Drabbles and Icons

Oct 12, 2008 09:56

I have my last two Angel drabbles and icons for this season.

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112 prophecy girl, 111 out of mind out of sight, fiction, icons

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Comments 13

velvetwhip October 12 2008, 17:51:37 UTC
These are very effective. Fine work!



lycomingst October 19 2008, 20:23:49 UTC
Thanks! 8 ]


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2008, 18:56:43 UTC
These are brilliant Angel-centric views of the last eps.

I love the OoSOoM one, taking Giles-voice that little bit into parody but still convincing. And the second, which teeters on self-pity but is all too understandable as Angel seeks for his way out, but never finds it.


a2zmom October 12 2008, 21:15:58 UTC
That first one made me chuckle.


lycomingst October 19 2008, 20:26:59 UTC
Thanks. I always thought Angel was prone to a little self-pity; he can be very emo. 8 ]


trepkos October 13 2008, 07:25:38 UTC
He and my Slayer have a little flirtation going. Trifle unorthodox.

Classic British understatement!


lycomingst October 19 2008, 20:38:49 UTC
Angel makes up imaginary conversations to amuse himself during those long hours alone. 8 ]


brunettepet October 14 2008, 16:12:08 UTC
The first made me laugh, especially Angel's overblown Giles voice and this self description: charming vampire chap. He's right, I bet at this point Giles never said a word about Angel to The Council.

The second captured the weight Angel's of soul. He deserves a bit of a pity party.


lycomingst October 19 2008, 20:41:21 UTC
Angel's alone with his thoughts so often; he goes through a lot of emotions. 8 ]


ares132006 October 15 2008, 05:20:53 UTC
Loved these. Angel's thoughts on Giles reporting to the Council are hilarious and probably true, sad to say. :0)

Alive, he was his father’s disappointment. Dead, he was his family’s horror.

Oh yeah! Great lines. Well done.


lycomingst October 19 2008, 20:42:06 UTC
Thanks very much! 8 ]


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