Welcome to the first
fangirl_tour Manic Monday! I come bearing ancient stories and obscure fandoms. My fangirl is a fickle beastie.
x-posted to
the_larch Settling In (Adult) by
irishlullaby - This is an AU ending to The Satan Pit, where the Doctor and Rose end up with the Torchwood team. It's a little fluffy, which never hurt anyone, but also shows a perfectly-written Doctor stumbling all disjointedly along the slow path. It's exactly how I would imagine him trapped in linear time, except of course it's way more wonderfully written than I could imagine it. (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose)
Petals (NC-17) by
svilleficrecs - I sort of have an aversion to even mild recreational drug use in fic, and the fact that I absolutely love this story is a testament to how perfectly it's handled here. A fun, very Doctor-ish adventure dissolves into some languid down-time. Plus, it must be said, it's just absolutely and completely hot. I really have no excuses. (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose)
Days and Hours (PG-13) by
rosa_acicularis - This is perhaps my favorite post-Doomsday fic of all time. It's funny and sweet but also just wrenching, and it hits all the right chords and the characterizations are perfect. What more could you want from anything, really? I am filled with incoherent praise. (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose)
A Very Hospitable Species (Adult) by
platypus - Ah, the old alien-sex-drug tale. This could, in some lights, be called PWP. But I also have an addiction to really well-written characterizations, and they are just perfect in this story. The voices and gestures manage to be visual and auditory delights to me, even through the computer screen. (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose)
Perversions (Heretofore Unpracticed On a Most Willing Body) (Adult) by
regala_electra - This story has everything that you need to work out all your secret PWP kinks (cross-dressing, toys, spanking, whatever floats your boat), but it also has
regala_electra's version of the Doctor, which I consistently love. She does a brilliant job of expressing his age and knowledge, his ability to think of everything at once and the vast scope of experiences he's had that 'humans' can't begin to understand. Plus the fic is just worlds of fun. (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, Ten/Rose/TARDIS, Ten/Rose/Other, WARNINGS: all and sundry)
Disheveled (NC-17) by
rabid1st - Doctor Who fans are bound to have read this (where have you been if you haven't read this?), but I fangirl it all the same. It is definitive for dealing with the alien-bits issue in a way that is not only not squicky but is actually somehow delicious, and it spins what should be smut into an absolutely epic love story. I hesitate to call it a guilty pleasure, because how can you really feel guilty about something this brilliant? (Doctor Who, Ten/Rose)
He Come Grooving Up Slowly (NC-17) by
lyra_wing - Part of what I loved about the movie was the chemistry between Jude and Max, and this story perfectly captures the tone and texture of the film. The characters' progression into a more intimate relationship seems completely natural, totally what could have (should have) happened between the scenes. And the voices (Max's, Jude's and Sadie's) are entirely perfect. (Across The Universe, Max/Jude)
War Is Over (If You Want It) (R) by
buffyx - I'm telling you right now, this story is pretty dark. Almost brutally dark in places. That said, that's part of what I love about it, because how can you have a post-Vietnam Max fic without it being dark? The way that he's been changed by it all but is still so obviously Max is just so beautifully written. This story breaks me. (Across The Universe, Max gen, WARNINGS: angst and war images)
Nine Regrettably Short Stories About Sirius Black and Things That Happened On or Around Christmas (PG-13) by
shackinup_sesa - While I know it's not Christmas, I start fangirling this story right around the first sentence ("The flat was all greys and negatives when they came to know it.") and then I never stop. I love a good Marauders fic, and this one hits all the right notes for me. The writing is just lovely, and I love the way the you can see each character in the description of the setting and the chaos of their Christmas decorating. (Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius)
How Soon Is Now? (PG-13) by
shanalle - This never fails to take me right back to the beginning, when the boys were still in filming and filled with that new-Hobbit enthusiasm for every inconvenience thrown at them.
shanalle always does such an amazing job with the characters, and this story is one of my favorites. It's clever and funny and pulls me into the buoyant and awkward love and friendship that these boys inspire. (Lord of The Rings RPS, Dom/Billy)
MoodRings: 132 Celebrations of LOTRips (Adult-ish in places) by
anniesj and
circe_tigana - I know that this is old hat and scarf and glittery eyeliner, but I reread it the other day and was bowled over by how much I fangirl it. It is hot and sweet and cruel and soft and beautiful in every possible combination, and it would be criminal for me not to mention it here. I can't even properly describe this amazing thing that they did, just that it was LOTRips at its very best, in its glory days, when all the world was new and all the fans were filled with squee. (Lord of The Rings RPS, all pairings, really all)
Is this it? (PG-13) by
obeythebunny - Talk about an unlikely pairing, but this is written with such delicacy and grace that it seems completely natural. I love the way every sentence seems effortless, like the exact right words just dropped out of the sky, and the story's smirking humor -- funny without ever being silly -- and how despite sparse description of the bar and the characters you can still see every single action and gesture. Plus now that 'bandom' is becoming increasingly more valid, I feel like she started a trend. (X-Men movieverse/RPS crossover, Pyro/Julian Casablancas of the Strokes)
The Straw & The Camel (PG) by
hackthis - I just loved the first season of this show, and this story is pretty much everything I loved about it. Seth is bouncy and rambling and strange and clever, and Ryan is so angsty-zen and always right even though no one listens. Everything about it seems so deceptively simple, and the quality of the writing that it takes to accomplish that absolutely boggles me. (The O.C., Seth/Ryan)
So that's it from me! But I'd also like to fangirl on
scatteredlogic for putting this whole thing together. ( ♥ ) You are an incredible inedible delight.