Brave and Crazy Part 6

Oct 30, 2007 05:08

Brave and Crazy Part 6
Title: Brave and Crazy Part 6
Author: Fanfic_Addict04
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Bobby, OMC's
Warnings: Angst, Drama, Mentions of character death, Wincest
Summary: Fourth part in the series. Sam will do anything for Dean, he just needs a nudge in the right direction.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

- - -

Hell wasn't like those fairy tales the bible told. Granted, hell was hot, full of heat in fact. But not all of it was one big mass fire where people were thrown in but never died. No it was more like a prison. A holding cell for the damned. When the demons got bored or when it was their turn to use a specific machine they would choose a prisoner and that unlucky soul would be tortured in any new and twisted way they could invent.

Burning alive, was a classic favorite, but even in their eyes a tad over used.

When Dean Winchester had joined the ranks, the demons had a field day. He was their new favorite. They had a lot of things they liked to do to him. Mainly because most of those demons were ones he had sent back to hell with a clever punch line and a smirk. Now, every day, {not that Dean could tell day apart anymore) they would all fight over who got to torture him this time.

He was in constant agony, fear, and revulsion at the things they could do to him...the things that they didn't hesitate to do. They could make you see, taste, feel, do whatever they wanted to all in the name of torture. Dean didn't know what was real anymore.

So it came as no surprise that when he saw Sam fall the few feet into where 'fresh meat' was always dropping in, that he didn't think twice about it. After having just been through one of his many tortures, Dean was taking a few moments of rest, something he was only allowed when the demons were either resting themselves, or off getting new equipment to torture him with.

It was during one of those moments that Sam happened to make his appearance. Sighing loudly, Dean rolled over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. It was a cave they were in now, and the fires were all around them in little patches, illuminating and effectively heating the area all at once. So much so that it hurt Sam's lungs to breath in the air. It was reminiscent of how a sauna is when you just step in from the cold air.

"Fuck!" Sam gasped out, coughing.

Dean frowned. Vision!Sam never coughs. Turning his head unconcernedly upwards, so that he could see Sam upside down, he stared for a long while as Sam caught his breath.

"Dean..." Sam gasped out, crawling along the floor towards him.

Dean sighed and stared back up at the ceiling, his eyes hurting from the strain of looking upside down.


Dean sighed again. He closed his eyes waiting for whatever it is vision!Sam was there to do to him. Most of the time he would try and seduce Dean, and when that wouldn't work, then he'd cut off Dean's body parts...slowly.

Lips crushed his and instantly he cringed, but when he tasted that familiar taste, the one the demons hadn't been able to replicate, his eyes widened and he was staring into the beautiful face of his baby brother.

It was him! God it was really him!

"Sammy?" Dean mouthed into the kiss.

"I'm here Dean. God it feels so good to be with you again. To kiss you, to touch you."

"You're here..."

Sam nodded while still kissing and nipping at Dean's neck.

"You're really here."

"Yeah. And god have I missed you."

"Sam!!" Dean pushed Sam off of him and scrambled to stand them up. "What are you doing here? You've got to hide! What if they see you? How the FUCK did you get down here anyway? and WHY? I told you not to do anything!"

Sam nodded and he began to cry, breathing in his brother's scent again.

"I know, I know."

"God Sam you're so stupid! You're so fucking stupid!"

"I know Dean! DAMN IT! I NEED YOU! There's nothing I would not do for you. Don't you fucking get that yet?"

"Sam," Dean's voice was pleading, on the verge of tears and desperation, "You have to go Sam. The things they do to you have to leave! You don't belong here! You should have just stayed topside."

"Christ Dean, I'm here for you! I love you damn it!"

Noises emanated from behind them and Dean shoved Sam into a nearby corner. Sam got the hint and curled up into the shadows. Two demons came into the room wheeling in a big circular object.

"We've been inspired Dean. Recently one of our prisoners from the dark ages put into our heads the idea of human tortures. 'I'll do anything not to endure your hallucinations demon!' "

One of the demons chuckled.

"Poor sight to see if you ask me. You humans disgust us."

They both chuckled.

"But your one redeeming quality is that through out history there's one thing you've been consistently good at..." the demon leant in so that Dean could smell it's rank breath fill his nostrils. "Killing each other."

"That being said," The other cut in, "We give you the 'stretcher'."

"And not the kind they wheel you away to hospitals in! Although after we're finished you'll wish it was!"

Both demons cackled at the cheesy jokes and Dean just sighed in resignation as they thrust him upon the beastly thing, and tied his arms and legs to the ends of the wheel.

"Now...let's see. Ah we turn the crank this way!"

