My Idol

Feb 27, 2011 15:52

Title: My Idol
Characters: Sungmin, kid!Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Warning: A forced and slightly impossible story, grammar errors

Summary: Sungmin was a kindergarten teacher. One day, he asked the students to make an essay. The theme is "Idol". Whom will Kyuhyun write about?

Sungmin stepped into the class with a cheerful smile. He had always loved little kids, thus he chose the job as kindergarten teacher instead of musician he actually was capable to be. As Sungmin stopped at his desk, he spent few seconds to observe what his ‘babies’ were doing. Some were talking merrily to their friends, some were playing their own toys and dolls alone in the corner of the room, and some put their heads on their small tables with arms covering their eyes, trying to sleep while waiting the teacher’s coming. As always, it was amusing. If he could choose, he’d rather watch them all day than teach.

But the headmaster would happily fire him if he did that. So Sungmin put his best smile and greeted the kids loudly, “Good morning, everyone!!” The kids gave more amusing reactions. Simultaneously, everyone’s head turned facing the teacher. After that, some hurriedly ran to their seats, some yawned and rubbed their eyes adorably. Eeteuk, the class president stood up a minute later. “Greetings!” the dimply kid shouted. Then the others went “Gooood mooooorniiiiiing, Min Seonsaengniiiiiiim!”.

Sungmin maintained his bright smile. “Morning, Kids! Guess what we’re doing today~!”

“Watching film!!” Eunhyuk raised his hand.
“Watch ‘Finding Nemo’!” Donghae followed, requesting.

Sungmin shook his head. “We watched ‘Finding Nemo’ last week, Hae, so today we’re not going to watch. We’ll go to the library and write an essay!”

Almost every kid in the class set a confused face, as they mostly never heard the word before. Ryeowook, who sat in the front seat, tugged Sungmin’s clothes and asked. “Seonsaengnim, what is an essay?”

“Let us all go to the library. I’ll explain what an essay is and how to write a good essay there.”

Curiously but excitedly, they jumped out their seats and followed Sungmin to the library.

The library was neither big nor so complete. It was just a small room, a bit larger than the classroom, decorated with green and brown colours. There were stickers of numbers, alphabets, and cute pictures on the wall. Four short bookshelves were placed in each corner, below each air conditioner. And in the middle there were three long tables and seats on which the children could read. The kids sat there comfortably.

“An essay is a writing. You write about the theme that’s given, make it about two hundred words. The theme is ‘Idol’. First, think of an idol. Ah, anyone knows, what is an idol?” Few kids shook their heads, expectable.

A kid named Cho Kyuhyun raised his hand. “An idol is someone, could be anyone, that you really like. Maybe you like his/her face, voice, drawing, acting, or anything. It can also be someone that you want to be in the future,” he answered confidently.

Sungmin grinned. “Great, Kyu! That’s correct!” The boy’s lips formed a smug smile. He was always the smartest kid in the class. But that wasn’t the only reason why Sungmin liked him the best. Usually Sungmin never really favoured one among his students, but this Kyuhyun somehow always captured his most attention and impression. He got strong characters people just couldn’t ignore.

The other kids wrote what their friend said down to their notebooks. Sungmin patiently repeated his words and waited. He knew some of them weren’t fast enough in writing.

“Second, find a book that describes your idol. Ask me if you can’t find the book, maybe I can help.” He paused again. “Try to get information as much as you can. Like, his/her birthday, favourites, jobs, careers, and others. You have to read, read it again and again until you understand. Write important things in your notes. I’ll check your notes one by one before you write the essay. After that, close the book, we will rewrite it with our own language, using the notes we have made. Am I understood?”

They nodded but I knew I wasn’t. “Okay. We have fifteen minutes to decide who our idol is.”

“I know!! Seonsaengnim! Can I write about Walt Disney?” Donghae asked with grinning eyes.

“Yes! That’s a very good example, Hae. I’m sure there are lots of books about Walt Disney.” Hearing my words, Donghae happily bounced to the book shelves, trying to find them quickly.

The kids were chatting with each other, asking who they friends would write about, while Sungmin was only watching them in amusement. He couldn’t wait to see what their notes would be like. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his lower shirt. He turned to see it was Kyuhyun.

“Yes, Kyu? Do you have something you don’t understand?”

“No. It’s just... there is no book that describes my idol. Can’t I just write about him based on what I know?”

