"First Date" Thoughts

Jan 22, 2013 09:45

Confidentially, a lot of [Buffy’s] people are murderers. Anya and Willow and Spike...
- Andrew to Jonathan/The First in First Date
Shows what you know Andrew! Almost everybody on the Slayer’s team has blood on their hands. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Giles: Ben and Randall (both for the greater good)
Xander: The victims of Sweet’s “dance ‘til you burn” curse (unintended consequences)
Willow: Rack and Warren, also attempted to murder Jonathan, Andrew, and the whole of humanity
Spike: Too many to count
Anya: Way too many to count
Tara: Aww, sweetie. It was cool when you axed that demon in Bargaining, Part II, but you aren’t in the club.
Dawn: Miss Kitty Fantastico was an accident, go stand by Tara.
Joyce: Never used an axe against a human - you and Tara are both fierce, though.
Angel: Far, far too many to count
Riley: Followed orders which may have led to fellow soldiers being harvested for ADAM (unintended consequences)
Faith: Assistant Mayor (unintentional), vulcanologist, plus a few very brutal beatings with unknown outcomes
Buffy: Killed various Knights of Byzantium (it was war!), and the more troubling attempted killings of Ted the Robot (before she knew he was a robot) and Faith (to feed her to Angel). For more about the Knights, check out this fascinating breakdown of the Spiral fight: That Guy (or, "the Mook-Feather that Broke the Slayer's Back") by lostboy_lj.

It’s a bloody business they are in, and even heroes go to some dark places. Is it any wonder that they have - as Clem would say - issues?

714 first date, 520 spiral, meta, recs

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