Suddenly Dean's limbs were being stretched beyond limits and they were slowly turning the crank even more, their cackles and his cries of pain, filling Sam's ears.

- - -

"Well, what do you say?"

"I say...go to hell."

"Been there. Done that."

"Fuck off!" Nathan cried in aggravation.

"Look, the sooner you stop fighting it, the sooner we can get you that dream family of yours."

"Look lady, I've already experienced my dream family, and personally, I prefer reality to that."

"What you mean that silly Djinn? How sad and pathetic of Sam to have made you experience that. You think that was anything like the real thing sweetie? Well it wasn't. I can give you the real thing, in the real world. All for everyday low prices."

"My soul you mean."

"Yeah," She smirked, "Like I said, low prices."

- - -

"Beg human. Beg your god for mercy. He isn't going to save you."

"He loathes you Dean," The demon laughed as Dean screamed again, "He hates homosexuals."

"Especially homosexuals who engage in incestuous relationships."

"So that makes you fucked Dean."

"More so than you already have been."

The demons laughed again and Sam's blood began to boil over with rage.

"What would Sam say, if he could see you now?"

"He would probably laugh."

"You're so pathetic."

"He'd say- - "

"I'd say go to hell but you're already here!"

Sam lunged at the nearest Demon and took him down. The demon screeched an unearthly sound and struggled violently against Sam, scratching at him with his sharp talon-like nails and trying to kick Sam off of him.

The demon and Dean were both shocked that Sam was here and doing what he was doing.

Sam used his lower body strength to thrust the demon up and over his head and into a nearby fiery liquid. It's screams could be heard until the liquid must have filled it's lungs and sunk it like a submarine.

As if some magic gear had been turned, the other Demon jumped towards Sam, but Sam was too quick. He dove out of the way and rolled over towards Dean, pulling Holy water out from his pocket Sam doused the demon and it screamed as the it hit his eye. Not wasting any time, Sam took out a knife and cut the bounds that held Dean to his torture.

Just as he cut the last one the Demon came from behind Sam and knocked the knife out of his hand, sending Sam crashing to the floor. Sweat ran down towards his eye and he couldn't see very well.

All the sudden he felt a sharp point at his neck.

"You've done a very stupid thing Sam Winchester."

"Oh yeah?" Sam asked, trying to buy time. "And what's that?"

"You came back. You humans and your weak emotions. You did all this just to save your brother? What's ironic is the whole reason he's down here is because he made a deal to save you!"

While the demon was monologuing Dean made a grab at the knife and then punched the Demon backward. Taking Sam down to the ground with him he rolled towards the lake of fire.

Dean ran faster than he ever had in his life. Just as they were about to plunge into the fiery abyss, Dean stabbed the demon and stuck the knife through to the ground, sufficiently trapping the demon to the ground.

"You alright?"

Dean asked, helping Sam from his laying position.

"Fine," Sam replied, leaning in so that their foreheads were touching. "Now that you're here."

"What would you do without me?" Dean asked tiredly. Tiredly but happily.


Dean snorted.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Do you know where the cross roads demon is?"

Dean shook his head.

"She doesn't come here very often. Only the souls she collects."

"It's ok. That means she's right where I think she is."

"So what exactly does that mean?"

"It means we can get the fuck out of here." Sam replied, pointing to his entry place.

"Uh big problem there Sam. I sold my soul remember? Can't leave hell; under contract."

"Not unless the contractor is unfortunately deceased."

"Sam, no way. There is no way I'm risking you being dead again. You try and get me out of this deal and you'll end up dead yourself. Then what?"

Sam stood, thoughtful for a moment.

"Then I'll die knowing I at least tried to save you."


"Shh Dean."

Sam leaned in and gave his brother one last lingering kiss, promising more for Dean later if they got out of this alive.

"I'll be back."

"Sam..." Dean's voice was broken, full of desperation. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I'm still working on the first one. I haven't failed you yet."

- - -

"You don't know what you're turning down here kid."

Nathan sighed, the salesman routine getting old, he was about to snap. Standing facing her direction he watched her like a hawk. Sure she seemed like your average skanky bitch. But she was a demon. He couldn't forget that she had powers he knew not.

"I told you already. Sam and Dean are my family."

"And what if they don't make it back? What are you going to do then? Sit here forever and wait while they rot in hell?"

His fears materializing and being voiced, he started shaking. Wether with adrenaline or anger he didn't know.

"Just go the FUCK AWAY!"

"Alright, I tried to do this the nice way but you leave me no choice."

Suddenly she was on top of him, and he was on the ground. She was choking him and he couldn't breathe.

Gasping for breath he tried to grab onto anything that was near him. A sharp twig or the knife that Sam had given him. Anything to stop her from choking the life from him with her bare hands.

