Not My Pet, He's My Lover (1/2)

Jun 12, 2010 23:55

Chapter: 1
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

Dedicated to xopinkkyuminox because she wrote me amazing fic and charlatan1018 because, Happy Birthday Ann :3

A/N: Well, another AU. Sorry for any lame idea and boringness. I'll update next week because starting tomorrow I'll be on holiday for a week to Semarang~ ^^ Enjoy? :)

You’re technically my pet but I wish we could be friends )

chaptered, kyumin

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Comments 8

vin11lover June 12 2010, 17:25:40 UTC
I Love this...
will his father accept their relationship later??
can't wait until you get back from semarang..
have a great holiday there.


fanmin June 17 2010, 02:35:10 UTC
^-^ You'll know soon~
Haha, have a great holiday too!
*shares bandeng, ayam kalasan, tahu petis*
Thanks for reading and loving this! <3333


(The comment has been removed)

fanmin June 17 2010, 02:36:48 UTC
I'll update asap xD
Thanks for reading and loving it! <333


xopinkkyuminox June 14 2010, 11:06:43 UTC
Unni's busy, I presume.
Oh well, SPOT!~~

And thanks for dedicating this to me *squeals*


fuyumis4 June 16 2010, 08:06:15 UTC
this fic is soo cute! :D
Please update soon!
and by the way when we meet again is updated so feel free to read it in my journal later!

i love you!


fanmin June 17 2010, 02:39:53 UTC
I'm glad you find it cute ^-^
An update will be asap ;D
YAY! I'll go read it, but the comment perhaps come later when I'm back, cause this wi-fi I found works sooo late D;)
Love you too!
Thanks for reading~ <333


minto85 July 7 2010, 20:53:44 UTC
I'm loving your stories more && more~~ Although I only read the Kyumin for now~
This story is so cute && amazing, <3 I lalalalaLove it <33


fanmin July 9 2010, 06:53:48 UTC
aww really? *blushed*
I'm very happy you're loving my stories ^^
Thank you for reading and loving it! <3333


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