Sungmin frowned. He didn’t even see Kyuhyun trying to find books in those bookshelves. How would he know that there was no book that described his idol? Who was his idol anyway? Sungmin got curious. It must have been some very famous or talented guy to have a kid like Kyuhyun as his fans.

“Are you sure? I can help you looking for it.” Sungmin knew every book here because he often came here to read during break time. Just mention the keyword, Sungmin would be able to work like a search engine computer. “Who’s your idol, Kyu?”

Constantly, the boy’s face reddened. “I can’t tell you! It’s embarrassing!”

His answer only made the teacher’s curiousity grew. “Kyu, everyone will have their notes checked by me, including you. Why would you hide it? And if it is really your idol, there’s no need to be embarrassed about. You really like him, right?”

Kyuhyun nodded, slowly but not hesitant. “Than be proud. I’m not going to force you to tell me openly. It’s fine if you want to write based on what you know. Here I give you trust that you won’t create fake info if it’s not really complete, okay? Don’t disappoint me, Kyu. I’m looking forward to read your essay.”

“Thank you, Seonsaengnim, thank you so much! Ah, I have another question! Who is your idol?”

A startled expression appeared on Sungmin’s face, not expecting the kid would ask him back. Honestly, he never thought of having an idol for real. Sometimes he thought one was handsome/pretty, one’s voice was awesome, or one’s music skill was great, but he never really became a steady fan. If Sungmin could idolize himself, he would. Not to be narcissistic, it’s just everything Sungmin dreamed to achieve when he was kid, he had. He was satisfied already with his life now.

“I’ll tell you who my idol is after I know who is yours.”

The boy wasn’t really satisfied with the answer but he accepted it because it was fair that way. Curiousity reciprocated with curiousity. “I understand. Fine, now I’m going to make the notes. You’ll promise me that you won’t laugh when you know who my idol is?”

“Only if you promise not to laugh after that I tell you who mine is.”

Kyuhyun grinned. “Deal.” He looked so cute Sungmin had to suppress his urge to take the kid inside his bone-crushing hug. After that, Kyuhyun ran back to where he sat before and began writing. It left Sungmin to wonder why in the world he always fell for the kid’s adorableness.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), other children kept asking questions to Sungmin, making him distracted from watching that certain Kyuhyun.

Thirty minutes later, Sungmin all the notes had been submitted. “See the clock, it’s ten o’clock now. You can have your break time now, but by ten fifteen, all of you had to be here alrea―” Sungmin didn’t get any offended when the children shouted and ran outside the library even before he finished his words. Kids always had toleration and dispensation for forgetting manners, didn’t they?

But Kyuhyun stayed.

“Kyu? Are you not taking your break?” Sungmin couldn’t help but ask.

“Earlier I’m embarrassed if you read my notes. But now I’m curious. I want to see Seonsaengnim’s reaction,” Kyuhyun admitted. His face blushed again, “and I want to know who your idol is, as soon as possible.”

Kyuhyun was one stubborn guy. This, Sungmin understood better than anyone. It was nearly useless to argue with him, because he always got words, any excuses and reasons to make you give up and grant what he wanted. “Fine. I will read your essay first so that you get my reaction quick, you get to know my idol as soon, but you have to eat and take your break right after.”

The boy nodded. He reached for his pen and played it on his hands. Was he nervous? It only raised Sungmin’s curiousity more, so he tried to find Kyuhyun’s note faster. There! He finally found the white file paper with messy handwriting. “Here it is. Give me a minute to read.”

Lee Sungmin
Born Ilsan, 01/01/1986, A type, 175 cm/ 57 kg. kindergarten teacher
Teach, sing, dance, write songs, do martial arts, cook, and play: guitar, piano, bass, drum

Sungmin’s eyes widened twice than normal. Did he read it wrong? Another person might have the exact same name with him, but it was not possible to be born in exact same place and time, own the same blood type, and have the same job, was it? And if it was really him the one Kyuhyun chose as an idol, why? And how in the world he know his measurements, all his hobbies? No one was supposed to know Sungmin liked to dance, compose songs, and play instruments, because he never ever showed it in front of anyone.

The teacher looked up from the paper to the fidgeting boy in his seat. Kyuhyun was also looking at him, full of nervousness, like a boy whose love letter was read just in front of him.

