so many fics, so little time ....

Jun 17, 2009 01:34

Happy Wednesday! My name is Keladry, and I'll be your tour guide for today.

Anyone who reads the fics I write can safely assume that I love me some angst. I adore the fluff, the (b)romance, and the funny moments, but on the way to the happy ending, please put them through the wringer a bit. Deep thought, deep sorrow, hurt/comfort, loss ... it's all good. For this wonderful Wednesday, I have Star Trek, Jeeves and Wooster, Star Wars, and Harry Potter for you.

I always had Spock/Uhura percolating in the back of my head. Put the only woman with the hottest man (IMO), and there you go. When the new film put these two together, I had to clamp both hands over my mouth to keep from squeeing loudly in the cinema. I came home, logged on, and found a few communities that led me to these fics:

1. Fandom: Star Trek (original canon)
Title: Happiness at Least
Author: SpockJones, aka girl6
Link: Happiness At Least
Rating: NC17
Status: Complete in one shot
Summary: What if they didn’t make it back through the Guardian of Forever?
Why I fangirl this: It's wildly AU, but it also fits in with TOS canon. You have a slow romance, estrangement, loss, and a sexy-as-hell McCoy who twinkles more than Dumbledore but isn't nearly as irritating. Gorgeous. It will help if you've seen the ST:TOS episode The City on the Edge of Forever.

2. Fandom: Star Trek (original canon)
Title: A Woman's Touch
Author: Wildcat
Link: A Woman's Touch
Rating: PG for this one, but if you continue with the S/U series -- found here -- be aware that each fic has its own rating
Status: Complete in one shot
Summary: Although Saavik is thriving under Spock's care, Uhura points out that he has left certain gaps in the child's education and volunteers to help.
Why I fangirl this: The author has built a beautiful romance between Spock and Nyota Uhura that spans decades, going from the original TV series past the sixth film. A Woman's Touch starts it all, but it goes on for twenty stories. (Wildcat continued with a twenty-first, but it's a Spock/OFC story.) It'll take a while, but I recommend bookmarking Wildcat's pages and savoring each fic in its turn.

3. Fandom: Star Trek (new canon)
Title: Someday, and the Rest of Your Life
Author: icemink
Link: story index
Rating: NC17
Status: Complete in sixteen chapters
Summary: When the Enterprise receives a distress call from a Vulcan rescue vessel, Spock finds himself confronted by his past, and he must choose whether to uphold Vulcan traditions or find his own way.
Why I fangirl this: Spock faces his own Kobyashi Maru -- the no-win scenario -- in this fic.

4. Fandom: Star Trek (new canon)
Title: Break
Author: yahtzee63
Link: chapter one chapter two chapter three
Rating: R
Status: Complete in three chapters
Summary: During their final semester at Starfleet Academy, two people who have no intention of ever changing transform each other.
Why I fangirl this: I love a good, slow build-up. They go from teacher and student to colleagues to friends to lovers so seamlessly. We see who they are outside of their work, and we get some lovely moments with both Amanda and Sarek.

..:Slow Burn:..
by *kara-lija on deviantART

Bertie Wooster and Reginald Jeeves. Oh, how I love these men. (And oh, how they love each other.) P. G. Wodehouse's stories are bubbly as champagne, full of humor and wit, taking place in a perfect world that never really existed. If I want to read about these two darlings in that perfect world, I read the books. But when the perfect world is no longer perfect, I turn to fanfiction ....

5. Fandom: Jeeves and Wooster
Title: The Long Road
Author: triedunture
Link: chapter one
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete in twelve chapters
Summary: A very bad thing happens. And then we must go on.
Why I fangirl this: *purrs contentedly* Trying to explain why I love this fic without giving anything away is very difficult, so I'm not going to. Look at the warnings given (and the one not given), keep them in mind, and dive in.

6. Fandom: Jeeves and Wooster
Title: The Long Long Trail
Author: juliacarmen
Link: chapter one, and here's a story index in case one of the links doesn't work
Rating: NC17
Status: Complete in fifteen chapters
Summary: Jeeves and Bertie meet again after a long separation during World War II.
Why I fangirl this: One of the wickedest cliffhangers ever ... I was breathless for days! Fortunately, the fic is complete, so you can keep on reading. Our heroes must find their way out of Nazi Germany during WWII, so you've got a great adventure along with everything else.