"Back off bitch! You're not taking anyone else away from me."

She smirked down at Nathan before getting up, as if greeting an old friend.

"Why Sam Winchester, is that really you?" she asked feigning surprise.

"In the flesh."

"So it would seem. I never thought I'd see the day."

"Well what do you know, here I am alive and well, and here you are, trying to steal another person I care about from me. Imagine that."
He snarked.

"Oh please! You don't even know him. What makes him so special?"

"He doesn't have to be special. He's young man whom we found all alone, no family, no nobody. We will take care of him. We'll give him what he needs."

"Can you really do that Sammy? Search real hard within yourself and answer me this. How much of a life is it really to be living in motels all the time and living on edge because there might be a demon attack? What kind of life can you really give him? Answer that Sammy, and then tell me you're doing the right thing."

Nathan saw what she was doing and met Sam square in the eye.

"You're doing the right thing."

"SHUT UP!" The cross roads demon said, getting violently angry for the first time.

Regaining her composure she turned to Sam.

"It doesn't matter anyway. You won't be getting Dean back."

Sam looked about ready to reply when he heard it. The slight rustling of the leaves and the cooing of a bird not indigenous to the area. One could only catch that if you were listening for it. He looked up and smirked.

"You've taken a lot from me. You should pat yourself on the back. It's a feat not many demons live to tell the tale about. Taking things from Sam Winchester that don't belong to them. That includes my brother-"

"Whom you're fucking."

"Who you took to hell, because he loved me."

"Whom you're fucking." She repeated.

Sam didn't let it deter him.

"And you know, usually they say it's women that get mad. But you'll learn a valuable lesson today demon."

"Oh?" She replied cockily, matching him step for step as the circled each other. "What are you going to teach us about to today Sam? The best method to seduce your brother?"

"NOW!" Sam yelled and caught the bullet from Bobby and the Colt from Nathan all at the same time.

In a flash Sam loaded the gun and held it to the Demon's head.

"No bitch," He said cocking it and then grabbing her hair, pulling her head towards his. "Hell. Hath. No. Fury..."

and with that he shot.

Like a lightning strike, flashing out of existence, the demon's shocked face is the last thing they saw before the demon died and he caught the human woman's body in his arms.

The open gates were thrown open even more wide with a loud thud, and souls escaped from everywhere. Thousands had been harnessed by this one crossroads demon, and thousands were now being released back to their natural lives. What was left of them anyway.

As the souls shot from the depths, Sam only looked for one.

And when he saw him, all was right with the world.

Sam Winchester didn't have much. He didn't have a permanent residence, he didn't have a college degree, and he didn't have what was called 'The American Dream'. But he wasn't one to dwell on what he didn't have, he'd learned that it was too painful to do so long ago. What he did have was his close friends, his brother whom he loved with all his heart and soul, someone he could fall asleep next to every night and wake up to every morning and he had his new friend Nathan. No he didn't have much in the eyes of material value, but when it came to the stuff that mattered he was pretty damn lucky.

Dean stumbled a little when walking over to his Sammy, but he made it.

"Finally." Sam chuckled and then kissed Dean's mouth.

"Whatever." Dean replied, smiling devilishly and returning Sam's kiss. "Took you long enough."

"Hey. I got you out didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

"You didn't think I would did you?" Sam teased.

"You had me going there for a while."

"Yeah well..." Sam kissed him again, lingering longer each time. "I never break my promises."

"Uh, not that I'm happy that you're alive and all, but do you two think you could get a room?" Nathan asked.

Bobby chuckled from behind him and patted him on the back.

"Get used to it kid."

"It's Nathan." He replied sullenly, and everyone laughed.

"Oh god baby!" Dean shouted, rushing towards the impala as fast as he could. He must have hugged the hunk of metal for at least ten minutes straight.

"Would you like some time alone?"

"Come on Sammy! I haven't seen her in ages."

"Ok Dean."

"So what are you boys doing now?" Bobby asked.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, then back at Bobby.

"Come on Nathan, get in the car."

Opening the doors on either side of the impala Sam and Dean slid in and simultaneously shut her doors. Sam may have saved Dean but things were far from okay. The world was in danger once again...and most didn't know what they were in danger of.

"We've got work to do."

Pulling out of the cemetery parking lot Sam couldn't help but smile.

Yes, Sam Winchester didn't have much, but he had his brother, the love of his life and he had hope. Hope for the future of mankind, hope for the next generation that would one day carry on the Winchester name and business, and hope that maybe Dean wouldn't use all the hot water tomorrow morning.

But most of all he just had hope and as long as there was that, and Dean...

That was enough for him.
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