Became a teacher because his fond of kids, although he can be a musician if he so chose. Family and friends despise, but he has strong mind and will. He may not be as successful as he’s supposed to be, but he’s happy and contented with his life.
Favourite colour is pink. I don’t understand why a guy would love that colour but yeah. He likes pink.
Has two pets, cats named Hyaku and Sen, which he treasured like soooo much.
Why I like: he’s multitalented, really really kind hearted, strong minded. Can’t really describe why. I just like him, like him, like him, want to be with like him.

It was short than Sungmin expected to be, but normal in length like other students in the class made. But it was surprising, big time. Kyuhyun sure knew a lot about him. And what was with the last line??

Kyuhyun, in his seat, somehow had a book in his hand and used it to cover his flushed face. No doubt, his teacher had read the note fully until the last line. Sungmin’s face was too transparent, like an opened book. Kyuhyun could tell the shock that appeared in that young handsome face of that idol of his.

“Kyu, come here,” Sungmin called few seconds later. The student stood up groggily and approached him. “It’s nice, excellent. As a teacher I’d say that. It was well done, though in the essay you must use complete formal language, but I’m sure you can. I could see how you really like this idol and no doubt you will make a well-organised essay too later. I can’t wait to read that...”

“But...? As the one this essay is directed to?”

“...I don’t understand. Why do you choose me as an idol? And how do you know me so well?”

“Idol is someone you really like and or want to be in the future. No one else fulfils both criteria but you, Min Seonsaengnim.” Kyuhyun looked up, meeting Sungmin’s eyes. “I know your full name because you said it on the first day of school. You also mentioned your place and date of birth and blood type. I got your height and weight from your conversation with Henry Seonsaengnim few months ago. You two were talking about healthy lifestyle or something like that. I happened to memorize it because I liked you since before.”

“You can teach and you can sing. It’s obvious because you often do that in the class. You once also told us how you were black belter in Chinese martial arts. You baked shortcakes on our birthdays, so I could say you can cook well. As for dance, it was few months ago, when I went out with my family to the theme park, I saw you joining the street dancers, performing some cap dance. It is very cool, even my parents and sister didn’t believe when I said you were my homeroom teacher. About your music skills, I got to know it just accidentally. One raining day where I got fetched late, I wandered around the school and stopped by the music room. There you were, playing your guitar, writing lyrics in your music sheets, creating nice songs. I guess that’s when I started to like you so much.”

Sungmin’s cheeks turned even redder than Kyuhyun’s. He felt touched, to know there was a six-year-old kid who paid him attention that much. The boy even remembered every detail of how he got all the information. “About your career, it was from your conversations with other teachers too. The wall between my classroom and teacher room is thin, you know. I can clearly hear your laughter.” All he did was like a secret admirer. Sungmin would have fallen if only Kyuhyun was in around Sungmin’s age. The boy had mature mind sometimes, though acted childish dominantly. And at the time like this... “Your favourite colour is pink. It’s pure my conclusion. Everyone would’ve thought so, judging from the colour of your most shirts, pencil box, case, watch, and others. About Hyaku and Sen, I remember you talk about them to us, telling how you really love them. Uh...that’s all?”

Sungmin was so flattered that it took seconds for Sungmin to get his voice back. “About the last line?”

“The ‘I like you’ part? I mean it. I really like you.”

“You want to be like me?”

“Yeah. You’re perfect. Smart, multitalented, kind, patient, handsome...” Kyuhyun blushed a few shades deeper than before when he said the last word. “Who doesn’t want to be such a pristine?”

“So you want to be like me? Not ‘want to be with me’? I saw a scratched word here.”

Sungmin decided to stop teasing his favourite student since he looked so embarrassed and even ready for tears. Lovingly he embraced the little body and stroked his hair. “Sorry, sorry. You look so cute I want to tease you a lot. In fact, I do like you too. You’re still so young but you understand this and that very well. You’re witty and funny in times, but you can be serious too when needed. It’s hard to find someone like that, even adults among I knew. You’re one of a kind.”

Kyuhyun smiled hearing such praise. He was relieved that Sungmin didn’t think he was a freaky stalker, moreover he was glad that Sungmin liked him too, in a way. “So, you okay if I see you as my idol?”

“More than okay. I’ll be proud to have you my fan.”

“Speaking of it, who’s your idol?” Kyuhyun suddenly remembered his little deal with the teacher.

“You may not believe it. It’s more embarrassing if I say, my idol is myself. I like myself a lot at the moment, because I am satisfied already at my life now. Ever since I was kid, I always wanted to be someone like how I was now. But then, if it has to be another person, it turns to be you. You are only six, yet you never cease to amaze me. I appreciate honesty a lot, you know?”

