Brave and Crazy Part 5

Oct 30, 2007 05:03

Brave and Crazy Part 5
Title: Brave and Crazy Part 5
Author: Fanfic_Addict04
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Bobby, OMC's
Warnings: Angst, Drama, Mentions of character death, Wincest
Summary: Fourth part in the series. Sam will do anything for Dean, he just needs a nudge in the right direction.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

- - - -

Gasps filled an otherwise quiet room as Sam and Nathan simultaneously woke up. Groans followed soon after, both of them feeling the pain of their little trips.

"Nathan?" Sam whispered.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Fuck my head hurts."

"You could say that again."

"Fuck my head hurts."

Nathan sighed in response.

"Can't we just stay here?"

"We might as well have just stayed in your wish world if that was the case!"

"So that's what that was?"

"Yes. That creature out there is what's known as a Djinn. It's like an evil version of Aladdin's Genie."

"Aladdin?" Nathan asked.

Sam sighed. "It's an entity that grants you a wish. But you're not really getting what you want because while you're in your wish world, then you get the life literally sucked out of you. You're dying slowly while you are blissfully unaware."


Silence once again filled the room like blackness did their vision. Moonlight illuminated a small fraction through a stained and dusty window, but there was little else in the way of lighting. Sam's hunter senses could pick up the movements of the Djinn. It was lurking near the door, waiting for any sign of life, and then it would make it's move.

"So do you know how to save Dean?"

"Shh!" Sam chastised.

"Sorry," Nathan whispered. "So do you know how we're going to save Dean?"

Sam looked around as his pupils adjusted to the lighting once more. His head pounded in tandem with his heart beat and he desperately wished for an aspirin and a full night's rest.

"There's a gun, it's called the Colt. It was used to kill one of the most dangerous demons that my family has ever faced. It has another function as well. It is a key to the gates of hell."

Nathan's eyes went wide and his breath quickened. That there could actually be a gate to hell on earth, and no one knowing about it? That was just too much.

"How do you know about all this stuff?"

"Let's just say it's the family business. Since I was a little kid, after our mom died, our father trained us to be hunters. We kill these things for a living. It isn't great pay and the conditions aren't what one would call awesome, but the payoff at the end. The saving lives part? That's what makes it worth it."

"Sorry about your mom. You're dad sounds like a real hard ass though. Dean must take after him."

Sam chuckled and then all the sudden rushed to sit up, and hit his head on the desk. The noise halted the Djinn from it's loitering and Sam knew it had to realize they were both conscious now.

"Fuck." Sam whispered, and scrambled further away from the door, as quietly as he could.

Silence proceeded and the Djinn didn't make any more moves. Sam let out a sigh of relief, before thinking back to what caused the disturbance.

"You know Dean and I are brothers?"


Sam mentally smacked himself.

"And you're not freaking out."

"Uh, buddy, I just learned there are demons out there and a gate to hell on earth. I think incest is the least of my problems. Besides. Take it from someone who's never had love in any way, shape, or form. Love isn't really ever a bad thing. I'm glad that you are happy, and that you two have each other. You should feel blessed."

Sam smiled.

"I do."

"Sorry to ruin this little kodak moment though, how are we going to get out of here?"

Sam surveyed the room.

"Ok, I think this is the back of the building...we'll have to move quickly, but if we can smash that window and get to the impala then we already have to colt. All we have to do is get to Dean."

"Well dude, what the fuck are we waiting for?"


"Christ." Nathan laughed, "You're already turning into my dad?"

Sam stuck out his tongue.

Nathan smirked, "Or would you be my mother?"

"Ha ha, very funny. Look around and see if you can't find a blunt object somewhere."

As soon as they began clattering around, there were sudden pounding noises on the other side of the door. The Djinn had obvious intentions of getting in.

"Come on, we have to move fast!"

"Sorry but I can't see a fucking thing!"

They both grabbed onto it at the same time. It wasn't heavy, but it was strong enough. Together they lifted the chair into the air and the four metal rods glistened in the moonlight.

Looking at each other from across the chair they each took hold of the legs on their side.

"One, Two," Faces scrunched with effort and force they slammed the chair through the glass, "THREE!"

Covering the edges of the broken glass on the window sill, Sam grabbed at a sheet and threw it over.

"Go! Go! GO!"

He yelled and pushed Nathan towards the edge of the window, hauling him over it and then hurtling himself over using his body weight. Just then splinters showered the area they had just occupied as the Djinn broke through the wooden door that had kept them safe for so long.


Gravel crunched beneath their feet as they made their way around the building. The forces of exhaustion and survival dueling each other in each of their bodies. When the impala came into view, Sam almost collapsed from joy. That little part of Dean like a beacon of energy and hope, he clambered the last few feet to the beloved car and dove into the driver's seat, Nathan not far behind.

Nathan rounded the corner to the passenger side and jumped through the window. Not wasting another moment, Sam gunned it in reverse. Had Dean been there he would have slapped his brother a couple of times for treating his baby in such an unruly manner. But Dean wasn't there to witness the angry Djinn running towards his baby either.

As gravel spun forwards underneath the wheels, and the Djinn got farther away faster and faster, Sam had to grin.

They were on their way. They were gonna save Dean.

"Where we headed?" Nathan asked, imminent danger having left his voice spilling over with exhaustion.

"Get some sleep. You'll need it kid."

"It's Nathan!" he corrected, "And you didn't answer my question."

Sam could see Nathan drifting off even as he reprimanded Sam for his mistake, and he had to smile.

