Monday, 30 August, 2021: Thanks for the questions, Lycomingst.

Aug 30, 2021 12:48

lycomingst posted these questions and her answers HERE. I found both the questions and her answers interesting, so....

13. Did you ever hit anything while learning to drive?

14. Do you prefer bright colors, dark colors, or pastel colors?
I like bright colors, but a quick inventory of my closet reveals a ton of dark colors. I have a bunch of white shirts, but the only two truly bright pieces are two bright red, long-sleeved knits shirts. Both are too heavy to wear when, like now, it is hot.

15. How long have you lived with the person/people you currently live with?
My son got me my cat, Smoke, in June 2020, so only a bit over a year.

16. What was the dumbest thing you ever did as a teenager?
I went to a party where the host was serving all sorts of mixed drinks, and I sampled far too many of them. I not only got drunk but nauseous and threw up in the living room. I was the youngest person at this party, by seven years, and all the adults were very indulgent and somehow managed to convey that my bad judgement was cute and that they would have done the same thing at 17. After that I stuck to my liquor of choice, whiskey, and never got that sick again.

17. Would you prefer hardwood flooring or carpet in your home?
Hardwood, no contest. I have laminate that looks like hardwood in my apartment, and no rugs unless you count a bathmat in the bathroom as a rug. I don't.

18. What’s the most you’ll pay for a pair of shoes?
Most of my shoes cost between $50 and $100. I'll pay whatever I must to get comfortable shoes.

19. Which flower is your favorite?
Japanese iris, but I'll love any flower or arrangement you give me, no problem.

20. Which season do you think is the prettiest?
I love the fall when the air is clear and crisp, and I just want to walk and walk. I'm not so crazy about autumn when a hurricane brings us days of rain and overcast. You have to take the bitter with the sweet.

21. What is the last thing you cooked?
Salmon steak, made on the griddle. Yum. I probably have salmon, with or without a sauce (this was without), once a week.

22. If you could live in a fictional world, which would it be?
Today I feel like watching vids with Martha Wells' Murderbot.

23. Where was the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
China, from Beijing to Hong Kong, in 1991. Also, as a teenager, I lived in Kyushu, Japan, for almost two years, a valuable experience. (My father was Army.)

24. Have you ever slammed the door when you were mad?

26. Were your college years the best years of your life?
They were good. I started college at Philadelphia Community College in May, 1974, when I was 37 (if my math is correct), then went on to graduate from Temple University in 1978. I was old enough to appreciate being able to spend three and a half years just learning random my opinion, since I had never dreamed of learning accounting...and I was amazed at the acceptance I received from my classmates who were about twenty years younger than me. But were those years the best? No. My retirement has been stellar.

27. What’s the most relaxing thing you did today?
Ate my breakfast while reading Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells.

28. What do you usually drink with breakfast?
Coffee, always coffee, the only cup I drink all day.

29. How many closets does your house have?
Two big walk-in closets.

I didn't sleep well at all last night, so this was a substitute for the updating entry I should have posted. I hope to do so this evening. FanSee

questionnaire, august, 2021

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