Not My Pet, He's My Lover (1/2)

Jun 12, 2010 23:55

Chapter: 1
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

Dedicated to xopinkkyuminox because she wrote me amazing fic and charlatan1018 because, Happy Birthday Ann :3

A/N: Well, another AU. Sorry for any lame idea and boringness. I'll update next week because starting tomorrow I'll be on holiday for a week to Semarang~ ^^ Enjoy? :)

Kyuhyun was playing with his Nintendo Wii when his father returned home. He quickly threw the remote and ran downstairs to see if his father had granted his request. Kyuhyun just received his report card yesterday and got the first rank again, so his parents wanted to give him a present. He had asked for a pet.

“Appa! Did you bring me- uh, what’s that?”

On his father’s hand, there was a rope connecting to a neck of… Kyuhyun couldn’t tell what creature it was for it was too disgusting. A human boy, most likely, who was about his height tall. He wore torn dirty clothes, his hair was a mess, and his skin was covered by scars. He had his head hung low, avoiding anyone’s stares. And he was shivering of fear and cold.

“A slave I found in the black market. What do you think of a human pet, Son?”

“Human?” Kyuhyun frowned in disgust. Maybe he never ever saw a human with such a pathetic look like him. “Alright. Tell them to wash him clean. I don’t want to pet something scary like that.”

The servants came and took the poor slave harshly to bathe him. Kyuhyun smirked and headed to his room, waiting to test if his new pet was worth being played or not.


Kyuhyun thought his life was perfect. His family was still relative to the royal emperor, therefore he was rich ever since he was born. Moreover, her sister had just married the youngest prince, adding his family’s wealth.

And he had good achievement at school. If anything was lack, it was companion. Kyuhyun didn’t have many friends because of his selfish and arrogant character. His family was busy with their own business. It was the reason why he demanded a pet, a dog or something which he at least could talk to. So he was quite surprised when his dad brought him a human instead.

His thought was disrupted when his door suddenly opened, revealing two maids who were holding the now clean boy. Kyuhyun was silenced, amazed at how his pet changed just in a few minutes. The boy now wore clean white robe. His hair was cut short and tidy. He smelled like strawberries, no longer junk. More scars and wounds were exposed on his fresh skin, but there were no dried blood and dirt and mud like before. All in all cute, Kyuhyun thought, satisfied with his servants’ work.

“Good. Now leave us.” He ordered and the two maids left after bowing 100 degrees in respect. Kyuhyun walked closer to the boy and asked gently, “What’s your name?” The boy shook his head slowly, keeping his gaze locked at the floor, as if there’s something fascinating there.

Impatient, Kyuhyun pulled the slave’s head up and stared directly into his beautiful but fearful eyes. “You are my pet. Obey my command. Answer me. What’s your name?”

“L-Lee Sungmin…” He stuttered. Tears started to form on the corners of his eyes, feeling pain because Kyuhyun just touched new scars on his face.

“Sungmin. Hm, cute name. How old are you?”
“…thirteen years old.”

“Oh, so you’re older than me? I don’t know if Appa had already told you about me or not, but I’d like to introduce myself too. I’m Cho Kyuhyun, the youngest son of Cho family, eleven years old. You can call me… hmm, Master Kyu would be nice.” Kyuhyun offered him a genuine smile. “You’re technically my pet but I wish we could be friends. Come on, I’m gonna teach you playing few games!”

Sungmin nodded and followed Kyuhyun to sit in front of the huge television, holding the Wii remote hesitantly. Kyuhyun taught him how to use it and how to play many games he liked. It amazed him that his pet could learn everything pretty fast. There were even times when the game master lost.

“You know what? I like you! You sure play better than my cousins, although you just learned them today.” The pet blushed at the praise, making Kyuhyun chuckled. “And you’re so cute, even prettier than those annoying girls at school. I wonder why such a guy like you becomes slave.”

Small smile formed on Sungmin’s petite lips. “You don’t talk much, do you? I like your voice actually.”

“...Thank you, Master Kyu.”

“Good. From now on I want you to speak more, Sungmin. Anyway, let’s sleep now.” Kyuhyun turned off the video game and jumped into his comfy bed.

“Umm, Master?”
“Where do I sleep? On the floor?”
“Of course. You’re my pet, remember?”

From the boy’s expression, Kyuhyun could tell what’s on his mind now. He sure just thought that his master was actually a kind person, but then he was wrong. Kyuhyun chuckled. His pet definitely was fun to toy with.

But Kyuhyun was indeed quite nice. Out of pity, he threw him a blanket and a pillow. He liked his new pet and didn’t want him to die in the freezing temperature.


The next day, Kyuhyun woke Sungmin up with gentle strokes. Sungmin almost screamed at the touch. “Yah, it’s me!” said Kyuhyun, wondering why looked scared like that.

“Oh, M-master Kyuhyun. I’m s-sorry for reacting like earlier. I thought...” Sungmin stopped talking. Kyuhyun could see how his pet didn’t want to talk much about it. Maybe it had something about his past. Being a slave, Sungmin must have experienced things that could cause him traumas.

