Locked in the Cafe with you on my Birthday is Not a Bad Idea - Part 2

Jun 16, 2022 23:11

“Happy birthday, Nino!”

Nino almost cursed when he arrived at the cafe on Friday. He looked at his phone, finally realizing that today was June 17th and it was his birthday. Urgh, a year had passed and he was now a year older.

“Since we are close tomorrow…” said Maeda-san. “... Nino’s birthday party at my house tonight. Everyone has to come… especially you, Nino,”

The manager stared straight at Nino. It was universally acknowledged that Nino wasn’t the type to go to a party. But, since the party would be for him, he had no choice but to show up.

“I will make sure he comes, Maeda-san,” said Aiba followed by a murmur of agreement from the others. Yeah, Nino knew it would be hard to escape today.

However, a weird thing happened after work today. Nino was in the washroom. He had been there for quite some time because of his stomach. And, once he felt better, he headed out only to find Ohno staring at the door.

“What are you doing?” asked Nino. “Why are you staring at the door?”


Nino couldn’t hear it properly because the man was mumbling. But, he was certain Ohno was saying something about a lock. Was the door locked? Nino approached the door and checked. Yup, it was locked.

“I was in the washroom,” informed Ohno. Oh, Nino remembered hearing noises in the washroom. He didn’t know it was Ohno. “When I get here, everyone else has left and the door is locked,”

To his surprise, Ohno got nearer and then hugged him.

“Thank goodness you are here,” said Ohno, still hugging Nino. “I don’t know what to do,”

Nino’s heart skip a beat. He was too shocked by the sudden hug and couldn’t think properly. Ah, what should he do to get out?

A phone! Yes, they should call Maeda-san or Aiba-chan to open the door. Only those two have the key to the cafe.

“Have you tried to call Aiba-chan?”

Ohno beamed at first as he reached into his pocket. A second later, his face fell.

“I forgot to bring my phone today,” informed Ohno. “How about you?”

Nino shook his head. He played games on his phone last night and forgot to charge it. He didn’t bring his charger to work.

“No battery,”

Ohno pouted and that was when it hit Nino. He would be having a date with Sho tonight. However, he couldn’t go on the date because he was stuck in the cafe with Nino.

“We should check Maeda-san’s office,” suggested Nino. “There’s a phone in his office, right?”

“That’s a good idea!” said Ohno. “But, do you remember Aiba-chan’s or Matsujun’s phone number?”

Nino shook his head. But, he was certain Maeda-san would have their phone numbers recorded somewhere in the office. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on their side. Maeda-san locked his office door. So, they headed back to the front, feeling gloomy. Ohno took down one of the chairs and sat. Nino followed suit.

“I guess we just have to wait then,” said Ohno. “Maybe someone will notice we’re not at the party when they want to cut your birthday cake,”

A smile was the only thing he could offer Ohno.

“I’m sorry,” said Nino. He felt bad looking at Ohno’s sad face.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault we are stuck here,”

“Hmm… I’m talking about your date,” said Nino. But, his statement was only met with a blank look from Ohno.

“My date?”

“Yes,” said Nino, scratching his head. Why did he feel like a stalker for knowing about Ohno’s date?

“With whom?”

“Your friend, Sho-chan,” answered Nino. Geez, why did Ohno look so clueless?

Ohno stared hard at him at first, frowning. Then, he laughed, which left Nino dumbfounded.

“The date is not going to happen,”


“I already rejected Sho-chan,”


Yeah, lousy response. But, he was just too shocked to know Ohno rejected Sho. It was just impossible. Sho looked perfect. Why would Ohno reject him?

“He is just not for me,” said Ohno as if he knew what was inside Nino’s mind. “We are better off as friends,”

“Hmm… okay,” Nino scratched his head. He didn’t know what to say. A part of him regretted talking about Sho. It was the reason he was now in an awkward situation with Ohno.

“Anyway…” Ohno changed the subject by handing out a plastic bag he had been carrying to Nino. “This is for you. Happy birthday,”

Once again, Nino’s eyes widened. They had just known each other. A birthday present from Ohno wasn’t what he expected.

“This is for me?” said Nino, taking the plastic bag from Ohno. He took the present from the bag. It was a sweater.

“I don’t know what to get you for your birthday,” said Ohno, looking shy. “But, you always wear a sweater so when I see that…” Ohno pointed at the sweater. “I can only think of you,”

“Thank you,” Nino hugged the man. “You don’t have to buy anything for me,”

“I want to,” said Ohno. He looked uncertain and then added. “Will it be okay if I ask something from you?”

“What is it?” Asked Nino, frowning. “If you want me to buy you a birthday present, just tell me what you want,”

Ohno responded with a chuckle. “Not a birthday present. I just want… hmmm… you know… onadate,”

Huh? Was it his imagination but did Ohno just ask him out?

“You must be thinking I am so weird…” said Ohno, covering his face. “I just want to ask you out on a date… Aiba-chan said it will be a good idea to be direct like Sho-chan. But, it was hard to do so. How can Sho-chan be cool like that? I look like a weirdo!”

Ohno might continue his rambling but Nino stopped him with a kiss. Well, yeah, it was a weird thing to do. He wasn’t sure of Ohno’s feelings for him. But, if Ohno had asked him out and bought him a birthday present, it could mean he likes Nino, right? Nino wasn’t sure of his feelings yet but he loved the way Ohno’s lips moved against him.

They finally let go of each other to breathe. Nino smiled at Ohno and started looking around the cafe because it was too embarrassing. But, what he saw outside the cafe made him even more embarrassed.

Jun and Aiba were outside. And, they were grinning.

“We are here to take you to the partyyyyy,” said Aiba. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were left behind,”

“He might do it on purpose,” Jun added. “Just so he could be alone with Ohno-kun,”

“Shut up,” retorted Nino. “How long have you guys been there?”

Jun just stuck his tongue out at Nino. “I give you five minutes to talk with Ohno-kun. Then, we will release you,”

And, just like that, both Jun and Aiba walked away. They would be back in five minutes so Nino had to do this quick.

“Are you serious about asking me out?” asked Nino. Ohno just nodded.

“Sorry because I’m not that cool when I asked you out,”

“This is better,” said Nino. “Let’s go out tomorrow,”

Ohno beamed in happiness. “Thank you. I can't wait to go out with you again tomorrow. Happy birthday, Nino,”

Ohno kissed him again. Right before Nino closed his eyes to enjoy the kiss, he saw Aiba and Jun appear again. But, he simply ignored them.

A/N: Happy birthday to my lovely Ninomiya Kazunari. Hope u will always be happy.
Not sure how to feel about this fic. Hope it is okay and you will enjoy reading it:)

ohmiya, locked in the cafe with you on my birthd, fanfic

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