Streets of Fandom, Friday morning

Dec 09, 2016 09:16

Raven prowled through the streets of Fandom, keeping a wary eye out for any villagers foolish enough to be out by themselves (herself excluded, of course) or those who had gone hollow. She was also looking for any of these new visitors to the island she'd both sensed and heard about. Some of them felt...familiar in a way, though she couldn't really explain how -- due either to her empathy being turned down by choice or tiny fragments of her memory drifting away. If they were friend, she'd direct them to the village and safety. If they were not, well, she'd deal with that, too.

She didn't want to get her hopes up that it was help. Hope had long since evaporated, the last traces of it gone after she'd lost Karla. Now it was just protection and survival.

[Open to any villagers, transplantees, hollows, monsters, whomever!]

karla, bde, didi, streets, anakin skywalker, kanan jarrus, sam winchester, raven

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