His Completed Happiness

Nov 24, 2010 20:06

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

A/N: Supposedly written for a writing contest in winged_suju but I got to finish it just yesterday. Perhaps it's similar to other stories but honestly I never mean to plagiate or anything. Dedicated to myself as a very very late birthday fic :)

“Kyuhyun ah, you remember your task in this world?”
“Yeah. Making that guy happy then taking his life.”
“You can’t fall in love with him.”
“I know.”

I knew, but I did it still. It was so hard not to fall in love with him. He had everything to attract everyone, including me. He had a flawless appearance, outstanding talents, and a nice personality.

I hated being whatever my family’s being was called, grim reaper, death god, or samael. We were born to take human’s life, one certain human we couldn’t choose who he was. And my certain person happened to be Lee Sungmin.

In a hundred days, death god had to make this person happy and satisfied with his life, and then at the end bring his soul to the heaven or hell, depending on how the person did in life. It was my twenty sixth day of being student here in Sungmin’s school and I fell for him already.

Sungmin was always so happy and bubbly. I couldn’t imagine later I had to end such a perfect life.


As if the fate tricked me, on the Biology project, I was paired with Sungmin, which meant I would spend more time with him. “Let’s work together, Kyuhyun sshi,” he said with his grinning eyes. I gulped, uneasy.

Sungmin made sure we did the group work all together, not just by dividing the project into two. “Why? Thus we really know the whole material. Then when we present it, I can help your lack, and you can help mine. You don’t like the idea?”

“I’m okay, just wondering.” I smiled in return.

My heart beat faster every time I was around him. This didn’t do any good. I realized I had loved him too much. It made me hesitant to let him die. I had to stop this, stay away as far as possible after this project finished.

The project went well. I had decided not to be close to Sungmin, but later when this feeling had faded, I’d go to him again and start making him happy. Yeah, it might be the best solution for this.


One day, when we were in the library, seeking for books in the same shelf, our hands accidentally touched. As a reflex response, I quickly took mine away from him, as if he was virus or something. His expression suddenly changed. “Do you hate me, Kyuhyun ah?” he asked, sad. Ah, I was supposed to make him happy, not sad. I constantly regretted my action.

I shook my head, but he seemed unsatisfied. “Then why are you acting like this? You don’t like me?”

“I like you.” I answered without even thinking. I was busy calming my raging heartbeat.

“...Do you mean it?”


“Do you like me?” Sungmin looked at me, hesitantly confessed. “I like you, Kyuhyun ah. Ever since you came into the classroom, you had taken my whole attention. I had wished that Biology project could bring us closer but unfortunately it couldn’t…”

My face painted slight pink. The raging storm in my heart turned into fireworks. My mind went blank for seconds. I was… so happy. But then I got back into reality. This was not right, my mind screamed. “I’m sorry, Sungmin. I never hate you. I like you, but not that way. Let’s be just friends, okay?”

Sungmin bowed his head, nodded slightly. “O-okay. I’m sorry for burdening you with that. Thanks Kyuhyun ah, for not hating me…” Then the boy ran out from the library. I sighed.

Life is funny, seriously. I refused his love, tried to avoid him, but I was the one who felt rejected. Why? Why was I born as a death god? Why my certain person was Lee Sungmin? Why did I like him in the first place?

Human...death god...
Human’s life
Is ironically funny
I slammed the door at your face
But my nose got hit instead
I kicked you out of my life
But I was the one who felt rejected
I ripped your heart
But I was the one who lived with the pain
I didn’t want to love you
But now I’m looking back over my shoulder, wishing that I could turn back the time...

I dropped my pen, realizing what I just scribbled over my notebook. Huh, since when did I become cheesy and sappy like this?!

I closed my eyes, ignoring what the teacher was explaining about. What if things became awkward? How could I make Sungmin happy?


Since then, somehow we managed to get rid of the awkwardness then became close friends. The love was still there in my heart, but I hid it. Maybe Sungmin did the same, I didn’t know.

I had tried everything to make Sungmin happy, genuinely from my heart, not just as a duty of his death god. I protected him from any danger, quietly, like a secret admirer. And I was satisfied enough to do so. Time flew past until my sister reminded me again.

“Kyuhyun ah, I’ve told you not to fall in love with your human, right?”
“Why Noona? I promise I’ll bring his soul to heaven like how I should do despite my feelings.”
“Won’t it hurt you at the end?”
“It will, of course. Who wants to take his own love’s life?”
“Then why would you do it?”
“I don’t know anymore, Noona. Just let it be…”

Ahra shook her head in frustration. She really understood how stubborn I was with my decision. “How many days are left? And how happy is he now?”

I took my watch-shaped radar. It showed “78/100; 90%”, which meant it had been seventy eight days passed and Sungmin was ninety-percent happy.

“Whoa, you only need seventy five percent to pass and he’s already ninety percent happy? You always make me proud, Bro!” Ahra grinned.

But I frowned. Ninety? Why not a hundred? I was his best friend. I knew everything was good already in his life. He had everything he wanted. Look, talents, and popularity, all he owned even before I came. Friends, care, passion, life goal, I made sure he got them already. What now?

“Why don’t you just ask him, what would make him completely happy?” I only nodded. Ah, I couldn’t even sleep because of this undying worry and curiosity.


“Kyuhyun ah, what’s wrong?” I just arrived and Sungmin already came with worried expression. “What’s with those eye bags? Don’t tell me you’re playing Starcraft until late at night again. Sleeping late is not good, Kyu!”

