Title: To You I Bestow Rating: R Word Count: 2000~ For: insuhouciance Warnings: fem!fanxing, minor character deaths, suicide. Summary: Yixing is the ocean, and she drags people in when they can’t swim.
Where do I!!!!!!!!begin!!!!!!!!with how much I love this okay so I have this weird obsession with the ocean and water in general and I never thought someone would be able to write the prompt which I think???? you chose?????
All of it was so simple yet so vivid and I just saw the reveals list and you're one of my like.....favourite.....authors....I can't bELIEVE YOU WROTE THIS AND???????
Comments 4
All of it was so simple yet so vivid and I just saw the reveals list and you're one of my like.....favourite.....authors....I can't bELIEVE YOU WROTE THIS AND???????
???????i loved it so much okay thank you ;-;
this is surprisingly really cryptic
i love cryptic stories! im just too lazy to find the underlying meaning of everything happening
but i really like this, so mysterious @_@
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