James Lee Burke is a god of writing. He has the most amazing ability to describe anything and anyone without coming across as that's what he's trying to do. I would love to have that gift! It made me think about how we FFF writers describe our characters and how much fun it would be to share that
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Comments 57
Nyx in her 'other' guise, sounds beautiful ;)
No matter how little I ate or how much I threw up, I still looked like a tank with tits.
Inspired by a remark in which a short, brawny friend of mine compared herself to a Sherman tank (I corrected her with, "No, you're a Harley-Davidson"; she approved), this line culminates a long passage of self-hatred in which the narrator Nikita (formerly Nichole) describes her struggle to see in the mirror the person she envisions in her head. In that one evocative sentence, I feel I captured the body issues many women face... and no small amount of men too, for that matter.
Love this, tells you all about their history in one fell swoop! Fab ;)
This is one from my Urban Fantasy book due out next month -
Next to him was a goblin. He sat like a muscle-bound child, his feet dangling six inches above the floor, kicking his heels slowly, making the lights in his trainers flash red. Fat ringlets of dyed black hair bounced gently round his liver-spotted face. Wraparound shades protected his eyes.
But no one would ever mistake this goblin for a child: his back was straight as a poker and his huge shoulders strained the seams of his navy boiler-suit. A flashing Union Jack badge was pinned to his left chest pocket, under his own black and red cross, while on the right, shiny gold embroidery proclaimed him an employee of Goblin Guard Security. As did the baseball bat, neatly covered in shiny silver tin foil, that he held across his knees.
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