The Inheritance Game Part 1

Jun 30, 2022 23:06

“Is this everything?”

Nino asked the man standing in front of him. The man only nodded, looking at the bar of chocolate he had put on the counter.

“Are you sure?” Teased Nino, loving the way the man’s cheek turned red. Since last week, the man had become a frequent customer at the convenience store where Nino worked. The customer came around three times a day, buying only one item at a time. Usually, it would be a snack.

“Yes,” came the man’s soft voice. He kept looking down, seeming shy to look straight at Nino.

“If you say so,” said Nino, scanning the chocolate bar. The man handed him the exact amount and then quickly excused himself from the store.

As the customer walked out, Nino couldn’t take his eyes off the man’s butt. What a nice bottom he had!

He followed the man’s movement until his eyes met his co-worker, Aiba Masaki who grinned widely from the shelf. Ever since the mysterious man became their regular customer, Aiba had been teasing Nino. The only reason the man came to the store was to see Nino and that’s why he only bought one item at a time. He probably had a crush on Nino.

He’s cute, admitted Nino. The man was slightly shorter than Nino. Behind the t-shirt that he often wore, he seemed to be well-built. His skin was darker than most Japanese, making Nino wonder if he was born that way or if he spent most of his time outdoors.

“So, did you ask his name?” Asked Aiba once he was done arranging the items on the shelf.

Nino shook his head. Nope, he still hadn’t known the man’s name and he preferred it that way.

“Huh?” Aiba sighed. Dramatically. “I saw the two of you talking. What were the two of you talking about?”

“Nothing,” answered Nino. “I simply ask if he needs anything else,”

“Geez,” chided Aiba. “Next time, ask his name and ask him out too. I’m tired of watching you two flirting,”

He ignored his friend. The customer’s name wasn’t his concern because he already had a nickname for the man.

Teddy Bear.

Wasn’t it a cute nickname? It suited the man. Why did he choose the name? Because, like a Teddy Bear, the customer looked comfy enough to be hugged.

A surprise came for Nino a few hours later. It happened while Nino was checking the stock in the storeroom when Aiba suddenly shouted his name. He quickly came to the front, thinking that Aiba might have some trouble while using the cash register. It had happened a few times because of Aiba’s clumsiness.

“Yes, Aiba-chan,” answered Nino. “Is everything okay?”

The store was almost empty. Besides the two of them, there was only one customer who stood at the counter. It was a guy in a suit, looking formal and solemn. The man didn’t say anything, he just stared at Nino, looking thoughtful.

“It’s rude to stare,” said Nino.

The man’s face turned red in embarrassment.

“I apologized for my bad manner. I just want to make sure you are the right guy,” said the man. He took out a name card from his bag and handed it to Nino. “I am Sakurai Sho. I am a lawyer and I am here on behalf of the late Ohno Kazuki,”

Ohno Kazuki? Nino repeated the name in his head. Had he ever known a man with that name? Nope. He was certain that he hadn’t met someone named Ohno Kazuki.

“I don’t know anyone named Ohno Kazuki,”

“I am aware of that,”

“So why are you looking for me when I didn’t know the guy?” He paused for a while, thinking. If he was not mistaken, this lawyer had mentioned something to indicate the man had passed away. Was he murdered and Nino was a suspect? No, that was ridiculous! Police would be looking for him, not a lawyer.

“Eh?” Aiba who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth, looking horrified. “Just now, you said the man is dead, right? Did someone murder him? Is Nino a suspect?”

There. Nino wasn’t surprised by his reaction. He knew the man would think of the same thing as him. The difference is Aiba didn’t know how to stay calm and think carefully.

“He is not responsible,” Aiba continued babbling. “His tongue might be sharp and he is sometimes rude. But, Nino will not kill other people. He is not a bad person,”

Sakurai covered his mouth, perhaps to hide the smile that was forming because of Aiba’s speculation.

“Don’t worry, Aiba-san,” said Sakurai. “Ohno-sama died naturally. He was not murdered,”

“Then, why are you looking for Nino?” asked Aiba curiously.

Sakurai looked around the store. “This is not the right place to talk about it. Can you leave the store for a while so that I can talk to you about it in private? Aiba-san can look after the store while you’re gone, right?”

Nino looked at Aiba who was pouting. He must be disappointed because he couldn’t follow Nino.

“Our shift will end in two hours. I will talk to you after that,” said Nino. Yes, he was curious to know why Sakurai was here. But, he couldn’t leave Aiba alone in the store. Besides, he didn’t want to go anywhere with a stranger like Sakurai. He would feel safer having Aiba with him.

Sakurai seemed unhappy with his decision. But, he didn’t object and said he would for Nino to finish his shift first.

A/N: I recently read a book entitled The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The book inspired me with this idea. I hope this is okay and you will like it.

ohmiya, the inheritance game, fanfic

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