Demon Marcus, Sunday

Oct 16, 2016 08:36

Sparkle had a fish in a cup.

It had been an impulse buy, of course, when he'd taken a meandering route to work and had found himself peering into the animal shelter window at a bunch of puppies and kittens and things. He'd stopped in, mostly to wiggle his fingers at the smallest kitties ever dammit, and somehow before he'd left, he'd noticed a couple of plastic cups out with betta fish floating in them, looking as though they were begging him for sweet freedom.

That there had been a Halloween-looking one had pretty much clenched it. So now, Sparkle had a fish in a cup. And a little tank with a filter and some gravel and a couple of cute plants and some fish food that all needed to be set up somewhere that it wasn't all going to get knocked over, sure. But fish. Cup.

There was a new shipment of Halloween-themed onesies in that could wait for a little while. Sparkle was busy trying to figure out where to put the little guy. He couldn't take him home. It was bad enough that he'd gotten a new houseplant over the week, named it Guillermo, gave it a little bowtie, and left it on the windowsill there as it was. So, Fish-in-a-Cup was going to have to stay at the shop.

... It had been a lonely week. But Dr. Lecter had left him a turkey dinner for him to find when he'd went back to feed the cats after taking Joni on her little outing, so it hadn't been all bad.

[OOC: Open!]

lucille sharpe, sparkle, pixie dust

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