Welcome to the first fangirl_tour Manic Monday! I come bearing ancient stories and obscure fandoms. My fangirl is a fickle beastie. x-posted to the_larch
Oh, wow! It's only day one on the tour and I have found my in to a fandom I've been ogling for some time now. I am a huge Doctor Who fan, but I've just never known where to start in that fanfic world. Thank you so very much. You have made my day!
I am new-ish to Doctor Who myself, but I've gotten very quickly addicted! They have some whip-smart writers in that fandom, for serious. I hope you find things you love!
I have to echo my thanks for the Doctor Who recs (I love "Petals" too; totally hot!). I haven't really seen any Across the Universe fic yet - is there much out there? Thanks! : )
Yay for Doctor Who! Wasn't Petals just random and sexy and lovely? *much enjoy* There's some Across The Universe fic at atu_fic, and I hope there will be more... I really enjoyed that film.
What I love about Petals is just as you said - the random sensibility that fits the Whoverse perfectly. I really adore that pairing, but sometimes the smut gets a little generic (although honestly I haven't read that much - hence my thanks for those recs!). I love them best when they're goofily in character, which in that fic, they definitely are. : )
Comments 18
What I love about Petals is just as you said - the random sensibility that fits the Whoverse perfectly. I really adore that pairing, but sometimes the smut gets a little generic (although honestly I haven't read that much - hence my thanks for those recs!). I love them best when they're goofily in character, which in that fic, they definitely are. : )
Thank you!!
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