First Date Fic Recs

Jan 18, 2013 15:10

Fun quotes make for fun fic! Below are two classics.

JONATHAN/FIRST: The girls must die.
ANDREW: I could never do that. All those girls, all that blood. I didn't like the stabbing before.
JONATHAN/FIRST: You don't have to stab. This'll be easy. Andrew, think about it. Willow brought something to this house. Something good. Something you can use.
ANDREW ( Read more... )

714 first date, fiction, recs

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Comments 5

slaymesoftly January 19 2013, 03:12:21 UTC
Two excellent recs. I'd forgotten most of that last one and almost rolled on the floor with Buffy. I
did remember the kiss, though. Funny, that....


rebcake January 19 2013, 03:46:45 UTC
Well the kiss is pretty memorable! I suspect that "Gay Me Up" might've been inspired by the outtake from "Normal Again" where James kisses Nick when they're facing off in the graveyard. So cute!

I'm happy to get some of the older stuff out there, but I know I'm missing so much good stuff! A mod's work is never done...


slaymesoftly January 19 2013, 12:22:00 UTC
Ah, but you do it so well! :)


quinara January 19 2013, 13:56:19 UTC
Oh, thanks very much for linking this! And how do I miss thisficklemob's fic.


rebcake January 19 2013, 19:26:03 UTC
Fortunately, this excellent writer still graces seasonal_spuffy on a regular basis, under the name "this_caia". We haven't lost them entirely. What You've Got was a stand out in a recent round, IMO. \o/


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