Recs for June 18th

Jun 18, 2009 01:09

Hello, everyone and welcome to very early Thursday morning (at least where I live)!

I rec'd a number of my favorite favorite fics last year and this year I'm branching out a bit. Entirely too many recs were saved in preparation of this list and I've tried to pare it down to a nice mix, fandom-wise. Hope you enjoy!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Fine Art of Fine Print
Author: mundungus42
Rating: M/NC-17/Lascivious/Extremely Rude
Pairing: SS/HG
Status: Complete
Summary: Hogwarts' new headmistress alienates the staff and threatens the integrity of the school with unpopular reforms. Unable to take on the headmistress directly, the Minister sends his most talented Unspeakable to gather information and intervene as she sees fit. The secrets Hermione uncovers at Hogwarts will change her life forever.
Why I fangirl this: Oh my gosh, lots of reasons. Because it's so believably in character, despite the identity of the havoc-wreaking headmistress. Because the story's humor and quirkiness of Hogwarts reminds me why I love HP in the first place. Because it made me like Ron.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Flutter
Author: alliean
Rating: Conservative
Pairing: SS/HG
Status: Complete
Summary: If she hadn't blinked...
Why I fangirl this: Heartbreakingly, achingly sweet. Every so often, a fanfic will sneak up on me and give me butterflies in my stomach. This certainly succeeded in doing just that.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Macaroons & Macaroon Crumbs
Author: alliean
Rating: T
Pairing: SS/HG
Status: Complete
Summary: Macaroons: Hermione is doing her duty by marrying Ron, but someone is determined to make her see the error of her ways. And what is Professor Snape doing in a wedding dress shop!

Macaroon Crumbs: A few mini-fics or 'outtakes' from the story 'Macaroons', mostly moments people wanted to see that weren't a part of the main story.
Why I fangirl this: I suppose this could be considered cheating the 13 rec rule, but I felt a bit weird reccing Macaroon Crumbs alone. My favorite Crumb is chapter four, but it really only makes sense if you've read the whole story, so... That's my excuse. :P

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Tangled Limbs V
Artist: Sempraseverus
Rating: K+
Pairing: SSHG
Why I fangirl this: Suffice to say, I love sempraseverus' style. I had a heck of a time picking only one picture to rec here. Just go raid the gallery, it's all lovely.

Fandom: Hey Arnold!
Title: Five Kisses
Author: Commander
Rating: K+
Pairing: Helga/Arnold
Status: Complete
Summary: Shakespeare's original version of Romeo and Juliet has FIVE kisses? Helga's totally getting gypped! ...Or is she? "School Play" inspired two-shot.
Why I fangirl this: Maybe it's because I've been ODing on Hey Arnold! lately or because it was 2:30 in the morning, but, oh my gosh, I hadn't gone all goofy over Arnold/Helga like I did when I read this since I was thirteen.

Fandom: The Pretender
Title: That the Rainbow Comes
Author: bantha_fodder
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Little sister gets in the game. Emily oneshot.
Why I fangirl this: I never gave much thought to Jarod's sister before, but this fic made me curious. It made me miss my show, my first fandom, and made me sad that Emily never had a chance to really be explored as a character on screen. *sigh* I've only ever read one other fic about Emily and it was almost a decade ago. The world needs more Emily fic. The world needs more Pretender.

Fandom: Peter Pan
Title: That'll Teach 'Em
Author: JillSwinburne
Rating: K
Status: Complete
Summary: The boys of St Bartholemew's have a new teacher and you'll never guess what he has for a hand!
Why I fangirl this: The boys are great, James is great. It's a nice bit of fluffy fun.

Fandom: Good Will Hunting
Title: Apples & Oranges
Author: Queue
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Will/Chuckie
Status: Complete
Summary: Sean once told Will he didn't know fuck-all about real loss. Will didn't bother disagreeing with Sean at the time, since not only was he right but also if Will had given him shit at that particular moment he'd probably have wound up in the fucking lagoon being run over by some fat tourist in a Swan Boat. If Sean were here now, Will would argue the point 'til the Curse got broken and the Babe came home.
Why I fangirl this: Will's voice is pitch-perfect and the story melted my brain. In a good way.

Fandom: Drake and Josh
Title: Will Be Done
Author: Superpana
Rating: M
Pairing: D/J
Status: Complete
Summary: Josh enters the priesthood after having a spiritual experience while on vacation in France.
Why I fangirl this: If you're going to go there, I figure you might as well go there in style. The ending is lovely.

Fandom: The Sims 2
Title: Strangetown, Here We Come
Author: strange_tomato
Rating: Hmm... I'd say M.
Status: WIP
Summary: "Strangetown, Here We Come is my interpretation of the Maxis neighbourhood, Strangetown, which attempts to stay true to the characters as they are presented by the game, at least initially. It involves all of the characters in Strangetown in some capacity, and sometimes features cameo appearances from characters in other Maxis neighbourhoods too." ~strange_tomato
Why I fangirl this: I love legacies as much as the next Sim obsessive, but I could never really get into real, plotted-out Sim stories. Until I found this one. When I did, I plunked myself down in front of my laptop and read it through, neglecting my usual internet-ADD-23-tabs-and-counting web browsing. I was lucky enough to catch up right at the end of a two month drought of updates, so I didn't have long to wait to read more. Now I'm waiting with everyone else and, let me tell you, waiting sucks.

Fandom: The Sims 2
Title: Maybe This Time
Author: llama_herder
Rating: T/M
Status: WIP
Summary: "I hate Pleasantview. I hate it almost as much as I hated Strangetown, but not quite. I guess I'll give it some time. I'm sure it'll catch up."

The Grunt family moves to Pleasantview.

Why I fangirl this: Strangetown, Here We Come made me fall in love with the Grunt family, and I decided to give this story a shot simply because Ripp was in the teaser. I am so glad I did. There are only about five chapters up so far, but I'm getting really into the story and I can't wait to read what comes next. And the pictures are beautifully shot.

Fandom: House MD
Title: Rumored
Author: Alias424
Rating: T
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Status: Complete
Summary: This time, there was evidence, and the halls were vibrating, practically shimmering with speculation.
Why I fangirl this: It had never occurred to me before reading this fic how crazy the PPTH rumor mill must be with all of House's loud and inappropriate insinuations about his relationship with Cuddy, but gosh... What if everyone believed them?

Fandom: House MD
Title: Breath Me
Vidder: Ticcy
Rating: TV14, I guess, 'cause it's House.
Status: Complete
Summary: A video about House and Wilson and Cuddy, the impact that recent events have left on all of them and how that has changed their relationship with each other, and how fragile life is. Spoilers through S4 finale.
Why I fangirl this: It is my favorite fanvid ever. This video is forever linked in my mind to the epicness that was House's Head/Wilson's Heart and almost single-handedly induced obsession-level House fangirling in me last year. It is truly beautiful, down to every last scrap of editing. Gives me chills every time I watch it.

!official fangirl tour stop, the sims 2, house md, harry potter, drake & josh, the pretender, peter pan, hey arnold!, good will hunting

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