27 Things to Do in Nine Months: More August Movies

Aug 21, 2021 22:12

5. Watch at least two movies per month except for July 2021 and April 2022 when one movie will be sufficient. Maintain list of movies watched, July 2021 to June 2022.

As you may recall, I didn't manage to watch my one July 2021 movie during July, so I gave myself a pass and allowed me to watch three movies in August, one of which was a second viewing of The Dig. My sister, Debbie, and my brother-in-law, Jay, came over for lunch and a swim in Park Towne Place's pool on Thursday, 19 August. I really wasn't in the mood for bobbing up and down in the pool. (I'm kinda off the pool altogether, not sure why.) Even though the temps were in the mid-eighties, it was quite breezy, so I managed to talk Debbie and Jay into watching a movie with me instead. On my recommendation, we watched "The Dig."

I like re-watching movies, and this one stood up well to a second viewing. The cinematography: gorgeous! The views of the country-side and ocean were a feast for the eyes. I would love to tour the area and do some walks along the shore. Debbie and Jay seemed to enjoy the movie, too, one which I obviously recommend highly.

Then, on Friday, I watched Mank, another movie I should re-watch but for a different reason.

I really had difficulty following the story line of this one...which was one of the reasons Herman J. Mankiewicz had difficulty getting his script approved. He wanted to set the stage by starting with the denouement in the late thirties, then use flashbacks to show how the story evolved to that point. What Mack's collaborators feared is what I experienced: "Wha-a-t?" Consequently, I know I owe this movie a re-watch. Did the movie drag because I was confused or because it was too slow moving or because I didn't find the lead character appealing? We shall see whether the debt I feel I owe to a movie...to understand it...out-weighs my dislike for (perhaps) wasting another two hours and twelve minutes of my life.

So, after spending Friday afternoon with Mank, John and Pam came over for dinner, bringing dinner with them: salmon steaks. french fries, and salad...a lot of salad...enough for my dinner tonight. Then...then...they wanted to watch a movie! Okey dokey. Pam said she had brought her laptop along so she could work while while John and I watched. I said, "Go ahead," and we started watching State of Play.

Rather, I started trying to watch while John and Pam struggled to get her laptop on line on my system. This took quite a while and involved a bit of unmuffled conversation. After half an hour or 45 minutes of the movie, the problem was resolved, and I could at last hear all of the dialog.

At this point when, if John had asked me why something in the movie was happening, my reply would have been a bit testy. However, at just that point, the movie's brilliant director stopped all action and had the lead actor, Russell Crowe, explain to his boss, Robin Wright, everything that had happened so far! So this is one movie I don't have re-watch. I may do so anyway, out of respect for the art form.

You wouldn't think watching movies in your living room would be this challenging. FanSee

august, 27 things, pam, the dig, mank, movies, john, state of play, 2021

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