My Idol

Feb 27, 2011 15:52

Title: My Idol
Characters: Sungmin, kid!Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Warning: A forced and slightly impossible story, grammar errors

Summary: Sungmin was a kindergarten teacher. One day, he asked the students to make an essay. The theme is "Idol". Whom will Kyuhyun write about?

Kyuhyun was one stubborn guy. This, Sungmin understood better than anyone. It was nearly useless to argue with him, because he always got words, any excuses and reasons to make you give up and grant what he wanted )

kyumin, oneshot

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Comments 6

hae_hyukkie94 February 27 2011, 10:05:28 UTC
oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is sooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! i like the first epilogue better! hahaha!! memming!!


fanmin February 27 2011, 14:52:53 UTC
Glad you think it's cute ^^. I like the Epilogue 1 as well, Kyumin should be together rite?
Thanks so much for reading! <3


thirteencrowns December 18 2011, 08:53:54 UTC
I normally don't like fics with any kid characters, but this one is just... ♥

I like the first epilogue (who doesn't anyway?) but Min seems like a pedo. XD

This was so sweet, I enjoyed this ♥


fanmin December 19 2011, 01:00:17 UTC
Uh, I don't? Reason is: because Min seems like a pedo XDDD Second epilogue seems more rational to me eventhough Kyumin are not together, hahaha

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this :3 Thank you for reading~!


lemon_goat April 29 2012, 13:32:18 UTC
This was really good. I've read a lot of fics, but someone this one has always just stick in my mind, it gives me a lot of fuzzy feelings.

I read this ages ago and have been searching for it so I could read it again and I'm really glad I found it.

And, I know I should like the first ending better, but somehow I like the second one. It was partially because of the pictures. That sort of nostalgia and wistfulness, looking back on memories like that, but I don't think there was any pain there because they were both happy and despite not being together they still had that memory together that helped them to grow, I don't know.

Anyhow, I memmed it C:


fanmin April 29 2012, 14:54:52 UTC
Wow! I'm really really proud this could stick to your mind that you searched for it to read again. *touched*

Ah I'm torn. I like rational endings as well as happy endings. And that's practically the reason I made both. The second one, yeah, the memory and nostalgia; sometimes love is not all about being together I guess. Idk either.

Anyway thank you for reading and memming~! <3


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