“Really?” The boy pulled back suddenly and looked at Sungmin straight in the eyes. “If you do appreciate honesty, then I have one more confession.”

Sungmin looked confused. “Uh, sure?”

“Will you marry me when I turn seventeen?”

It took whole five seconds for Sungmin to get the words into his head, to notice that Kyuhyun was being super serious. His face flushed like boiled crab, his hands trembling for nervousness. “Eventhough I’d be thirty, old and wrinkly, no longer be able to do my talents as well as I could now?”

“My aunt and uncle has fourteen years gap between them, yet they got married and live happily. So, yes. After all, your appearance and talents weren’t the only reasons why I like you.”

“I’m really happy right now, honestly. I don’t know and don’t want to define yet what feelings I have for you, since it’s morally wrong to promise you such. But let’s see. Come to me when you’re seventeen, we’ll discuss this again. Agree?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “I’m glad you didn’t treat me like some little kid with funny feelings.”

“Feelings, whatever the kind, whomever they came from, were never meant to be jokes. You deserve the same treatment no matter how old you were. So, got anymore confession?”

“No, I’m done. Thank you, Seonsaengnim. I shall have my break time now. It’s only seven minutes left.”

“Go ahead. Be sure to come back at ten fifteen.”

When Kyuhyun was gone from Sungmin’s sight, Sungmin exhaled a deep breath. Shock and happiness mingled into one weird feeling but it warmed his heart. What an unpredictable kid, he thought. Seven more minutes. All he wanted right now was the time to pass quickly so the break time would be over so the kids would come back to write their essays so Sungmin could read his newly found fan’s essay about him, and feel flattered all over again.


A/N: There are two kinds of epilogue. Epilogue 1 is where Kyumin are together at the end. Epilgue 2 is where they're not. Choose one :)

Epilogue 1: My Lover

Sungmin stepped into the class with a smile that was intended to be a maturely one but looked too cute on his face. It was his third year teaching in a university which its specialty was the music programme. He was just a temporary teacher though, since he taught there only thrice a week. On Friday and Saturday, he would open a place where a small group of kids could play, study basic things like alphabets and music, and read some children picture books Sungmin had bought. That way, his love for music and children could work together.

He turned thirty three this year but nothing changed too much. He had no really visible wrinkles, his face remained cute as ever that sometimes he couldn’t be scary enough when he acted angry towards his students. His music talents only grew more and more. His name was known to the world as one of the best song writer. He had sold plenty pieces and they became great hits in every country. It was all thanks to the very first singer who published his songs, named Cho Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun was a just graduated high school student with an awesome singing talent. He signed contract with some famous home production and became very popular in his third comeback performance. The song he sang in that performance was written by Sungmin. Even the choreography of the dance was made by Sungmin. Since then, both became internationally adored.

Sungmin, being a professional he was, was to teach a class of already-debut-but-not-popular musicians and bright-future-predicted trainees. He felt quite honoured to have his position. Most of his students graduated to be at least nationally famous singers and musicians.

“Min Seonsaengnim~ Henry just made a new song. It’s brilliant, you have to hear it out!” A guitarist named Donghae tugged his clothes and dragged him to the violinist. Both were included to bright-future-predicted trainees. They were talented, Sungmin even hoped they could reach international range.

“I told you, Hae. I’m no longer your kindergarten teacher. Call me Mr. Lee.”

“There are too many ‘Lee’s in Korea, Seonsaengnim. The name suits you after all.”

Sungmin gave up. He let himself being dragged and when he got to hear the song his Chinese student had just created, he gave big impression and some constructive comments. That’s what his job was all about, since the students were all amazing already. It was more like a music critic, but Sungmin enjoyed it fine.


A singer always was more known than the song writer, wasn’t he? All this years, Kyuhyun had to go on world tours he hardly came back to Korea. Even after the tour finished, he had tight schedules for practice and appearance in lots of important shows. When he finally made it back, he was twenty.

There was only one destination Kyuhyun thought of ever since he was still on the plane. He headed straight there as he landed. Kyuhyun was surprised to see that the 20 x 20 metre squares land no longer belonged to the kindergarten he used to go. There was just one small house, with gardens filled with flowers and trees. The flowers were the one he was looking for’s favourites, Kyuhyun somehow believed he could meet that person here.