I smiled slightly. At this time, I really wished I were just human too like him, together, forever.

Usually we spent the break time by eating together in front of the class, with other friends like Ryeowook, Yesung, Eunhyuk, and Donghae. But today, with my might as a death god, I made it so that Eunhae stayed in their dance practice room and Yewook stayed in the music room.

“Why are they busy in the same time? It’s so weird,” he said.

“Hey, Sungmin ah. Can I ask you something?”

Sungmin looked up from his meal. “Yeah? Go ahead.”

“If I were to grant you a wish, what would you ask?” I tried to ask playfully, but seriously.

Sungmin were surprised, not expecting such a question. “Ne? Since when did you become my genie?”

Genie? No, I’m your death god, Sungmin. I made you happy but at the end I took your life... “Nah, just wondering.”

“You seem to wonder about everything, Kyuhyun ah.” There was a silence for a while before Sungmin answered, “I... don’t know. I’m already happy with my life now, seriously. Other people may ask for wealth, health, luck, but I have them already. Can I wish for other’s happiness instead?”

“You lie to me, right? Why don’t you just tell me what’s not complete in your life?”

Sungmin bit his lip. “You want an honest answer?”

“Of course.”

“Fine. There’s something I’ve wanted for long, but I knew I can’t have it just by asking it to a genie or anything.”

So that’s why his happiness is not 100%? “What is it? Maybe I can help?”

Sungmin giggled bitterly. “Your heart. I know you rejected me that time, but I can’t just throw this feeling away. It’s my first love after all. I can’t help but wish one day you’ll love me back... That’s what I wanted the most.”

I gulped. There the fireworks started again in my heart. I was shock, but I couldn’t deny that yes, I was happy, very happy indeed.

“Sungmin...” My position was now in between. To ensure his complete happiness, I have to reveal the truth that yes I love him too. But Ahra told me, death gods weren’t supposed to love their humans.

“Sungmin ah... will you believe me if I say I love you too? I’ve always liked you too. But there’s a reason why I rejected you in the past. I...I can’t tell you why. Change your wish, Sungmin. You’ve got my heart already.”

He looked at me, shock, finding truth in my eyes. “Really? Why can’t you tell me?”

“I do love you, for real. I’ll tell you later why.”

“So... we are... dating?”

Unconsciously I stepped closer. Slowly, I lifted up his face, admiring how beautiful this man before me. And our lips then touched in one swift motion, gently, softly. He got his answer already.

I arrived at home all smiling. I never felt as happy as I was today. I took a look at my watch, “79/100, 100%”. My smile faded as I remember, Sungmin had only less than two weeks to live.


“Kyuhyun ah, you know, sometimes I still think this isn’t real.”


We were sitting on swings near Sungmin’s house, drowning into deep thought. I found him staring at me. “I mean, the fact that I get your heart already. I’ve been thinking about this for whiles, Kyuhyun. How can there be someone like me? I possess everything everyone wishes to have. I believed no one is perfect. I thought I wasn’t either, because I was lack at loveship. But then you came telling me you love me too...”

I frowned, failed to grasp what Sungmin was going to get across. “I’m not saying I regret this or anything. I truly am happy to have you. But people live their life to reach what’s called perfection, don’t they? Now that I feel everything is complete, what do I live for? I live for you only... because I’m your boyfriend? I’m supposed to love you?”

Quietly I saw my watch. “99/100; 99%”. Incomplete, huh? Was it because of that worry thought?

“Sungmin ah, can I tell you something? The reason why I rejected you although I loved you since the very beginning.”

He pouted, slightly sad for I interrupted his thought sharing. “Sure.”

“Listen to me, will you? It’s your choice to trust me or laugh, for it maybe a funny story for you.” Then I started to tell Sungmin who I really was, what I had to do, every truth he deserved to know. I expected him to be confused, sad, angry, or maybe laugh it off. But he just smiled.

“I trust you, Kyuhyun. So, tonight I’ll die? And you’ll bring my soul to heaven? Or hell? That’s good then. I’m tired living in perfection like this. As long as I’m with you, I’d give even my life up. I love you.”

“Love you too. And a very kind hearted guy like you certainly will head straight to heaven, my dear.” My radar watch beeped, signalling the hundredth day had come. I smiled seeing his happiness becoming 100% again. “It’s the time. Close your eyes, Min...”

Sungmin felt a pair of lips touching his. But when he opened his eyes, he realized he was floating in the air with an arm wrapping around his waist. He looked up to see his Kyuhyun smiling at him, with black wings spread widely. “Kyuhyun? You’re... beautiful...”

“Minnie, you’ll soon have your white wings. You’ll be much more beautiful.”

“White? Does it mean we’re different? Does it mean you’ll be apart from me?” Tears fell from Sungmin’s eyes.

“You were born as a human. After done living in your world, you’ll be given white wings. I was born as a death god, Min. But after passing this task, these black wings will be taken and replaced by white ones. We’ll become angels. We’ll be together forever, happy?”

“Very happy!” Sungmin squealed, excited.

“You’re weird. Other humans would cry and sob to leave people they love in their world.”

“Why should I cry? I can be with the one I love forever!”

I kissed Sungmin chastely, equally happy. I gripped his hand and guided him into the new world. Ahra sighed but she welcomed Sungmin very warmly. In human’s world, forever doesn’t exist because people will die, everything will disappear. But here, I can guarantee everything lasts for eternity, so does our love.


A/N: The poem Kyuhyun wrote there came from a novel "Mamimoma" by Rosemary Kesauly.

kyumin, oneshot

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