title: "lover of my soul"
author: fannishliss
rating, pairing: pg, sam&dean
spoilers: s6 general situation.
warnings: THIS IS A POEM!!
wordcount: 134
author's note: this is a scene that just came to me, kind of a "what if" that might have taken place during Sam's soul-lessness, that would have really troubled Dean regardless of how you interpret their relationship.
“lover of my soul”
Was it just a dream, that time
when Sam lay down behind him,
spooned up against him, and
the scent of him pouring
into Dean’s breath
brought him awake,
muzzy, encompassed,
held in the arms he never
thought would let him go,
(but did let him, did let him),
still right then,
around him, were
the shape of the whole world?
And was it dream or nightmare,
that waking, knowing that his brother
never slept, and the heart that beat
so strong against his back,
the arms around him,
had no soul to drive them?
He’ll never be sure, but
the memory’s so clear:
his relaxation into that embrace,
that comforting scent, and
the terror jolting through him
at the steady, implacable
pounding of that well-beloved heart.