Hours passed. Kyuhyun woke up realizing he had fallen asleep waiting in his car. He looked up to the house again and was surprised to know that what woke him up was the noise of little children were making. The kids ran out from that house, some walking through the street and some still waiting in the front yard (perhaps waiting to be fetched by their parents). What surprised him more, was the one coming out lastly.

It was Lee Sungmin.

Kyuhyun waited until all the kids were gone. After that, he got out from his car and approached his former teacher, the one who silently contributed in his success. As he expected, Sungmin was taken aback to see him.

“Kyu..hyun...sshi? You’re back? How have you been?”

“Don’t call me that. Just call me Kyu like usual. And I’ll call you Seonsaengnim too. I don’t want to feel awkward with you.” Sungmin agreed. “How I’ve been? Great. But tiring. Being popular is not as easy as it looks on the surface.” Kyuhyun smiled and sat on the seat near the door. Sungmin followed to sit on his next. “And you? What is this place?”

Sungmin told him how nice his life had been. How he founded this play group place after the kindergarten’s owner decided to sell it, just because he didn’t want his first work place vanished just like that.

“Min Seonsaengnim, I’ve long wanted to thank you for that song and the choreography. Without you, perhaps I would not be who I am now. Thanks.”

“No. If my song was sung by anyone else, it wouldn’t hit that much. I should thank you instead.”

“Fine, we thank each other.” Kyuhyun grinned. “By the way, may I ask, who’s your idol right now?”

“You still remember that? Geez,” Sungmin picked his bag up from the floor and took out a binder. He opened it, revealing a photo of Kyuhyun in singing pose. It was taken in one of his tour. “Still, I’m your fan. Now for your singing ability too. But for sure, I’m too old to fangirl when you perform.”

“Oh. But here I wish you would stop seeing me as an idol. I want you to see me as someone you consider to be with. Don’t tell me you have a wife already. We promised, remember?”

“We’ll discuss this when you turn seventeen. But you were in Japan, correct?”

All happiness faded from the younger’s face instantly. “Are you saying... I am late?”

Sungmin chuckled, amused at how much his words affected the boy before him. “Be glad I’m a very patient person. I tolerate three years. But now you’re back, if you can’t make me fall before you have to go again, I’ll find myself another mate and shoo you away from my list.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes lightened up again, and his smirk came back to present. “Welcome me then, cause I won’t have to go again. I’m going to live here with you.”


Epilogue 2

Sungmin stepped into the class with a smile that was intended to be a maturely one but looked too cute on his face. It was his third year teaching in a university which its specialty was the music programme. He was just a temporary teacher though, since he taught there only thrice a week. On Friday and Saturday, he would open a place where a small group of kids could play, study basic things like alphabets and music, and read some children picture books Sungmin had bought. That way, his love for music and children could work together.

He turned thirty this year but nothing changed too much. He had no really visible wrinkles, his face remained cute as ever that sometimes he couldn’t be scary enough when he acted angry towards his students. His music talents only grew more and more. His name was known to the world as one of the best song writer. He had sold plenty pieces and they became great hits in every country. It was all thanks to the very first singer who published his songs, named Cho Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun was a just graduated high school student with an awesome singing talent. He signed contract with some famous home production and became very popular in his third comeback performance. The song he sang in that performance was written by Sungmin. Even the choreography of the dance was made by Sungmin. Since then, both became internationally adored.

A singer always was more known than the song writer, wasn’t he? All this years, Kyuhyun had to go on world tours he hardly came back to Korea. Even after the tour finished, he had tight schedules for practice and appearance in lots of important shows.

But that didn’t mean they had lost contact entirely.

Sungmin had his own wife, a son, and a baby daughter. Kyuhyun had a secret boyfriend there overseas. What remained the same was one, their idol. Sungmin had a photo of Kyuhyun in singing pose, probably taken in one of his tour, and a yellowish paper with Kyuhyun’s scribbles, the essay about Sungmin back then eleven years ago, inside his work binder. He still was a fan, now for the boy’s singing ability too. And Kyuhyun had his kindergarten class’ photo framed on his bedside table. In the picture, Sungmin was sitting next to little Kyuhyun. He had wanted to crop it out and put it in his wallet or somewhere but he was afraid someone would make fun of him or create a scandal.

They had two different worlds. But they had one string connecting them, the theme “idol” of that essay.


kyumin, oneshot

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