“It’s okay. I’m going to have breakfast. Do you want to eat with my family or just stay here?”
“I’ll just stay here, if you don’t mind.”

“Alright. I’ll be back later to bring you food. You better get a shower now. You may have my clothes.”

Kyuhyun left to eat and when he came back with trays of food on his hand, he caught his pet lying on his bed looking surprised and a second later he stood up like he never touched the bed at all. Kyuhyun wanted to laugh at how cute his pet was, but he acted to be a mean master. “What were you just doing on my bed, Pet?”

Sungmin looked so nervous, which just made him cuter in Kyuhyun’s opinion. Kyuhyun also caught that Sungmin was wearing his expensive pink shirt and his coolest jeans. “And were you just taking advantage on my kindness? You sure know about clothes’ brands, huh?”

“No! I don’t know brands, really! I just pick these because they fit me and this shirt is... the only one that’s pink...” Sungmin blushed. Fear was shown all over his face. “And about the bed, I am so sorry. I truly am. I’ll never ever do that again, Master. Please don’t kick me out.”

Kyuhyun couldn’t contain his laughter any longer. And the pet looked annoyed for being fooled. “So you like pink colour?” Sungmin nodded, embarrassed. “And you’re not as obedient as I thought. It’s all fine. I’m just quite surprised that you were this amusing. You make a good friend for me, so to honour you, I’m sharing my things with you. Don’t hesitate to play the Wii, wear my clothes, and go sleep on my bed tonight.”

With that, the master went off to go to school, leaving the pet with jaws dropped in shock.


Days went on and Kyuhyun grew to like his pet very much. Wherever he went, he made sure never to leave Sungmin at home. Except to school. Kyuhyun didn’t want to introduce Sungmin to his friends at school because, he didn’t know, he just felt possessive towards Sungmin. He was afraid that they would steal him away or play pranks on him. Moreover, they would just call Kyuhyun more arrogant for having a human as a pet.

“Sungmin, my sister’s birthday is in three days. We are all invited to the royal palace to celebrate it. Actually I hate parties like that, but I must go. It must be pretty boring there so will you come as well?”

“I’d love to. But am I allowed? I’m just your pet. I am a slave.”

“Please? I’ll ask my father if he can introduce you as his adopted son or something.” Though Kyuhyun doubted that his father would agree. Mr. Cho never took a liking towards Sungmin. Mrs. Cho treated Sungmin well, but Mr. Cho did not. By his hesitant nods, Kyuhyun knew Sungmin knew it too.

“Sungmin, when is your birthday?” Kyuhyun tried to find another topic. The elder being sad was a sight he disliked the most.

“1st of January.”
“Wow! You were born on New Year’s Day. Cool!”

Sungmin grinned proudly. Looks like Sungmin had forgotten the previous topic. And it delighted Kyuhyun to see that Sungmin had showed his emotions more freely recently. “And when were your born, Master?”

“February 3rd. You’ve asked and got the answer so I won’t forgive you if you forgot my birthday!” The master threatened playfully. “By the way, don’t call me ‘Master’ anymore. You’re more than just a pet for me. Call me just ‘Kyu’ and I’ll call you ‘Hyung’, okay?”

The elder nodded. “Kyu.” He shyly called him to get used to with the new nickname. Kyuhyun found himself loving the way his name rolled off those small lips of his pet friend.


At dinner, Kyuhyun dared himself to say his request to Mr. Cho.

“Kyuhyun, don’t you think you’re being too nice? It’s your pet. He’s a slave.”

“But he’s very nice, Appa. Sungmin is my friend. He’s even like a hyung to me.” Kyuhyun protested.

“Even if I agree, I can’t do anything, Son. Sungmin can come, of course, but he has to stay together with other slaves. Because, in fact you are the only master who acts nice towards slaves like him. Our other relatives treat them in a way that's cruel and inhumane.”

Kyuhyun sighed in disappointment, but he got his father’s point. Now he just left it all to Sungmin, if he wanted to go or just stay alone at home. “I don’t know. What do you want me to do?” but Sungmin unexpectedly asked back.

Kyuhyun looked up, staring at the latter’s eyes to find that Sungmin really would just do whatever Kyuhyun decided. “Let’s go, shall we? I can’t leave you alone at home. I will be worried of how you eat, if there’s a burglar, if the house is safe from fire...”

The elder giggled. “Yeah, yeah, I’m going with you.”


The party was massive and elegant, almost as big as Kyuhyun’s sister’s wedding months ago.

Kyuhyun’s father was right. Before entering the palace, there were guards who asked many questions before letting them pass. Knowing that Sungmin was merely a slave, they took him into a waiting room where other slaves and pets were placed.

“Hyung, just wait here, okay? I won’t be long. Don’t cause troubles, will you? My father won’t like it.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sungmin giggled and nodded in understanding before letting himself being dragged away.

Sungmin felt so uncomfortable there. Not only because the room was damp and dirty, he also felt many eyes on him. If those glares could speak, Sungmin knew they would say, “Look at him. He’s so nicely dressed.” or “How unfair. I bet he’s got food thrice a day without having to beg like we do.”

