Title: Five Things About Tony Stark (that Pepper…) - II. Smell (3/6)
patriot_jackieRating & Genre: PG Fluff
Pairing: Tony/Pepper - Spoilers for Iron Man 1&2
Summary: The human mind reaches out to experience life through five separate senses. It’s little wonder then that Pepper Potts is so attuned to the many stimuli of her tantalizing employer.
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Comments 14
Have I mentioned how much I love this story?! :D
Aww, thank you! This chapter is actually one of my favorite chapters, although I am really liking the next one, too... And no, that's not an intentional tease. ;D
Breathe deep...
The gathering gloom...
Watchlights fade from every room....
Kind of like the little spoken interlude in the middle of the classic Moody Blues song "Knights in White Satin" (extended version ... at around 5:35 minutes)
Very nicely done ... scent is such an under-appreciated sense
Thank you! For the review and song linkage!
Scent is under-appreciated. I say this as someone who goes for periods of times with it being gone. (Due to very severe allergies - no exotic diseases!) While I'm without it, phantom scents tip me off to things I've long since and otherwise forgotten. It's kind of the inspiration for this one, actually.
I look forward to the next chapter. :)
not quiet a cohesive thought
LOL There are times when I'm writing these that I get too caught up in tying everything solidly together and linking every thought... and then I delete 90% of it because it's too detailed! Most of the time though, it's kind of fun to disregard that part of writing. I've never written an extended stream-of-consciousness piece before, but it's slightly addicting because of the "cheating" I get to do. ;D
I love your interpretation of those three months from Pepper's side. And how she came to terms with her feelings... the teaser for the next chapter has my mouth watering. There's not enough fics Pepper's initial reaction to post-Afghanistan Tony. Eeee!
Nah. j/k Thank you, though! I'm sincerely grateful you're enjoying it so much!
Without knowing much of their back story, I do think she'd be forced to recognize at least some of the UST between them during his MIA stint. I think, towards the end of those three months, she wouldn't be able to continue fooling herself, especially as she stayed exactly where she was for him.
And yes. There really aren't enough right-after-his-return fics!
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