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Comments 33

dickgloucester June 17 2009, 13:45:19 UTC
*glomps you*


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 15:02:24 UTC
It's one of my favorites!


mcfly85 June 17 2009, 15:04:30 UTC
Sweet! I've been thinking about Spock/Uhura since seeing the new movie, and pondering trying to find fic but not knowing where to start - you're awesome, thank you! : )

Also...YAY for Jeeves and Wooster!!!


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 15:10:11 UTC
The only comm I know of is spock_uhura, although I found half these fics via ontd_startrek.

Yay, indeed. J&W always makes me happy.


mcfly85 June 17 2009, 15:20:51 UTC
I like the angsty romantic stuff, too, so I definitely appreciate your recs!


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 15:36:09 UTC
I'm delighted! Have fun.


bluestocking79 June 17 2009, 16:16:53 UTC
Squee! So many awesome recs, Kel! I hardly know where to begin. Some good J & W ones I haven't read yet, or maybe the Spock/Uhura stories I've been meaning to find...

~toddles off happily~


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 16:38:51 UTC
Enjoy, my dear! I'll be reading new stuff until Christmas with all the lovely recs that have been made in this round of the Tour.


harmony_bites June 17 2009, 21:02:34 UTC
I'd second the rec of Wildcat. I haven't read the reboot ones, but back when I was involved in Trek Wildcat was Spock/Uhura. A Woman's Touch starts her series, but each story was written to be read independently and my favorites are The Debussy Suite (for the brutal honesty for how it looks at what might drive Spock and Uhura apart) Time is the Fire (for making sense of ST:V and for dealing with what is canonically Uhura's greatest fear--growing old) and A Roll of the Dice, which, like the recent sshg_exchange The Life Unlived by sshg316 is based on a certain TNG ep...


scatteredlogic June 17 2009, 16:20:13 UTC
Whoo hoo! Thanks for all the lovely recs. Erm, as someone who isn't really familiar with the Star Wars fandom, are we being completely inept for leaving the tag as strictly "Star Wars"? Should we split them out into Original Trilogy and Prequels? I don't know the accepted fandom custom there.


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 16:33:08 UTC
Tags! I forgot the tags! Thanks for adding them.

It's easier to make that decision with Star Trek, because you've got TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and now the reboot. Even though the only distinctions you can make with Star Wars is original trilogy and prequels, I think it'd be a good idea to make two tags. There are enough people who recoil in disgust when they come across prequel material to make it worthwhile. (IMO.)


scatteredlogic June 17 2009, 16:44:44 UTC
The tags are easy to forget - half the time, I forget myself. ;)

Ah, gotcha. I'll split them out, then. ;)


harmony_bites June 17 2009, 21:15:32 UTC
It's easier to make that decision with Star Trek, because you've got TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and now the reboot.

And my turn next month I'm planning to rec in all 6 so. *cough* I'll need those tags!


morethansirius June 17 2009, 16:31:28 UTC
Wheeeeeeee, indeed!
Artsies! Love the artsies! Also adore your ability to sneak in extra links through illustrations and sequels. Clever girl.
I have rediscovered Trek fanfic lately, but have read none of these. Always up for more Jeeves & Wooster. And you have provided me with some new Snape fics!


keladry_lupin June 17 2009, 16:37:30 UTC
I wanted something nicer than just a line of asterisks for section dividers, so I thought a bit of art would be fun. (I was a bit worried I'd be in trouble for essentially making more than thirteen recs, but SL seems to be okay with it. Whew!)

There are probably more communities out there for the Jeeves fandom, but the one I've found and really like is indeedsir. It's how I found triedunture's stuff, and she hasn't written a bad fic yet.


morethansirius June 17 2009, 17:27:21 UTC
Pushing the recs limit is about as rebellious as I get. I believe SL's take is who's going to complain about more goodness. Personally, I think the innovative ways to sneak them in are a source of amusement to them. It certainly brings a smile to my face!

One of my favorite parts of the Fangirl tour is having personal recommendations for fandoms that are new to me. It's so wonderful having a personal guide to lead me directly to the good stuff!


scatteredlogic June 17 2009, 18:16:59 UTC
Personally, I think the innovative ways to sneak them in are a source of amusement to them.

They are. ~grin~ We particularly enjoy it when people are clever about it. ;)


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