knowing the other's answer, they obey the teacher's order. It turned out that both of them wrote the same name and it was the same guy that the teacher think deserved to be his successor.

It was a chaos. A student do not want to accept the teacher's choice of his successor, saying that he deserved to be the one. He suddenly went crazy and started to attack all of the students in the hall. The shorty with the black hair ran to the spiky one without realizing that one of the spells was directed to him. When spiky hair realized about this, he pushed the black hair away and consequently, he was the one being attacked and died instantly. The shorty with the spiky hair was his lover, Ohno Satoshi.

 I woke up after having that strange dream. Even though it was a dream, it felt so real. I looked at my side where Ohchan was sleeping next to me. He wanted to sleep in my house today because he was afraid that something may happened to me. With the thing that happened with J, he just want to ensure that I'm safe by having me at his side.

Without realizing it, I suddenly cried and he woke up, hearing the noise. He hugged me to make me feel comfortable. I told him about the dream.

"Nino, I'm here. I promised you that it was just a dream,"

"But, with everything that happened now, I don't think a dream is just a dream," he just sighed hearing my statement. It seems like he was thinking about something before finally taking a long breath.

"Ne, is there something wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me for a while before hesitantly started talking again.

"If I tell you something, would you promised that you will not tell anyone else?" I just nodded hearing his request.

"I'm the judge,"

p/s: I really hope that this is okay. And, I love to see how Nino shaked his hips in P.A.R.A.D.O.X performance at Mstat. So sexy. I really really really really really want to marry him.

ohmiya, fanfic, cardcaptor aiba

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