"We're making a special visit. To Wyoming."

- - -



"Yeah, it's me. Listen sorry about the late hour."

"Or early depending on how you look at it. But damn Sam it's good to hear your voice again. What happened?"

"That's not important right now. Look I ne--"

"Why are you whispering?"

"BOBBY!" Sam hissed into the phone. "Would you pay attention? That isn't relevant. Now I need you to do something for me. The colt...You had all the information we knew about it, right?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Just stop for a second. I need you to go through and see if you can't find what the bastard used to make the bullets for that thing."

"Sam, what is it that you're trying to do? I've searched all over the place for anything remotely related to the colt. I haven't found anything on it since we got the damn thing."

"Did you check the database?"


"Alright. Find out what you can about the making of the bullets, and then if you can bobby..." Sam sighed at what was sure to draw a riot from his old friend. "I want you to make another bullet."

- - -

The cemetery looked eerily identical to the last time Sam had been there with Dean. That last time when they had been so full of hope for the world, and Sam so confident that he would save Dean before his year was up. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he and his older brother would be in a relationship.

There were so many things that had happened since that night that they hadn't planned on. The one reason Sam had to return the biggest mark of his failures.

"The one thing you were supposed to do that would change both of your lives for ever...your one chance to be his protector, and you failed."

"Your pathetic."

The voice of the cross roads bitch rang out in his ears.

"You alright Sam?"

Nathan could see the familiar glisten of sadness in Sam's eye, as the light of the coming dawn played upon Sam's face.

"Yeah it's just. Dean's down there you know? He's there and he's suffering, and it's all because I couldn't save him. I wasn't strong enough...too selfish, too bull headed to know what was good for me."

"Hey. Hey Sam. Don't do that alright? We all are faced with situations that we can't always deal with. You did your best Sam, and Dean didn't expect anymore out of you. He went, sure. But he went knowing you loved him. And hey! We're here to bring him back. When I came to get you, you could've just told me to fuck off, and spent the rest of your unnatural life in that fake make believe universe. But you didn't! You came're fighting for him, and you haven't given up Sam! That's what counts now. So quit dwelling on the past and start gearing up to kick some demon ass cause they've got your man, and you want him back."

Sam looked over at Nathan and could see all the wisdom of a man way beyond either of their years. Nathan was right. Sam was here. He was here to get Dean back, and that's what they were going to do. If Sam died in the process he was going to save Dean.

New resolve fermented inside of him, Sam went to the back of the impala and gingerly lifted the broken ends of the trunk up and peered inside. Scattering a few random weapons around he searched for the one they would need. Feeling the familiar weight of it against his hand again was reassuring. Like coming back home.

"Come on. Let's go."

Instead of sneaking around under the cover of the moon and stalking an unsuspecting prey, Sam and Nathan walked confidently through the eerily quiet death site.

"This is too easy."

Nathan looked over at Sam.


"It's too easy." Sam repeated, looking back over at Nathan as they continued toward the door. "Haven't you ever seen one of those old thriller movies where it looks like the victims are free to go but then the villain comes back and then it's like all over for them?"

Nathan shook his head. "No...the people I lived next to were really more into romantic comedies..."

Sam sighed, and then focused his attention back on the task at hand. The leaves crushing beneath their shoes were echoing in their ears and the looked around for anything out of the ordinary.

Reaching the gate Sam took one last look around, and then brought the Colt up to the spot it was made for.

"Ready for this kid?"

Without even sparing Sam a glance, he replied. "It's Nathan, and if you don't shove that key in right now, I'll take it and do it for you."

Sam closed his eyes and nodded, the weight of what they were doing finally settling in.

"This is it."

Bringing the gun up to the key hole, he jabbed it in, as if he were stabbing his most hated enemy. The symbol began to turn and the grinding of the cement solidified that there was no going back. Not that Sam would.

As soon as there was a crack small enough for Sam to get through he did, diving through and rolling into a pit that sunk in just as he got it, like quick sand. Before he went under he saw Nathan trying to push the doors closed, just as he had instructed him.

So far, all was going according to plan.

- - -

"Come on Damn it! Come on!"

"Tsk Tsk. Such foul language. Didn't you parents teach you any better?"

Nathan jumped away from the door and whipped around, seeing a beautiful brown haired woman staring back at him, a sly smirk gracing her features.

"You." he breathed. Sam had warned him about her. Said she might come around while he was away.

"Aw. Not happy to see me? But we barely know each other." She pouted.

"Oh Sam's told me all about you."

"I'm sure he has."

"So I know enough to stay the fuck away from you."

"Again with the language. You really should learn some manners. Although what can a demon expect? No parents around to teach you right from wrong."

Nathan grew more angry with every syllable she spoke.

"You shut up! You don't know anything about me."

He couldn't be sure that she didn't...she was, after all, a demon...whose powers he knew nothing about. But she had no right to patronize him as she was.

"I know enough." She said, circling him, stopping next to the gate. "I know that you want a family so bad, that you're willing to do whatever it is Sam says so that he and Dean will become your family. Isn't that right?"

"No." Nathan shook his head at her, as if to further make his point. "I don't need anyone. Sam and Dean are good people, and're a bitch."

"Oh come on Nathan! I can give you something else. I can give you a real family. I could give you any type of family you want. All you have to do is...say the word and," She lazed her way towards him, running a finger down his chest, "Seal the deal."

Nathan gulped.

- - - Part 6
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