Mar 23, 2013 07:08
I've seen so many friends sad about the lack of commenting in recent times, so this is my thought. I think we should all try to renew our commitment to commenting. If we read something, or enjoying viewing something, it's really easy to take the time to post a comment.
In my opinion, even a :D is a lovely comment to receive -- someone enjoyed your work, and it's rewarding to hear that.
It's so sad and such a let down to pour hours of work into a piece and hear nothing back about it. So please, make the commitment with me to comment more often. It doesn't have to be a comment of deep and insightful analysis. It can be about lolz, or the feeling of contentment at a happy ending, or appreciation for a beautiful image. You might even go a step further toward reading pairings, or even fandoms, that don't normally appeal, when someone on your flist is trying something new. It's hard as fandoms constantly change, and some fandoms die away, while new ones emerge.
I think we'd all be happier if we made this commitment -- just take one minute to leave whatever reaction the fanwork left you with. It's the only form of payment allowed for the enjoyment fanworks give us, and it's so much more valuable than money.
To misquote Led Zeppelin "I live for my dreams, not a pocketful of gold."
Take the pledge! Bring commenting culture back online! Spread the love!! :D