7. Fandom: Jeeves and Wooster
Title: Jeeves and the Missing Memories
Author: storyfan
Link: chapter one
Rating: PG
Status: Compete in six chapters
Summary: Jeeves and Bertie make childhood promises. Something gets in the way.
Why I fangirl this: Cute little boys who forge a friendship and are separated find their way back to each other again. We get to see Bertie's sister, who is one of my favorite OCs I've met in this fandom -- the girl's got nerves of steel -- and Aunt Dahlia is there to help her young blot and his valet when they need her. I also recommend storyfan's gorgeous Love Is Blind. Angst and H/C galore.

8. Fandom: Jeeves and Wooster
Title: Reggie and Wooster
Author: out_there
Link: Reggie and Wooster
Rating: PG
Status: Complete in one shot
Summary: At first glance Wooster appears to be a reasonable Gentleman's gentleman. His collar is ironed, his dark suit simple but well-pressed, and a bowler hat sits upon his head, although the style does not suit him terribly well.
Why I fangirl this: An extreme alternate universe fic, and a delicious one, to boot. Jeeves is still brilliant and stuffed-froggish, and Bertie is still daffy and sweet, and even though their situations are reversed, they still manage very well together.

Much gratitude to tudorpot, who recced a J&W fic last year and led me to the fandom!

Jeeves and Wooster
by ~vejiita4eva on deviantART

I must pay homage to my first fandom. I fell in love with Luke Skywalker when I was three, and young Obi-Wan Kenobi was the reason I dove headfirst into fanfiction when I first encountered it six years ago.

9. Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy
Title: Rebel Heart
Author: squelchything
Link: chapter one
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete in nineteen chapters
Summary: During the Galactic civil war, one young woman struggles to survive, through tragedy and loss, friendship and love. OC-centric, with a fair amount of Leia and some Luke and Han.
Why I fangirl this: The main character is an original character; she's one of the few I really like. She grew up with Leia and finds her own way to the Rebellion, and we see the events of the Original Trilogy through her eyes. One of my favorite SW fics.

10. Fandom: Star Wars (prequels)
Title: Coming Home
Author: LuvEwan
Link: chapter one
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete in twelve chapters
Summary: After a long, traumatic mission, Knight Obi-Wan is allowed to come home.
Why I fangirl this: LuvEwan definitely has a way with words. Most of her early fics were mentor (father)-apprentice (son) stories focusing on Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and/or Anakin Skywalker. Sometimes happy, sometimes not. She's getting more into slash now, but I love the beauty of this hurt/comfort story AU.

Star Wars Poster 1994
by ~GraphiteCat on deviantART

Oh, like I could possibly ignore Severus Snape!

11. Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Putting the Magic Back into Magic
Author: madamsnape78
Link: chapter one
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete in six chapters
Summary: Hermione is about to turn thirty and realizes that life isn't as exciting as she thought it would be. She goes about trying to change that.
Why I fangirl this: Who hasn't got out of bed, brushed their teeth, looked in the mirror, and thought, Is this all there is? Hermione's dissatisfaction with her life leads her to try new things, and she keeps getting into silly predicaments as a result. I recommend the author's other work; A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor is another favorite of mine. Hermione Granger/Severus Snape.

12. Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Through Silence
Author: dickgloucester
Link: chapter one
Rating: G
Status: Complete in three chapters
Summary: Hermione and Ron separate amicably, and Hermione finds that her life needs a new direction. Harry steps in to help.
Why I fangirl this: Severus, Hermione, sorrow, penance, friendship, misunderstandings, books, and two adorable rugrats. And Dicky wrote it. What's not to love?

13. Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Mine and Snape's Vocation
Author: Gillian Middleton
Link: Mine and Snape's Vocation
Rating: K+
Status: Complete in two and twenty chapters respectively
Summary: Against his better judgement Severus Snape let a part of himself be used in a spell six years earlier. Now the consequences of his actions cannot be avoided any longer and Snape finds himself the father of a five year old boy-Harry Potter!
Why I fangirl this: Another father-son story. I love a good Severitus fic, but I don't particularly like non-con or adultery, so it's hard for me to find a Snape-is-Harry's-father story that I like wholeheartedly. Also, I like the warmth of this fic: Severus slowly unfreezes and lets his son into his heart, but it's still him all the way through.

Severus and Hermione
by ~miateixeira on deviantART

star wars - prequels, star wars - original trilogy, !official fangirl tour stop, star trek - the original series, jeeves & wooster, star trek - reboot, harry potter

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