Teach Me How To Hate (Cause I Seem To Love You Too Much)

Jun 17, 2010 10:02

Pseudo-sequel to: Teach Me How To Love
but you don't have to read that, unless this confuses you

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Warning: probably grammar errors

A/N: I found wi-fi! But Not My Pet, He's My Lover is not finished yet so I'll post this one first. Sorry if this just makes the prequel worse >.<

Sungmin was reading the essays that the children had written for him at the end of the year when the crumpled paper near his trash bin caught his eyes.

It’s an essay… Sungmin thought. Is it one of the children’s? Why is it down there and crumpled like that? He picked it up and carefully unfolded it.

This morning I came to check how my love's doing in his class, and I got to hear what he asked the children to do. It's the end of the school year and he told them to write about their impression of him, if he was good or bad or annoying or whatever.

Impression of Lee Sungmin, huh? I’d simply say he’s my truest teacher but somehow I found better words to describe what Lee Sungmin meant in my life.

Well, he’s like the sun to me.
He shines, so bright that sometimes I get blinded by his purity, genuineness, of all the beauty he possesses.
He’s so warm. His smiles have melted my frozen heart. Eventhough the heat sometimes burns me of jealousy when he acts so friendly (read: intimately) with other teachers, students, and even janitors.
He is the source of light in my life. Without him, I’ll get lost in eternal darkness. He’s the reason of every right step I take. He’s affected me so much.
When he’s present, I always get new energy to live my used to be boring day.
Unfortunately, he’s needed by everyone, not just me.
I am… no one special. I maybe get the status of ‘his boyfriend’, but I always feel like his love for me is equal to his love for everyone.

He’s like the wind for me.
He soothes my mind, clears my clouded thought, and whispers ticklish words into my ears.
Yet he plays me to wherever he desires to blow.
Sometimes he flies me away from his life, sometimes he gives me hope that I can stay forever.
Unstable, unpredictable, just like the wind breeze.

He’s also like water for me, something I can’t bear living a day without.
Fragile like morning droplets but strong enough to wash me away like what floods can do.
He refreshes me yet drowns me dead.
He’s the source of every living cell in me, satisfying both my hunger and thirst at the same time.
It’s impossible to hold him steady, no matter whatever ways I try.

And me?
What am I worth? I’m just like a small flower in the middle of flower field. No one sees me, except him. Well, he sees everyone though.
He completes what I need, like sunshine to make food, water to construct living, and wind to do pollination.

I’m not gonna confessing to the world, but I guess it’s obvious already. Cho Kyuhyun’s life depends on Lee Sungmin, but not vise versa, unfortunately.

Sungmin has taught me how to love. How I wish he can teach me how to hate as well. Cause I seem to love him too much that it hurts…

Sungmin frowned at the paper. He so recognized that messy handwriting and the content clearly came from one certain person. He carefully turned left, finding the writer was safely asleep on his desk. Sungmin sighed. He wished Kyuhyun voiced them out directly to him, so Sungmin knew what to do to hurt no one.

The break time would be over in twenty minutes, but Sungmin didn’t care. He’d gonna make everything clear to the younger as soon as possible.

A small flower in the middle flower field, huh? I wish I can show him how he’s special to me.
Fragile yet adorable.
Like a crystal, breakable but is priceless.
Like a treasure, I’m willingly looking after him.
Like a doll, beautiful but is mute.
I wish by reading this he can learn how I want him to openly tell me what he feels.
Cause his sadness it what makes my sunshine off.
His misery is the reason my wind stops blowing.
His misunderstanding is why my water dries up.

I can teach him how to love because I can love.
But I can never hate anything.
In spite, I am not interested in learning.
Same case here, I love him too much that sometimes it hurts.
It hurts cause he’s a heartless kid who prefers playing game to his boyfriend D;
It hurts cause he’s not always there when I need him x:
But I know it hurts because it’s the risk of loving.
I can bear the pain, as long as he stays next to me.

Ps: I’ll catch you after school. We NEED another love lesson.

With love, your said truest teacher

Sungmin slipped the paper beneath Kyuhyun’s arms then left when the bell rang. Cause a simple letter is not enough to explain Kyumin’s love…


kyumin, oneshot

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