Transformers, Stunticon Gestalt Team: #74, Dark

Jun 21, 2010 21:08

Title: Fear of the Dark
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Stunticon Gestalt Team
Prompt: #74, Dark
Word Count: 101
Rating: G
Summary: Charr left scars.

Fear of the Dark


The other Stunticons are curled in vehicle-mode, defragging. Their engines purr on idle, ready to awaken and drive at a moment's notice.

Motormaster sits out on the road, sharpening his sword on his hands. He listens to the song of the night-going insects, the beat of owl's wings, the faint rustle of wind over scrub plants. Out here in the desert, there's nothing between him and the stars and the endless black.

If he turns his head down the road, though, he can see the faint glow of city lights over the horizon.

It's enough.

After Charr, any light is enough.


transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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