From the corner of his eyes, Sungmin could see why they seemed to hate him very much. They all looked almost the same as his condition when first brought to Kyuhyun’s house. Luck talked here, and it came to Sungmin’s side. He was just lucky to have such a nice master. He wondered if the other awful looking slaves there would have different states if their master was as kind as Kyuhyun.

In his silence, Sungmin let his thoughts got the best of him. He couldn’t stop memories that he had forgotten for whiles to come back.

Sungmin was born out of marriage. His mother was a sex slave, so nobody knew who Sungmin’s father was. The boy didn’t care though, as long as he knew his mother loved him very much. Lack of money made their life difficult. They lived by stealing others’ goods until one day there was a man, about fifty years old, came to take him to be a slave. Sungmin had struggled to escape, but his martial arts technique weren’t strong enough for he never learnt it in proper way.

The man wasn’t pleased with Sungmin’s multiple attempts to escape, so he gave up and sold Sungmin in a black market. He spent about two years in that black market, as a worker yet as a slave to be sold. Sometimes he almost got raped too by drunk customers, which made Sungmin afraid of touches. Luckily he always got another slave to substitute. Other slaves even begged for sex from his master, something Sungmin couldn’t understand at all.

When Mr. Cho came to buy a dog or a cat, it was Sungmin whom the owner chose. “Look at his round eyes, small nose, and small lips. And he has pale skin beneath those scars and mud. Doesn’t he resemble a bunny?” The owner tried to persuade Mr. Cho. “I’m sure your son would love to pet a slave. He’s quiet and obedient.”

There talked the luck. Usually, Mr. Cho wasn’t a man easy to persuade, but the owner managed to. So Sungmin was sold and taken to Kyuhyun, a kind boy behind his arrogance and wittiness. Kyuhyun...

Sungmin gasped, awakened from his train of thoughts all of the sudden. He found a tiny rabbit snuggling on his right palm. Sungmin lifted it up, staring into its clear chocolate eyes. He remembered the market’s owner he resembled a bunny, just in what way, Sungmin couldn’t get it. The rabbit in his hold had soft snowy fur. It looked so small and fragile, but cute. There was a pink ribbon tied on its neck, revealing its name, ‘Mickey’.

Isn’t Mickey the name of that mouse in Disney cartoon? Sungmin tried to remember more about his memories at age five. His mother used to nickname him ‘Minnie’ though it sounded like a girl’s name. ‘Mickey’ and ‘Minnie’ mouse, right... Sungmin wondered where his mother was now. Was she still alive? Did she still work as a sex slave?

“Mickey...” The rabbit looked up, knowing that Sungmin just called its name. “You sure live with a rich girl, seeing how clean, healthy, and smart you are. You have to be grateful, you hear me?” Sungmin thought he had something wrong in his brain because he kept talking to the rabbit, despite its obvious muteness.

“You look like two bunnies having a chit chat, you know?” A slave teen girl approached him suddenly. Sungmin felt alarmed. She looked and acted like a slut, and it traumatized Sungmin because he’d ever almost raped by whores back then.

“I envy those princesses, having a pet and slave so cute like you two.” The girl pinches Sungmin’s cheeks gleefully. Sungmin jumped back at the touch. “Don’t be scared. I’m not interested in kids.” She giggled, trying to be cute where she still looked horrible in Sungmin’s eyes.

“N-no. This rabbit and I have different master. And my master is a prince, not princess.”

“Hm, whatever. You’re so cute. Why don’t you become sex slave too? You’ll earn a lot of money with this amount of cuteness you had.” The slave girl leaned closer and wandered her hand on Sungmin’s pale arm, making him screamed.

“What’s this? You slaves don’t make any noises! You’re disturbing the party!” One of the guards came to scold them.

Sungmin had pleaded for help but the guard didn’t care. “See, Bunny? We’re worthless slaves, and no one bothered to help us when we’re in troubles. I take my previous words about not interested kids. You’re too cute to resist.”

The boy screamed again when the girl was about to kiss him. He closed his eyes, prepared for worst, but then he heard someone coming and pushing the girl away. “Are you alright?” Sungmin opened his eyes, recognizing the familiar voice as his master’s. He nodded, still in fear. “You bitch. Don’t you dare touching my friend ever again,” said Kyuhyun in cold and fierce tone. He then grabbed Sungmin’s trembling hand out of the damp room.

“Sungmin! Are you really alright? Did that whore harm you? Did she touch you?”

“I’m fine. But I have to get this bunny back.” Sungmin revealed a curled rabbit inside his hug. “His owner must be sick worrying if we don’t return him.”

Kyuhyun stared at the ‘small ball’ for a while before decided, “You wait here. I’ll return it.”
“Okay,” Sungmin kissed the bunny’s ear tenderly before handing him, “bye, Mickey.”

The image of Sungmin kissing the bunny was very adorable in Kyuhyun’s eyes. He wished he could make a portrait of it, really, so that the image would last forever. Too bad, he could only capture the view in his memory.

-End of Chapter 1-

chaptered, kyumin

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