Streets of Fandom, Friday morning

Dec 09, 2016 09:16

Raven prowled through the streets of Fandom, keeping a wary eye out for any villagers foolish enough to be out by themselves (herself excluded, of course) or those who had gone hollow. She was also looking for any of these new visitors to the island she'd both sensed and heard about. Some of them felt...familiar in a way, though she couldn't ( Read more... )

karla, bde, didi, streets, anakin skywalker, kanan jarrus, sam winchester, raven

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Comments 87

glacial_queen December 9 2016, 14:42:45 UTC
Good luck directing Karla anywhere, Raven. You of all people should know how stubborn she was. But rather than continue to be stared at by Cassandra and not willing to kill what was left of the girl before they had a chance to see if they could somehow fix this thing--after the Nothing, Karla had a lot of faith that things could be fixed--she'd decided to leave the shantytown and head for the library, where hopefully the researchers would be hard at work. She'd always preferred to be on the fighting end of these things, but another pair of eyes on the researching side could only help.

"Raven?" she called when she spotted her friend. Karla was confused; hadn't she left Raven in the village still? "Did you teleport here to meet me?"


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 14:47:14 UTC
Raven tensed as she saw Karla and shifted into her demon form. "You finally dared to leave your nest?" she snarled.

She could hear Hannibal's words again in her head. "One day one of you will kill the other. Or you both will. No matter what happens, you'll hate it." True, but she wasn't going to run from the chance to put Karla to rest.


glacial_queen December 9 2016, 16:09:15 UTC
"My--nest?" Karla looked puzzled. "Is that some kind of bird pun from--Mother Night!" Honestly, it was a good thing that Karla had seen Raven's demon form frequently over the years, or she might have assumed she'd gone hollow in the ten or so minutes since she'd seen her last. "The Hell, Raven?!"


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 16:12:30 UTC
"Your illusions may trick my eyes but I will not let them fool my heart," Raven said. "I know what you are. Wear her face and use her voice all you want, but I know you are no longer her, abomination!"

This was her chance. Without her web to retreat into, the thing formerly known as Karla had no easy escape.


uncertain_dume December 9 2016, 14:46:02 UTC
Kanan's morning had been rough. Being thrown from a roof by what appeared to be a giant, monstrous version of himself had a funny way of doing that, really. But now that he'd managed to re-gain his bearings, collect his (very colorful) dalmatian, and get away from that place, he was feeling...

Well, not better, really. He'd bandaged up his skinned hand and had gone so far as to actually reassemble his lightsaber, which he was wearing openly at his hip, a weird, almost unfamiliar symmetry to the blaster he had on the other one. The Empire was the last thing he needed to be concerned about, here, and it wasn't like he was fooling anybody who had any idea who the Jedi were in the first place. Probably.

The Force was chewing at his head, rattling the inside of his mind, telling him to make his way to the Park. So... here he was, with a technicolor dog, doing just that and looking less than pleased (and possibly a little traumatized) as he went.

Space, he needed to get the hell off this island.


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 14:55:01 UTC
"It is unwise to be wandering about alone," Raven said, teleporting from the roof she'd been crouched atop to the street behind Kanan.

The dog didn't count. At least not unless it proved itself a fighter, but the technicolor canine was probably going to attract some of the creatures that roamed the former town.

"You should go to the village. It is safer there."


uncertain_dume December 9 2016, 15:00:52 UTC
Behind him? Raven, that was positively sadistic. Kanan jumped, spinning on his heel, hand reaching for the saber at his hip and halfway to having it ignited before he registered that the person standing there... probably wasn't going to throw him off another roof.

Stance, meanwhile, hunkered down and growled.

"The goal wasn't to wander, believe me," Kanan said, taking a deep breath before straightening up again, moving to clip his weapon back to his belt. "I needed to get out of that apartment. The village... is that the quiet space in the park?"


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 15:04:14 UTC
Sorry, Kanan, Raven firmly believed people wandering alone should get a good scare.

Again, herself excluded, of course.

"Yes, the park," she said. "It is protected as best we can manage and safe from most of the horrors that wander the island."

She tilted her head, eyeing his lightsaber. "You are a Jedi?"


deathof_you December 9 2016, 15:36:51 UTC
Today was a better day than yesterday, though not such a good one that Death remembered to cast a shadow.

She tilted her head curiously at Raven, wondering whether she would be fun to play with. (The strongest ones scream the prettiest, she thought, before dismissing the thought. She wasn't going to make anyone scream, not yet.)

"Hello," she said, a bit vaguely, as though she wan't sure whether to expect an answer.


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 15:52:39 UTC
"Hello, Didi," Raven said warily. She hadn't expected Death herself to fall victim to the corruption of the island, but sadly that hadn't proven to be the case.


deathof_you December 9 2016, 16:09:42 UTC
"People used to call me that," Death said, sounding surprised. She knew and forgot her human name and learned it again all the time. "People used to call me a lot of things. People used to call you Rachel."

It had taken island magic on top of the corruption for Death to become this hollow and this close to monstrous. But once the coruption's claws were in, there was nothing she could do to stop it.


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 16:22:36 UTC
Rachel. She hadn't heard that name in a long time, either. Why had she used that name instead of her own? She couldn't quite remember.

"Lady Death is what I would often call you," Raven said, still keeping her distance. Others who had gone hollow she could fight. She wasn't so sure she could deal with one of the Endless, even corrupted as she was.


psychic_horror December 9 2016, 16:55:33 UTC
Oh look, one of Sam's favorite people had left the comfort of the village all by herself. He smiled as he watched Raven, keeping himself shrunk down to a more normal height than the strong, powerful form he was able to take now. "Having a good morning?" he asked smoothly.


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 17:00:54 UTC
Oh, Sam. Raven had grieved for you, too. But was this her Sam, or one who had come from that other Fandom? She couldn't tell yet.

"It has been an interesting morning so far," she said vaguely, keeping a wary eye on him. "It remains to be seen if it is truly good."


psychic_horror December 9 2016, 23:16:28 UTC
"I think it's going to be very good, with all the new people to play with." Sorry Raven, new Sam was probably buried in the library somewhere. "Have you found any new friends?"


raven_unhollow December 10 2016, 01:24:49 UTC
"Yes, and I do not think they will be willing to play much," Raven said. "Perhaps they are here to put an end to all this."

Was that hope? It had been too long since she'd had the faintest glimmer of it.


unbalancedforce December 9 2016, 21:52:33 UTC
Anakin gave Raven a small smile. "Still here. Good."

[OOC: All the sp?]


raven_unhollow December 9 2016, 21:55:01 UTC
Raven managed a smile of her own. "As are you," she said. "Good."

She did a brief check to make certain he wasn't in need of any healing, then said, "There are newcomers here, from another Fandom. Have you seen any of them?"

[Alllllllllll the SP!]


unbalancedforce December 10 2016, 13:39:07 UTC
"From a distance," Anakin said. "There's another me. I can feel him. It's disturbing."


raven_unhollow December 10 2016, 14:00:10 UTC
Raven nodded. "It is," she agreed. "But it is also...hopeful?" The word felt strange to say after all this time.

"I met Karla. Not the thing that dwells in the preserve, but Karla as she was before."


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